Game on April 26, 2024 at 00:32, 1 player
1. 135 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 38 38
2. 8D 67 105
3. K5 82 187
4. J5 38 225
5. E5 94 319
6. L1 26 345
7. D11 32 377
8. 15D 86 463
9. C9 32 495
10. 14J 66 561
11. 2I 74 635
12. B11 31 666
13. A5 85 751
14. 1C 94 845
15. G5 34 879
16. 2E 35 914
17. 1A 45 959
18. B4 32 991
19. D3 31 1022
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7047 roocatcher 1 5:17 -887 135 1.7047 roocatcher 1 5:17 -887 135
On 1st draw, FAXES H4 38 --- FAX to transmit and reproduce by electronic means [v]
Other moves: PRAXES H4 36, PAXES H4 34, FAXES H8 32, PRAXES H3 32, PRAXES H7 32
On 2nd draw, BANISHED 8D 67 --- BANISH to expel [v]
Other moves: BEHIND G5 41, AHED G6 34, AHIND G6 34, BAH G5 34, HAINED G2 34
On 3rd draw, ROADIN(G)S K5 82 --- ROADING a wood-cock's evening flight [n]
Other tops: SARDONI(C) K5 82, (D)ISADORN K4 82
Other moves: A(B)RASION 5E 78, A(B)RASION E5 78, ORINASA(L) 5D 78, ORINASA(L) E4 78, ROSA(R)IAN 5E 78
On 4th draw, AKEE J5 38 --- AKEE a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: KEET J6 38
Other moves: MAK J4 37, KNAVE L1 36, TEAK J3 36, ETAMIN G4 35, KAE J6 35
KEET J6 38 roocatcher
On 5th draw, OBTAINED E5 94 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v]
Other moves: BIDENT L2 31, DEBIT G5 31, DEBIT L3 31, DOBIE G5 31, DEBT L4 29
DEBIT G5 31 roocatcher
On 6th draw, UNGUES L1 26 --- UNGUIS a nail, claw, or hoof [n]
Other tops: GUN(G)ES L1 26
Other moves: NU(D)GES L1 24, UNG(U)ES L1 24, U(N)GUES L1 24, GENS L4 23, GENU L4 23
NEG I3 15 roocatcher
On 7th draw, TILTH D11 32 --- TILTH cultivated land [n]
Other tops: THINL(Y) 2I 32
Other moves: HINT(S) 2J 30, HIN(A)U 2J 30, HUNT(S) 2J 30, TIL(T)H D11 30, TIT(C)H D11 30
HILT L12 26 roocatcher
On 8th draw, H(Y)DATOID 15D 86 --- HYDATOID watery [adj]
Other moves: ADD(I)TION 2E 65, ADDIT(I)ON 2E 63, H(Y)DATOID I8 63, ATHOD(Y)D 15B 33, H(Y)DATID 15D 33
On 9th draw, LOAVE C9 32 --- LOAVE to form a head as in a cabbage [v]
Other tops: VENAL 2J 32
Other moves: LAVE C10 28, RAVE C10 28, LAEVO 14J 27, LAVER 14J 27, LOAVE 14J 27
On 10th draw, QAT 14J 66 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI 14J 65, QUATE 1K 42, QUIET 1K 42, QUITE 1K 42, PIETA 14J 39
On 11th draw, AZONIC 2I 74 --- AZONIC not restricted to any particular zone [adj]
Other tops: ZINCOS 2J 74
Other moves: ZINCO 2J 72, ZINCS 2J 72, CAZ B8 67, SAZ B8 65, AZO B12 44
On 12th draw, LAEVO B11 31 --- LAEVO turning towards the left [adj]
Other moves: PAVE 1F 29, APIOL G6 27, VELA G3 27, VOLA G3 27, VOLE G3 27
On 13th draw, MERINGS A5 85 --- MERING a marking off [n]
Other tops: GERMINS A5 85, GERMINS M8 85, MERINGS M8 85, MINGERS A5 85, MINGERS M8 85
Other moves: MER(G)INGS 11H 60, MINGES M9 37, GERMIN 1D 35, GRIMES M9 35, MINERS M9 35
GRIM 1F 25 roocatcher
On 14th draw, CRUMPLE 1C 94 --- CRUMPLE to wrinkle [v]
Other moves: REPLUM B1 46, CURPEL 1D 41, CLUMP 1E 37, CRUMP 1E 37, REPLUM 1D 37
On 15th draw, TOWIER G5 34 --- TOWY resembling coarse hemp or flax fiber [adj]
Other moves: TOWIE G5 33, REWORE B2 32, REWET B2 28, ROWER B2 28, TOWER B2 28
On 16th draw, RYE 2E 35 --- RYE a cereal grass [n]
Other moves: YE 2F 32, YO 2F 32, GRYESY 12G 28, GYROSE 12G 28, EYRY B2 27
On 17th draw, UNCRUMPLE 1A 45 --- CRUMPLE to wrinkle [v]
Other moves: PUISNY 12H 28, SNIPY 12K 28, SPINY 12K 28, PINY B2 25, PUNY B2 25
On 18th draw, GIF B4 32 --- GIF if [conj]
Other moves: JOY D3 31, RIF B4 31, IF B5 30, OF B5 30, JO 15A 27
On 19th draw, JOW D3 31 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other tops: J*WJEW D3 31
Other moves: JOR C3 28, SPREW 12K 28, JO 15A 27, SEROW 12K 24, WORSE 12H 24
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