Game on April 26, 2024 at 07:27, 7 players
1. 266 pts Chelsea
2. 190 pts LongJump22
3. 54 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 68 68 


11C 72 140 


E5 70 210 


J10 36 246 


8A 75 321 


C7 36 357 


15F 92 449 


D1 35 484 


2B 48 532 


I2 64 596 


J5 57 653 


1G 94 747 


K3 38 785 


F10 28 813 


14J 42 855 


4K 26 881 


O11 68 949 


12L 34 983 


3M 28 1011 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 1 6:06 -745 266 1.8554 LongJump22 1 3:17 -821 190
LongJump22 1 3:17 -821 190 2.8558 Wuincunx 0 1:17 -957 54
Wuincunx 0 1:17 -957 54 3.8602 Vuincunx 0 1:40 -957 54
Vuincunx 0 1:40 -957 54 4.8754 Zuincunx 0 1:26 -971 40
5. -
CCC333 0 1:53 -969 42 5.8574 Quincunx 0 1:51 -971 40
Zuincunx 0 1:26 -971 40 Group: advanced
Quincunx 0 1:51 -971 40 1.7076 Chelsea 1 6:06 -745 266
Group: not rated
1. - CCC333 0 1:53 -969 42
On 1st draw, O(U)TRIDE H7 68 --- OUTRIDE to ride faster or better than [v]
Other tops: DEOR(B)IT H4 68, DE(B)ITOR H4 68, DIOR(I)TE H4 68, DIO(P)TER H4 68, DIO(P)TRE H4 68, DOI(L)TER H4 68, DORTIE(R) H4 68, DOT(T)IER H4 68, DO(R)TIER H4 68, DO(T)TIER H4 68, D(I)ORITE H4 68, EDITOR(S) H3 68, ETO(U)RDI H7 68, IOD(U)RET H2 68, OR(B)ITED H6 68, ROI(S)TED H6 68, RO(S)ITED H6 68, RO(Z)ITED H6 68, TIEROD(S) H7 68, TRIODE(S) H8 68, T(H)EROID H6 68, (G)OITRED H6 68, (P)ERIDOT H8 68, (P)ROTEID H6 68, (S)ORTIED H6 68, (S)TEROID H6 68, (S)TORIED H6 68
Other moves: DEOR(B)IT H2 66, DEOR(B)IT H3 66, DEOR(B)IT H6 66, DEOR(B)IT H7 66, DE(B)ITOR H3 66
On 2nd draw, HOTELIER 11C 72 --- HOTELIER a hotel manager [n]
Other moves: THREE I6 28, THROE I6 28, HERETO 14F 27, HEROE 14F 26, LEHR G11 25
On 3rd draw, ABSOLUTE E5 70 --- ABSOLUTE free from restriction [adj] --- ABSOLUTE something that is absolute [n]
Other moves: ABSOLUTE 9B 65, BLOUSE K7 40, BOULES K6 40, OBELUS K6 40, USABLE K10 40
On 4th draw, TRANQ J10 36 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: DENOTE D8 31, TEAED D4 29, TEENED 12A 28, QAT D3 26, TEADE 12A 25
On 5th draw, DIAZO 8A 75 --- DIAZO a type of photocopy [n] --- DIAZO containing a certain chemical group [adj]
Other moves: ZAIRE 12A 57, WAREZ D1 53, WAREZ G3 52, ZERDA D1 52, AZIDO 8A 51
On 6th draw, FAITHER C7 36 --- FAITHER (Scots) father [n]
Other moves: ENUF 10C 35, FIERE 12A 33, FETID 12D 32, FERINE 13C 31, FEINTER 13G 30
On 7th draw, LEGISTS 15F 92 --- LEGIST one learned or skilled in the law [n]
Other tops: LEGISTS 15D 92
Other moves: LEGISTS G1 64, LEGISTS I1 64, STEIL K11 49, LEGIST K7 42, GEIST K8 40
On 8th draw, POBOY D1 35 --- POBOY a large sandwich on a long split roll [n]
Other moves: BY F5 34, YO F6 30, POBOY G3 28, POBOY I3 28, BOYO D3 27
On 9th draw, FLOCK 2B 48 --- FLOCK to gather or move in a crowd [v]
Other moves: ENLOCK 2A 44, INLOCK 2A 44, CLONK 2B 42, PICKLE 1D 42, FLECK G3 34
PICKLE 1D 42 Chelsea, CCC333
On 10th draw, REGNANT I2 64 --- REGNANT reigning [adj]
Other moves: NEAP 1A 25, REAP 1A 25, GENNEL F10 22, REGNANT 13G 22, AGENE F9 21
REGNANT I2 64 LongJump22
REAP 1A 25 Chelsea
On 11th draw, AXE(S) J5 57 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other tops: EXE(S) J5 57
Other moves: AXE J5 56, AX(E) J5 54, EX(O) J5 54, (A)XE J5 54, AX J5 52
AXE J5 56 Chelsea
EX(O) J5 54 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 12th draw, REPONED 1G 94 --- REPONE to restore to office [v]
Other moves: REOPENED 3H 72, PONDERED A5 64, PERDENDO A5 63, DEPONE 1G 41, OPENED 1H 41
REOPENED 3H 72 LongJump22
DOPER K3 40 Zuincunx, Chelsea, Quincunx
On 13th draw, AIMER K3 38 --- AIMER one that aims [n]
Other moves: GRIMACE 4I 37, ACME K3 36, CAME K3 36, ARMURE 2H 33, CREME 12A 32
CAME K3 36 Chelsea
On 14th draw, MENIAL F10 28 --- MENIAL a domestic servant [n]
Other moves: AMEN F9 26, LAW C2 25, MAWN 2L 25, WAI F5 25, WAIT K12 25
WAIT K12 25 Chelsea
On 15th draw, QUICH 14J 42 --- QUICH to stir [v]
Other moves: QUINO 14J 32, QUOIN 14J 32, CHOU G6 31, OUD L4 30, DUNCH G3 29
QUICH 14J 42 Chelsea
On 16th draw, INDOW 4K 26 --- INDOW to bequeath [v]
Other moves: AVOID B5 25, LAW C2 25, LOW C2 25, VOID B6 24, WAND B12 23
On 17th draw, GYVES O11 68 --- GYVE to shackle [v]
Other moves: SAVEY O11 56, VAES O12 53, VIES O12 53, GIVES O11 50, EASY K9 45
On 18th draw, JIVY 12L 34 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JO 1A 32, OUIJA N7 31, AVOW O1 30, JA N10 28, WAVY 12L 26
On 19th draw, AWA 3M 28 --- AWA away [adj] --- AWA away [adv]
Other moves: LAW C2 25, LOW C2 25, WAI F5 25, AWA F4 23, WO F5 22
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