Game on April 28, 2024 at 13:53, 7 players
1. 204 pts Chelsea
2. 169 pts LongJump22
3. 83 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 64 64 


I9 28 92 


13B 78 170 


12A 49 219 


15C 102 321 


J3 66 387 


10E 56 443 


G2 68 511 


5D 40 551 


2C 37 588 


1A 30 618 


1H 86 704 


O1 69 773 


3A 26 799 


A8 36 835 


6D 38 873 


L3 40 913 


8J 45 958 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
Chelsea 0 5:15 -754 204 1.8596 LongJump22 2 4:42 -789 169
LongJump22 2 4:42 -789 169 2.8480 Wuincunx 0 2:48 -875 83
Wuincunx 0 2:48 -875 83 3.8564 Vuincunx 0 1:32 -906 52
Vuincunx 0 1:32 -906 52 4.8547 Quincunx 0 0:43 -919 39
5. -
MMM333 1 1:57 -909 49 5.8617 Xuincunx 1 0:53 -928 30
Quincunx 0 0:43 -919 39 Group: advanced
Xuincunx 1 0:53 -928 30 1.7096 Chelsea 0 5:15 -754 204
Group: not rated
1. - MMM333 1 1:57 -909 49
On 1st draw, (D)IALIST H7 64 --- DIALIST a dialer [n]
Other tops: ITALI(C)S H2 64, ITALI(C)S H3 64, ITALI(C)S H4 64, ITALI(C)S H6 64, ITALI(C)S H8 64, LAITI(E)S H2 64, LAITI(E)S H3 64, LAITI(E)S H4 64, LAITI(E)S H6 64, LAITI(E)S H8 64, LIAT(R)IS H2 64, LIAT(R)IS H3 64, LIAT(R)IS H4 64, LIAT(R)IS H6 64, LIAT(R)IS H7 64, LIT(H)IAS H2 64, LIT(H)IAS H3 64, LIT(H)IAS H4 64, LIT(H)IAS H6 64, LIT(H)IAS H7 64, LIT(H)IAS H8 64, STI(B)IAL H2 64, STI(B)IAL H3 64, STI(B)IAL H4 64, STI(B)IAL H6 64, STI(B)IAL H7 64, STI(B)IAL H8 64, (D)IALIST H2 64, (D)IALIST H3 64, (D)IALIST H6 64, (D)IALIST H8 64
Other moves: ITALI(C)S H5 62, ITALI(C)S H7 62, LAITI(E)S H5 62, LAITI(E)S H7 62, LIAT(R)IS H5 62
ITALI(C)S H6 64 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, GIF(T)EE I9 28 --- GIFTEE one that receives a gift [n]
Other moves: (B)EGIFT 13C 26, FEG G9 25, FE(M)E G9 24, FE(T)E G9 24, F(A)G G9 23
FEG G9 25 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, DEORBITED 13B 78 --- DEORBIT to come out of an orbit [v]
Other moves: BIDED J6 31, BODED J6 31, BORED J6 30, BIRDED J5 28, BODIED J5 28
BIDED J6 31 LongJump22
BODED J6 31 Wuincunx
On 4th draw, HOMY 12A 49 --- HOMY homelike [adj]
Other moves: METHO 12A 43, THEY 14C 42, HOMIE 12A 41, HEY 14D 39, HOMY 14A 39
HOMY 12A 49 LongJump22, MMM333
On 5th draw, RENVOYS 15C 102 --- RENVOY the sending back of an alien by a government [n]
Other moves: RENVOYS J3 75, ENVOYS 15D 49, ROYNES 15D 40, SEY 14D 37, NOSEY 15G 34
RENVOYS 15C 52 Wuincunx, Vuincunx
On 6th draw, SPAIRGE J3 66 --- SPAIRGE to sprinkle [v]
Other tops: PRISAGE J3 66
Other moves: PRISAGE G1 64, PRISAGE I1 64, SPAIRGE G1 64, SPAIRGE I1 64, SPAIRGE(D) 7A 62
SPREAGH A6 39 Quincunx
On 7th draw, OZALID 10E 56 --- OZALID a process of printing positive images from film -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: LAZULI 10D 35, DZO K9 32, ZA 14A 30, POZ 4J 28, ADZ 5J 26
On 8th draw, UNWIRED G2 68 --- UNWIRE to take the wire from [v]
Other moves: DEW 14B 40, UNWIPED 4F 34, WAD G9 30, WIPED 4H 30, WRIED K1 30
WAD G9 30 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ABOITEAU 5D 40 --- ABOITEAU a tide-gate [n]
Other moves: BAITH A8 30, BEATH A8 30, OBEAH A8 30, BA 11E 27, BO 11E 27
BA 11E 27 Chelsea
On 10th draw, PLAQUE 2C 37 --- PLAQUE an ornamental plate or disk [n]
Other moves: EQUIP 2E 36, GAPIER 8J 36, PIQUE 2D 36, QUEP 2F 35, QUIP 2F 35
EQUIP 2E 36 Chelsea
On 11th draw, GLOAT 1A 30 --- GLOAT to regard with great or excessive satisfaction [v]
Other tops: GROAT 1A 30, ROLAG 1H 30, TRAGAL 1H 30
Other moves: AARGH A8 27, AGORA 1H 27, ALGOR 1H 27, AORTAL 1H 27, ARGAL 1H 27
TRAGAL 1H 30 Xuincunx
TROG 1H 21 Chelsea
On 12th draw, REENACT 1H 86 --- ENACT to establish by law [v] --- REENACT to enact again [v]
Other moves: ENRACE 1H 39, TENACE 1H 39, TRANCE 1H 39, RETEACH A6 36, ECARTE 1H 33
RECANT 1H 33 Chelsea
On 13th draw, SCOW O1 69 --- SCOW to transport by scow (a flat-bottomed boat) [v]
Other tops: SCAW O1 69
Other moves: SNAW O1 63, SNOW O1 63, SAIC O1 57, SWAIN O1 57, SAWN O1 54
SWAIN O1 57 Chelsea
On 14th draw, LITAI 3A 26 --- LITAS a former monetary unit of Lithuania [n]
Other moves: LAITH A8 24, NINTH A8 24, TAI 3C 22, TAN 3C 22, ALIF 11F 20
On 15th draw, KANEH A8 36 --- KANEH a Hebrew measure of length [n]
Other moves: KAE 14A 28, UNEATH A7 27, TANK N3 25, KANE 6B 24, KETA 6B 24
On 16th draw, MOHR 6D 38 --- MOHR a West African gazelle [n]
Other moves: HO 11E 31, HIC 2M 27, HOC 2M 27, MO 11E 27, CHIMO M1 24
On 17th draw, NEXT L3 40 --- NEXT coming immediately after; adjoining [adj] --- NEXT the person or thing that comes immediately after [n]
Other moves: TEX L3 38, TUX L3 38, EX L4 36, JEUX 7B 36, JUN 7C 28
On 18th draw, GURJUN 8J 45 --- GURJUN an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: JIN 7C 28, JUN 7C 28, FUJI B5 22, FIN 7C 20, FIR 7C 20
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