Game on April 28, 2024 at 11:39, 8 players
1. 241 pts Chelsea
2. 195 pts LongJump22
3. 134 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H5 22 22 


G6 31 53 


5H 70 123 


M1 74 197 


O3 83 280 


11I 83 363 


F8 44 407 


N10 49 456 


2I 40 496 


1K 54 550 


1C 84 634 


13G 70 704 


15L 36 740 


I4 23 763 


14A 80 843 


A12 39 882 


D11 36 918 


C1 26 944 


D3 26 970 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Chelsea 1 8:22 -729 241 1.9698 Pacific 1 3:54 -836 134
LongJump22 3 3:38 -775 195 Group: expert
Pacific 1 3:54 -836 134 1.8596 LongJump22 3 3:38 -775 195
Xuincunx 0 1:44 -941 29 2.8617 Xuincunx 0 1:44 -941 29
5. -
MMM333 1 0:54 -948 22 3.8547 Quincunx 1 1:10 -948 22
Quincunx 1 1:10 -948 22 4.8564 Vuincunx 1 1:28 -948 22
Vuincunx 1 1:28 -948 22 5.8480 Wuincunx 1 1:46 -948 22
Wuincunx 1 1:46 -948 22 Group: advanced
1.7103 Chelsea 1 8:22 -729 241
Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 1 0:54 -948 22
On 1st draw, VAMP H5 22 --- VAMP to repair or patch [v]
Other tops: VAMP H6 22, VAMP H7 22, VAMP H8 22
Other moves: PAV H6 16, PAV H7 16, PAV H8 16, PUMA H5 16, PUMA H6 16
VAMP H6 22 LongJump22
VAMP H7 22 MMM333
VAMP H8 22 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
On 2nd draw, JEON G6 31 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: GANJA 6G 29, JEAN 6F 27, JA G6 24, JO G6 24, JALOP 8D 22
JEON G6 31 Chelsea
GANJA 6G 29 LongJump22, Xuincunx
On 3rd draw, VAUN(T)IER 5H 70 --- VAUNTY boastful [adj]
Other tops: VAURIEN(S) 5H 70
Other moves: ANEURIN(S) 9A 69, (T)AURINE F8 66, ANEURI(N) F9 62, UNAIRE(D) F9 62, UN(W)ARIE F9 62
VAUN(T)IER 5H 70 LongJump22
RE(E)N I6 25 Chelsea
On 4th draw, DOATINGS M1 74 --- DOATING an excessive love [n]
Other moves: DRAGONS O4 33, D*G*SDAGOS I4 30, DRAGON O4 30, GOADS 6J 30, GRANDS O4 30
DOATINGS M1 74 LongJump22
D*G*S I4DAGOS I4 30 Chelsea
On 5th draw, AIRPLANE O3 83 --- AIRPLANE a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers [n]
Other moves: PRALINE O4 36, PREANAL O4 36, PALADIN 1I 33, PLAINED 1G 33, APLI(T)E L1 32
PLAINED 1G 33 Chelsea
On 6th draw, SCROMES 11I 83 --- SCROME (English dialect) to crawl using hands especially [v]
Other moves: SCROMES I8 70, CORMUSES J1 66, MERCS N10 40, SCROMED 1G 39, MORSES N10 38
CROMED 1H 36 Chelsea
On 7th draw, BIZE F8 44 --- BIZE a cold wind in Switzerland [n]
Other moves: BEZ F8 43, BIZ F8 43, DOZE F8 42, TOZED F8 42, TOZIE F8 41
ZI(T)E L3 41 Chelsea
On 8th draw, FEESED N10 49 --- FEESE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: FEEDS N10 47, FEODS N10 47, DOFFED 1H 45, FEESE N10 45, DOFFS 12B 40
FEEDS N10 47 Pacific
DOFFED 1H 45 Chelsea
On 9th draw, (S)KIDOO 2I 40 --- SKIDOO to go away [v]
Other moves: KIDDO(S) 1J 39, KID(S) 15L 39, K(A)DI 15L 39, K(U)DO 15L 39, KIDDO 15K 36
On 10th draw, HEDGY 1K 54 --- HEDGY abounding in hedges [adj]
Other moves: YODH 15L 45, THEY 12I 41, HEADY 15K 39, EDGY 1L 37, HEY 12J 37
HEDGY 1K 54 Pacific
On 11th draw, BANDORA 1C 84 --- BANDORA ancient musical instrument [n]
Other moves: BANDORAS 13G 80, ABROAD 3F 28, BANDA 15K 27, BARDO 15K 27, BROAD 3G 27
On 12th draw, OILERIES 13G 70 --- OILERY the oil industry [n]
Other moves: REOILED 15H 27, MOIRE M11 25, OREIDE 15J 24, RELIDE 15J 24, IRE O13 22
On 13th draw, WADI 15L 36 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other tops: WADT 15L 36
Other moves: WILI H12 33, WILT H12 33, CADI 15L 30, WILGA E11 28, AWDL 15L 27
On 14th draw, RAGE I4 23 --- RAGE to act or speak with violent anger [v]
Other moves: AGE I5 22, BULGIER C1 22, GARE I4 22, RUTILE 14F 22, GILT H12 21
On 15th draw, CATHOLE 14A 80 --- CATHOLE a part of a ship [n]
Other tops: CHOLATE 14A 80
Other moves: CLOTHE 14B 40, LOTAH 14F 37, LOATHE 14B 36, HILA H12 33, HILT H12 33
HILT H12 33 Pacific
On 16th draw, FICO A12 39 --- FICO something of little worth [n]
Other tops: FOCI A12 39
Other moves: IF 14I 28, OF 14I 28, QI 2B 26, FILO E11 24, FILO 2B 22
On 17th draw, WITHY D11 36 --- WITHY a flexible twig [n] --- WITHY flexible and tough [adj]
Other moves: WIRY 2B 31, TWINY 9D 26, IVY 2A 25, VINY 9E 25, WINY 9E 25
On 18th draw, BRUX C1 26 --- BRUX to grind teeth together [v]
Other moves: EX J13 25, REX 14M 22, TEX 14M 22, TAX B13 21, XU 2D 20
On 19th draw, TUN D3 26 --- TUN to store in a large cask [v]
Other tops: NUT D3 26
Other moves: NU D3 24, ULU D4 24, UTU D4 24, UN D4 22, UT D4 22
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