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Game on May 1, 2024 at 11:32, 7 players
1. 280 pts Chelsea
2. 203 pts LongJump22
3. 76 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aanorsy   H8    24    24   snary
 2. ?eiotvw  11E    48    72   overwet
 3. agilmtu   J4    67   139   multiage
 4. acdopsu  L11    37   176   scaup
 5. adnoptw  14J    34   210   wound
 6. aaeoqsu   5E    64   274   aqueous
 7. demnnop   8J    42   316   impend
 8. bdehint   6B    40   356   henbit
 9. gijlstu   N2    86   442   justling
10. adefioz   H1    81   523   feaze
11. abcflot   4A    33   556   focal
12. adeiiot   9A    61   617   ideation
13. ?adeelt   A8   131   748   pileated
14. egiorry   O1    42   790   yogi
15. eeiknrv  15F    41   831   kerve
16. behnorx  B12    51   882   hox
17. abeeiir   A1    27   909   barf
18. eiinnor  C12    30   939   iron
19. eeiinrr  15L    23   962   pein

Remaining tiles: eirr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7161 FileChelsea     3  5:22  -682  280     1.8651 LongJump22  4  4:16  -759  203 
  2.8651 FileLongJump22  4  4:16  -759  203     2.8412 Wuincunx    2  3:16  -886   76 
  3.8412 FileWuincunx    2  3:16  -886   76     3.8380 Vuincunx    1  2:36  -895   67 
  4.8380 FileVuincunx    1  2:36  -895   67     4.8444 Zuincunx    0  1:12  -929   33 
  5.  -  FileAAAAAA1121  1  1:58  -898   64     5.8558 Quincunx    0  1:36  -929   33 
  6.8444 FileZuincunx    0  1:12  -929   33            Group: advanced
  7.8558 FileQuincunx    0  1:36  -929   33     1.7161 Chelsea     3  5:22  -682  280 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  AAAAAA1121  1  1:58  -898   64 

On 1st draw, SNARY H8 24 --- SNARY in danger of entrapment [adj]
Other tops: YAARS H4 24, YARNS H4 24
Other moves: RAYONS H3 20, RAYONS H4 20, RAYONS H7 20, RAYONS H8 20, RAYAS H4 18
YARNS H4 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, OV(E)RWET 11E 48 --- OVERWET to wet too much [v]
Other tops: OVERW(E)T 11E 48
Other moves: OVERTI(P) 11E 36, OVER(F)IT 11E 36, OVER(H)IT 11E 36, OVER(L)IT 11E 36, (C)OWRITE 11E 36
OV(E)RWET 11E 48 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, MULTIAGE J4 67 --- MULTIAGE including people of various ages [adj]
Other moves: MULGA 10J 28, MIAUL 10J 27, MAGI 10J 25, ALGUM 12K 24, GLAUM 12A 24
MULTIAGE J4 67 LongJump22

On 4th draw, SCAUP L11 37 --- SCAUP a sea duck [n] --- SCAUP to cut the scalp from [v]
Other tops: SCOUP L11 37
Other moves: SCAUD L11 33, SCOPA L11 33, MUDCAP 4J 32, SCOPA K2 32, SCUDO L11 31

On 5th draw, WOUND 14J 34 --- WOUND to inflict an injury upon [v]
Other moves: POWND 12A 31, DOPA K3 28, POUND 14J 28, POWAN 12A 28, POWAN K1 28
WOUND 14J 34 Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 6th draw, AQUEOUS 5E 64 --- AQUEOUS pertaining to water [adj]
Other moves: AQUAE 15F 47, SQUAMAE 4F 38, AQUAS 10A 36, AQUAS K1 36, MASQUE 4J 36
AQUEOUS 5E 64 LongJump22, AAAAAA1121

On 7th draw, IMPEND 8J 42 --- IMPEND to be imminent [v]
Other moves: IMPONE 8J 39, PENMEN H1 39, EPODE H1 30, MONDE H1 30, NEMNED H1 30
IMPEND 8J 42 Wuincunx

On 8th draw, HENBIT 6B 40 --- HENBIT a perennial herb [n]
Other moves: THEBE H1 39, BEHIND 6C 37, HENTED H1 33, HIND 6E 33, HINTED H1 33
HENTED H1 33 Vuincunx
HINTED H1 33 Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 9th draw, JUSTLING N2 86 --- JUSTLE to jostle [v]
Other moves: JUST O12 67, JILTS 4A 45, JILTS 12A 42, GLUTES H1 36, GUILES H1 36

On 10th draw, FEAZE H1 81 --- FEAZE to unsettle [v]
Other moves: ADOZE H1 75, FAZE 15G 53, AZIDE H1 51, ADOZE 15F 50, AZIDE 15F 50
FAZE 15G 53 Chelsea

On 11th draw, FOCAL 4A 33 --- FOCAL pertaining to a focus [adj]
Other moves: FAB 7C 30, FOB 7C 30, FAT O1 29, FLOAT 4A 29, BAT O1 26
BAT O1 26 Chelsea

On 12th draw, IDEATION 9A 61 --- IDEATION the act of ideating [n]
Other moves: DATO O1 32, IODATE 15E 26, PAID 15L 26, DEAF A1 24, DEIF A1 24
DATO O1 32 Chelsea

On 13th draw, (P)ILEATED A8 131 --- PILEATED having a pileus [adj]
Other tops: LI(N)EATED A8 131
Other moves: DEAL(A)TE 15D 82, DE(A)LATE 15D 82, DE(F)LATE 15D 82, LADET(T)E 15D 79, LADE(T)TE 15D 79
DATE 8A 35 Chelsea

On 14th draw, YOGI O1 42 --- YOGI a person who practices yoga [n]
Other moves: RORIE O1 34, REIFY A1 33, GORI O1 32, OYE O13 31, RYE O13 31
YOGI O1 42 Chelsea

On 15th draw, KERVE 15F 41 --- KERVE to form by cutting [v]
Other tops: KIEVE 15F 41, KNIVE 15F 41
Other moves: KREEP 15H 40, KNIFE A1 36, PEEK 15L 35, KEEF A1 33, KERF A1 33
KERVE 15F 41 Chelsea

On 16th draw, HOX B12 51 --- HOX to hock [v]
Other tops: HEX B12 51
Other moves: BOX B12 48, EXO B13 43, EXO 7B 42, NOX B12 42, REX B12 42
HEX B12 51 Chelsea

On 17th draw, BARF A1 27 --- BARF to vomit [v]
Other tops: BEEF A1 27
Other moves: PAIR 15L 23, PEAR 15L 23, PEER 15L 23, ARB I1 22, BAR C11 22

On 18th draw, IRON C12 30 --- IRON to eliminate wrinkles from clothes by pressing [v]
Other moves: PEIN 15L 23, PEON 15L 23, EON C13 22, NON C13 22, NOR C13 22

On 19th draw, PEIN 15L 23 --- PEIN to beat with a rounded hammer head [v]
Other tops: PEEN 15L 23, PEER 15L 23
Other moves: ENE D13 22, RICIER C2 18, EN D13 17, IN D13 17, NE D14 17

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