Game on April 26, 2024 at 11:15, 12 players
1. 278 pts Chelsea
2. 253 pts LongJump22
3. 96 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 22 22 


7G 81 103 


11E 106 209 


12H 31 240 


8L 44 284 


8A 91 375 


13H 52 427 


12A 48 475 


A10 45 520 


J3 39 559 


10D 33 592 


3H 36 628 


14J 36 664 


H1 54 718 


B5 27 745 


A1 53 798 


14A 34 832 


15K 29 861 


2A 34 895 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Chelsea 1 6:38 -617 278 1.9691 Pacific 0 3:16 -799 96
LongJump22 4 4:42 -642 253 Group: expert
Pacific 0 3:16 -799 96 1.8569 LongJump22 4 4:42 -642 253
Vuincunx 2 2:37 -803 92 2.8602 Vuincunx 2 2:37 -803 92
ArcticFox 1 2:58 -824 71 3.8607 Quincunx 0 1:22 -839 56
Quincunx 0 1:22 -839 56 4.8558 Wuincunx 0 1:50 -839 56
Wuincunx 0 1:50 -839 56 5.8816 Zuincunx 0 1:49 -870 25
Mycophot 1 0:57 -842 53 Group: advanced
9. -
JJJJJJ1143 1 1:57 -847 48 1.7068 Chelsea 1 6:38 -617 278
Zuincunx 0 1:49 -870 25 2.7014 ArcticFox 1 2:58 -824 71
HollyIvy 0 1:22 -873 22 3.7767 Mycophot 1 0:57 -842 53
sicilianc5 0 1:49 -873 22 4.7610 HollyIvy 0 1:22 -873 22
5.7694 sicilianc5 0 1:49 -873 22
Group: not rated
1. - JJJJJJ1143 1 1:57 -847 48
On 1st draw, R(A)BIC H8 22 --- RABIC pertaining to rabies [adj]
Other tops: BIRC(H) H4 22, BRIC(K) H4 22, B(A)RIC H4 22, B(A)RIC H8 22, B(O)RIC H4 22, B(O)RIC H8 22, CRIB(S) H4 22
Other moves: IRI(D)IC H7 20, IRI(T)IC H7 20, CIR(R)I H4 18, CI(R)RI H4 18, R(A)BIC H4 18
CRIB(S) H4 22 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, WAVESON 7G 81 --- WAVESON goods floating after a shipwreck [n]
Other moves: WAVESON I5 78, WAVESON G3 73, NAVEW I5 29, SEWAN I7 29, WAVES 7G 28
WAVESON 7G 81 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, PERISHED 11E 106 --- PERISH to die [v]
Other moves: PREHENDS M2 80, SPHERED N7 79, HESPERID 11B 78, RESH(A)PED 9D 70, EPHEDR(A)S 9B 68
PERISHED 11E 106 LongJump22
PERISHED 11E 56 Quincunx, Wuincunx
On 4th draw, COATES 12H 31 --- COATE to cite as evidence [v]
Other moves: COATE 12H 29, TABES 10F 26, TEATS 8K 25, TOAST 8K 25, TOEAS 8K 25
TEATS 8K 25 Zuincunx
On 5th draw, HONE 8L 44 --- HONE to sharpen [v]
Other tops: HERN 8L 44, HERO 8L 44, HOER 8L 44, HORE 8L 44, HORN 8L 44, HOUR 8L 44, HUER 8L 44
Other moves: HONER 6J 37, HONE 6J 34, HEN 6J 31, HOB 10F 31, HON 6J 31
HORN 8L 44 Chelsea
HONE 8L 44 LongJump22, Vuincunx
On 6th draw, ANIMA(T)OR 8A 91 --- ANIMATOR one that animates [n]
Other moves: AN(G)IOMA 13B 82, E(G)OMANIA O8 80, ANIMA(T)O 13D 79, AM(B)OINA 13B 78, AM(M)ONIA 13B 78
MANO 6J 33 Chelsea
On 7th draw, AXE 13H 52 --- AXE to ax [v]
Other moves: RETAX 13E 49, TAXON 13J 48, TAXOR 13J 48, OXEN 9L 47, OXER 9L 47
OXEN 9L 47 Chelsea
On 8th draw, JILLET 12A 48 --- JILLET a loose young woman [n]
Other moves: JILLET 6B 37, TAJINE B4 29, JAIL 12C 28, JEAT 12C 28, JILLETS K1 28
JILLET 12A 48 Vuincunx, JJJJJJ1143
JANE B6 27 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ADJIGO A10 45 --- ADJIGO an Australian edible yam [n]
Other moves: JADE A12 36, JEDI A12 36, DOGIE 14J 34, JIAO A12 33, DECAGON B2 30
JADE A12 36 Chelsea, Pacific
On 10th draw, AVIZED J3 39 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: DAVIT 14J 38, DIVAN 14J 38, AVIZE J3 37, DIZEN J4 35, ADZE J4 34
DAZE J4 34 Chelsea
On 11th draw, NAW 10D 33 --- NAW no [adv]
Other tops: RAW 10D 33, WAIN B10 33
Other moves: AW 10E 32, WAB 10F 32, WEB 10F 32, RENEW B6 31, WAI B10 30
WEB 10F 32 Pacific
RENEW B6 31 Chelsea
On 12th draw, QUANGOS 3H 36 --- QUANGO a public administrative board [n]
Other moves: QUANGO 3H 34, QUOTING 5F 34, QUANTS 3H 32, QUINOS 5H 30, QUINTS 5H 30
QUITS 5H 28 Pacific
SUQS M12 26 Chelsea
On 13th draw, DEBIT 14J 36 --- DEBIT to charge with a debt [v]
Other moves: BIPED 7A 33, TEPID 14J 29, BIDET 7A 27, DEG 9C 25, PINED B6 25
NIB B8 21 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, FAQIR H1 54 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: LIFER 15K 41, REFEL 15K 41, FAS K5 33, RIFLEMAN D3 26, RIFLEMEN D3 26
FE 9C 23 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, REGNUM B5 27 --- REGNUM dominion [n]
Other moves: MUGG L1 22, EMU 7B 21, GEIT B10 21, GEM 7C 21, GUM 7C 21
REGNUM B5 27 ArcticFox
MUGG L1 22 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, TRYKE A1 53 --- TRYKE a tricycle [n]
Other moves: TROKE A1 44, FETOR 15K 41, KEF 13M 36, KEY 13M 36, FORKY 10K 35
TRYKE A1 53 Mycophot
On 17th draw, GILCUP 14A 34 --- GILCUP a buttercup [n]
Other moves: GILTCUP 14A 28, ZIP 6J 24, P(A)C 9G 23, PIC 2M 22, PUGIL L1 22
On 18th draw, NOOIT 15K 29 --- NOOIT (South Africa) expressing pleased or shocked surprise [interj]
Other moves: INTROIT 5E 28, ONIE 15L 24, VEIN 4J 24, NOOIT 15E 21, NOS K5 21
On 19th draw, RETURF 2A 34 --- RETURF to lay new turf [v]
Other moves: REFEL 15E 30, TERFE 15E 30, REEF 15E 27, REFT 15E 27, TERF 15E 27
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