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Game on April 30, 2024 at 09:51, 9 players
1. 371 pts Chelsea
2. 290 pts moonmonkey
3. 264 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddeeefr   H4    28    28   feeder
 2. adeloyz   6D    48    76   laydeez
 3. ?aceesv   8H    89   165   evanesce
 4. aaceinp   E5    44   209   panacea
 5. eflmosu  12B    88   297   fulsome
 6. ginostw   M1    78   375   stowings
 7. aeinoor   N2    31   406   irone
 8. aehirst   1F    86   492   sheriats
 9. ?aenwxy   O1    80   572   apex
10. abeimtw  H11    36   608   weamb
11. alnoopu   B9    26   634   panful
12. ehjotuy   2B    51   685   youth
13. deooqrt   D1    48   733   quod
14. eiilnor  I11    30   763   orle
15. adiijrt   1A    32   795   ja
16. bgikoru   A7    43   838   krubi
17. dginoov  14H    26   864   mendigo
18. iinottv  15L    23   887   tint
19. iiiortv   C7    23   910   vrot

Remaining tiles: giii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7065 FileChelsea     3 10:07  -539  371     1.8666 LongJump22  4  3:56  -701  209 
  2.7746 Filemoonmonkey  6  6:03  -620  290     2.8423 Wuincunx    0  4:35  -792  118 
  3.7024 Fileroocatcher  2 10:10  -646  264     3.8709 Zuincunx    2  2:46  -794  116 
  4.8666 FileLongJump22  4  3:56  -701  209     4.8395 Vuincunx    0  3:23  -835   75 
  5.8423 FileWuincunx    0  4:35  -792  118     5.8692 Quincunx    0  1:07  -874   36 
  6.8709 FileZuincunx    2  2:46  -794  116            Group: advanced
  7.8395 FileVuincunx    0  3:23  -835   75     1.7065 Chelsea     3 10:07  -539  371 
  8.  -  FileAAAAAA1121  1  1:56  -866   44     2.7746 moonmonkey  6  6:03  -620  290 
  9.8692 FileQuincunx    0  1:07  -874   36     3.7024 roocatcher  2 10:10  -646  264 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1121  1  1:56  -866   44 

On 1st draw, FEEDER H4 28 --- FEEDER one that feeds [n]
Other tops: FEERED H4 28
Other moves: FREED H4 26, FEERED H7 24, REEFED H7 24, REFEED H7 24, DEFER H4 22
FEEDER H4 28 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, LAYDEEZ 6D 48 --- LAYDEEZ ladies as pronounced in a mid-Atlantic accent [n]
Other moves: LAYDEEZ 5C 40, LAYDEEZ 5D 40, FAZED 4H 36, LAZOED 6D 36, LAZOED G1 36
LAYDEEZ 6D 48 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, EVA(N)ESCE 8H 89 --- EVANESCE to fade away or vanish [v]
Other moves: C(L)EAVES 10B 86, EVAC(U)EES 8H 86, EVA(N)ESCE 8A 86, VES(I)CAE 10F 86, CE(R)VELAS D1 82
EVA(N)ESCE 8H 89 LongJump22

On 4th draw, PANACEA E5 44 --- PANACEA a remedy for all diseases or ills [n]
Other moves: CAPA 5C 31, PANICLE D1 28, PELICAN D4 28, NAPA 5C 27, PALACE D4 26
PANACEA E5 44 LongJump22, AAAAAA1121

On 5th draw, FULSOME 12B 88 --- FULSOME repulsive [adj]
Other moves: FOMES 12A 40, FUMES 12A 40, FLOUSE 12A 38, FLOES 12A 36, FLUES 12A 36
FLUMES F10 36 Quincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 6th draw, STOWINGS M1 78 --- STOWING the act of stowing [n]
Other tops: STOWING 10H 78
Other moves: STOWING 13H 76, STOWINGS M8 76, TOWINGS 13H 76, TOWSING 13H 76, TOWINGS 11H 74

On 7th draw, IRONE N2 31 --- IRONE an aromatic oil [n]
Other moves: EINA L1 27, NAOI L3 24, CORONAE N8 22, INFARE B10 22, NAIFER B9 22

On 8th draw, SHERIATS 1F 86 --- SHERIAT a body of Islamic religious law [n]
Other moves: CHARIEST N8 80, SHERIAT 13H 80, HASTIER 11G 79, HASTIER 13H 77, THESAURI C7 76
RATHAS 8A 39 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
HAFTS B10 38 Chelsea

On 9th draw, A(P)EX O1 80 --- APEX the highest point [n]
Other moves: EA(R)WAX 8A 57, (O)XEN O1 53, ANEW O1 52, (A)NEW O1 49, (D)EAW O1 49
A(P)EX O1 80 Zuincunx
AXE(S) O1 48 Chelsea
(L)EX O2 43 Wuincunx

On 10th draw, WEAMB H11 36 --- WEAMB the womb [n]
Other tops: AMEBA 8A 36
Other moves: BAWTIE 2B 35, BEFIT B10 32, BEMA 13A 31, BEWET H11 30, WEAMB 11H 29
WEAMB H11 36 Zuincunx
BEWET H11 30 roocatcher, Chelsea

On 11th draw, PANFUL B9 26 --- PANFUL as much as a pan will hold [n]
Other moves: APO 13B 25, LAMP G10 23, LAP 13A 23, NAP 13A 23, AMP G11 22
PANFUL B9 26 moonmonkey
APO 13B 25 roocatcher
LAP 13A 23 Chelsea

On 12th draw, YOUTH 2B 51 --- YOUTH a young person [n]
Other moves: JOY A8 48, JEHU A6 46, HOLEY D4 45, JUTE A8 41, HOTE 2F 37
YOUTH 2B 51 moonmonkey
JOY A8 48 roocatcher, Chelsea

On 13th draw, QUOD D1 48 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: ORDO I11 34, REDOUT C8 30, DETOUR C8 29, ORD I11 29, ODOUR C9 28
QUOD D1 48 moonmonkey, Chelsea
ROD 1A 20 roocatcher

On 14th draw, ORLE I11 30 --- ORLE a heraldic border [n]
Other moves: EORL I10 26, LORE I10 26, LORN I10 26, NEROLI A6 26, NORI I10 26
NEROLI A6 26 moonmonkey, roocatcher
ER I11 20 Chelsea

On 15th draw, JA 1A 32 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: JADE I3 28, JURA 13A 28, JIRD G3 27, DJIN 5K 24, JAI C7 24
JA 1A 32 moonmonkey, Chelsea, roocatcher

On 16th draw, KRUBI A7 43 --- KRUBI a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: BOUK A7 40, BOK A8 37, GOUK A7 37, GROK A7 37, KOB A8 35
BOUK A7 40 moonmonkey
BOK A8 37 Chelsea
KO J10 22 roocatcher

On 17th draw, MENDIGO 14H 26 --- MENDIGO a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: WOODING 11H 24, GOOD C7 21, COVING N8 20, MEVING 14H 20, VIMEN 14F 20
MENDIGO 14H 26 moonmonkey
WOODING 11H 24 Chelsea
DO J14 17 roocatcher

On 18th draw, TINT 15L 23 --- TINT to color slightly or delicately [v]
Other tops: OINT 15L 23, TOIT 15L 23
Other moves: TONDI G3 19, COVIN N8 18, VINO 7C 18, AVION K1 16, ENVOI L8 16
TINT 15L 23 roocatcher, Chelsea
TOIT 15L 23 moonmonkey

On 19th draw, VROT C7 23 --- VROT rotten (South African slang) [adj]
Other moves: ARVO J8 21, RIVO B4 21, VINO 7C 18, VIRID K10 18, VOR C8 18
RIVO B4 21 roocatcher
VOR C8 18 moonmonkey

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