Game on April 27, 2024 at 17:28, 7 players
1. 311 pts Pacific
2. 190 pts LongJump22
3. 89 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


14B 79 105 


15A 37 142 


11E 102 244 


13H 48 292 


13C 33 325 


10J 29 354 


O6 45 399 


M7 33 432 


I2 69 501 


14J 39 540 


4H 28 568 


N2 29 597 


M1 57 654 


15L 25 679 


G7 23 702 


5E 20 722 


4A 22 744 


A1 140 884 


C1 86 970 

All tiles in the bag were taken.
Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Pacific 3 5:03 -659 311 1.9698 Pacific 3 5:03 -659 311
LongJump22 4 3:34 -780 190 Group: expert
Wuincunx 1 3:33 -881 89 1.8581 LongJump22 4 3:34 -780 190
4. -
MMM333 2 3:11 -896 74 2.8480 Wuincunx 1 3:33 -881 89
Vuincunx 0 1:15 -918 52 3.8582 Vuincunx 0 1:15 -918 52
Zuincunx 0 1:23 -941 29 4.8825 Zuincunx 0 1:23 -941 29
Quincunx 0 1:53 -941 29 5.8581 Quincunx 0 1:53 -941 29
Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 2 3:11 -896 74
On 1st draw, AMERCE H8 26 --- AMERCE to punish by imposing an arbitrary fine [v]
Other tops: AMERCE H3 26, CAREME H4 26, CAREME H8 26, EREMIC H7 26, RACEME H8 26
Other moves: CIMAR H4 24, CRAME H4 24, CREAM H4 24, CREAM H8 24, CREME H4 24
CAREME H8 26 LongJump22, MMM333
On 2nd draw, TOILETS 14B 79 --- TOILET to dress and groom oneself [v]
Other tops: LITOTES 14B 79
Other moves: COLETITS 12H 72, LITOTES I4 68, TRIOLETS 11G 66, MOTLIEST 9H 62, LITOTES I2 61
TOILETS 14B 79 Pacific, LongJump22
TOILETS 14B 29 Zuincunx, Quincunx
On 3rd draw, GAYS 15A 37 --- GAY a homosexual [n]
Other tops: DAYS 15A 37, DEYS 15A 37
Other moves: YADS 15A 35, TAYS 15A 34, GAED 15A 33, YEST 15A 31, DAYS 13A 30
DEYS 15A 37 LongJump22
DAYS 15A 37 Wuincunx
On 4th draw, OV(E)RHAIR 11E 102 --- OVERHAIR fur covering of some animals [n]
Other moves: (T)OVARICH 12B 80, OV(E)RHAIR 11A 76, OVERHAI(R) 10F 73, OVE(R)HAIR 10F 73, (B)EHAVIOR 10G 67
OV(E)RHAIR 11E 52 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 5th draw, EXEMED 13H 48 --- EXEME to release or exempt [v]
Other moves: EXITED 13H 44, REMEX L11 44, REMIX L11 44, MIXED 12A 39, MIXTE 12A 36
EXEMED 13H 48 LongJump22, MMM333
On 6th draw, SPAR 13C 33 --- SPAR to provide with spars (stout poles used to support rigging) [v]
Other tops: SLAP 13C 33
Other moves: LISP 13A 32, RISP 13A 32, REAPS 10G 31, PILA 13A 30, SPA 13C 29
On 7th draw, BLARE 10J 29 --- BLARE to sound loudly [v]
Other tops: AERIAL 14J 29, BLAER 10J 29, BLEAR 10J 29
Other moves: BAAL 10J 26, BAEL 10J 26, BLAE 10J 26, BAA 10J 25, ACER 12G 23
On 8th draw, WAYED O6 45 --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: WYTED O6 45, YAWED O6 45
Other moves: WADY O8 42, TAWED O6 36, AWED O7 33, DEAWY I5 33, TEDY O8 33
On 9th draw, JEER(S) M7 33 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other tops: JOWE(D) N7 33
Other moves: J*WsJEW(S) 10B 30, JOW(L) 10B 30, JOW(S) 10B 30, JEE(D) 10B 27, JEE(L) 10B 27
On 10th draw, OVATING I2 69 --- OVATE to receive with an ovation [v]
Other moves: GITANO N1 25, CON 12H 24, COT 12H 24, GONIA N2 23, NGAIO N2 23
On 11th draw, FOH 14J 39 --- FOH expressing disgust [interj]
Other tops: FAH 14J 39, FEH 14J 39
Other moves: FANE 14J 37, FANO 14J 37, FONE 14J 37, HONE 14J 37, FAE 14J 33
On 12th draw, KAURI 4H 28 --- KAURI a timber tree [n]
Other moves: KA H4 24, KI H4 24, KINARA 4D 22, UAKARI 4H 22, UNAKIN 4G 22
On 13th draw, FANGO N2 29 --- FANGO a medicinal mud from thermal springs [n]
Other moves: FA J6 28, POGONIA 2H 28, IGAPO N2 27, PINGO N2 27, PONGA N2 27
On 14th draw, WIZ M1 57 --- WIZ a very clever or skillful person [n]
Other moves: POZ M1 55, ZEP M1 41, ZIP M1 41, ZOWIE 6F 39, IONIZE 6F 37
WIZ M1 57 Pacific
On 15th draw, SNOD 15L 25 --- SNOD smooth [adj] --- SNOD to trim [v]
Other tops: SOLD 15L 25, STUD 15L 25
Other moves: DOGS 5L 22, DUGS 5L 22, SLOT 15L 22, SLUT 15L 22, SNOT 15L 22
On 16th draw, ABOD(E) G7 23 --- ABODE to forebode [v]
Other tops: ADOB(E) G7 23
Other moves: BAD(E) G8 21, BOD(E) G8 21, DUO J6 21, AB J1 20, OB J1 20
On 17th draw, UPLIT 5E 20 --- UPLIGHT to light to a higher brightness [v]
Other tops: UP J1 20
Other moves: PI 14N 19, PI 12E 17, UP H1 16, KIP H4 15, PI H1 14
On 18th draw, CUTIN 4A 22 --- CUTIN a waxy substance found on plants [n]
Other moves: NICE 6H 19, TICE 6H 19, TIC 6H 18, UNCTION 2D 17, UNITE 6B 17
On 19th draw, ELECTION A1 140 --- ELECTION the act of electing [n]
Other moves: COTELINE A4 80, CENTILE A4 27, CINEOLE A4 27, LECTION A2 27, LICENTE A2 27
ELECTION A1 140 Pacific
On 20th draw, QUITRENT C1 86 --- QUITRENT a fixed rent due from a socage tenant [n]
Other moves: QI H1 35, QUIN 10B 35, QUIT 10B 35, QUITTER C1 34, QUERN K1 28
QI H1 35 Pacific
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