Game on May 1, 2024 at 23:47, 1 player
1. 167 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 74 74
2. 15B 110 184
3. 8A 98 282
4. 13D 66 348
5. 10B 66 414
6. 14B 52 466
7. 14J 48 514
8. 11A 34 548
9. O12 36 584
10. 7D 25 609
11. J6 32 641
12. 6B 26 667
13. 5A 27 694
14. E1 42 736
15. A1 48 784
16. O8 36 820
17. 1E 51 871
18. N2 74 945
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7025 roocatcher 2 7:20 -778 167 1.7025 roocatcher 2 7:20 -778 167
On 1st draw, (S)ANDBUR H8 74 --- SANDBUR an annual herb [n]
Other tops: BANDUR(A) H4 74, B(A)NDURA H4 74, UNBAR(E)D H2 74, UNBRA(I)D H2 74
Other moves: UNBAR(E)D H6 72, UNBRA(I)D H6 72, (T)URBAND H6 72, BANDUR(A) H2 70, BANDUR(A) H3 70
On 2nd draw, ERGATES 15B 110 --- ERGATE a worker ant [n]
Other moves: ERGATES 15G 107, RESTAGE 15F 107, RESTAGE 15H 107, RESTAGE(S) 8A 77, REGRATES 14H 76
On 3rd draw, EARWORM(S) 8A 98 --- EARWORM a tune which keeps persistently playing in your mind [n]
Other moves: MARROWED 11A 78, MARROW 14E 31, MOWA I7 28, BEWORM 12H 26, MARROW I4 26
On 4th draw, JALOU(S)ED 13D 66 --- JALOUSE to suspect [v]
Other moves: (C)AJOLED E5 56, JARLDO(M) F6 34, JEO(P)ARD C3 34, (M)AJORED F4 34, JA(R)RED 14E 33
On 5th draw, SOUNDING 10B 66 --- SOUNDING the action of determining depth of water [n]
Other moves: SOUNDING 10E 64, UNDOINGS 10C 64, UNDOINGS 10G 64, SODDING 11E 40, RODINGS 14H 37
On 6th draw, HAIK 14B 52 --- HAIK an outer garment worn by Arabs [n]
Other moves: TEAK 14B 40, HAIK 14J 35, HAKE 14J 35, HIKE 14J 35, TAKHI 14J 35
On 7th draw, FITTE 14J 48 --- FITTE a song [n]
Other tops: FEINT 14J 48, FIENT 14J 48
Other moves: RIFE 14H 32, FEEN 14J 31, FEET 14J 31, FENI 14J 31, FENT 14J 31
FEINT 14J 48 roocatcher
On 8th draw, GOMPA 11A 34 --- GOMPA a temple [n]
Other moves: OGAM 7D 29, AMP 15M 27, PONGA 11A 27, MAGNETO M9 26, P*MM**POMMIE G6 26
POEM 15K 24 roocatcher
On 9th draw, CORE O12 36 --- CORE to remove the core (the central part) of [v]
Other tops: CARE O12 36, CERO O12 36, CIRE O12 36
Other moves: ACRE O12 30, AERO O12 24, ARC O13 24, ORC O13 24, AERO 15L 22
CARE O12 36 roocatcher
On 10th draw, AWEE 7D 25 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other tops: DEAW 7B 25
Other moves: WIELDER C2 24, WIELDER F2 23, DEWIER C3 22, LEWDER C3 22, WADDIE K10 22
WATE M12 14 roocatcher
On 11th draw, VENDS J6 32 --- VEND to sell [v]
Other moves: BENDS J6 29, BODES J6 29, BONDS J6 29, BONES J6 28, DOVES J6 28
DEV 6B 20 roocatcher
On 12th draw, YEH 6B 26 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other tops: HEY 6B 26
Other moves: HYES 6A 24, SHY 6F 24, HYE K7 22, SHE 6F 21, HES 6B 20
On 13th draw, LOFT 5A 27 --- LOFT to store in a loft (an upper room) [v]
Other moves: AFT 5B 26, FAT 5B 26, OFT 5B 26, FLOATY B1 24, FLAT F12 23
On 14th draw, PIETY E1 42 --- PIETY the quality or state of being pious [n]
Other tops: PINEY E1 42
Other moves: PINY E2 40, PITY E2 40, TINY E2 36, NY E4 32, NINETY 8J 30
On 15th draw, VEXIL A1 48 --- VEXIL the web or vane of a feather [n]
Other tops: VOXEL A1 48
Other moves: PIXES 1E 42, POXES 1E 42, VIXENS 3B 34, VIXENS 2D 32, EXONS 11K 31
On 16th draw, ALBICORE O8 36 --- ALBICORE a large tuna fish [n]
Other moves: NUBIAS 8J 33, PIBALS 1E 30, SPINULA 1D 30, LAPINS 1C 27, LUPINS 1C 27
On 17th draw, PONZUS 1E 51 --- PONZU (Japanese) a type of sauce made from orange juice, sake, sugar, soy sauce and red pepper [n]
Other moves: PONZU 1E 48, QUIZ 2C 42, QUERNS 3C 32, RIZ 2D 32, QUERN 3C 30
ZEROS 7I 25 roocatcher
On 18th draw, ACTINON N2 74 --- ACTINON an isotope of radon [n]
Other tops: CANTION N2 74, CONTAIN N2 74
Other moves: ENACTION 3E 62, ATONIC 2H 27, ANTIC 2H 26, ONTIC 2H 26, ANOINT 2H 25
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