Game on May 2, 2024 at 00:31, 1 player
1. 67 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H8 76 76
2. 15H 48 124
3. 14J 47 171
4. 9B 68 239
5. J6 31 270
6. E5 102 372
7. 12A 24 396
8. 11H 82 478
9. K1 78 556
10. O8 42 598
11. 2J 70 668
12. 10B 33 701
13. 1M 47 748
14. 3M 40 788
15. 13K 27 815
16. A11 24 839
17. F2 36 875
18. D1 40 915
19. 1A 27 942
20. L4 39 981
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7026 roocatcher 0 1:51 -914 67 1.7026 roocatcher 0 1:51 -914 67
On 1st draw, DAU(P)HI(N) H8 76 --- DAUPHIN the eldest son of a French king [n]
Other tops: HAIDU(K)(S) H4 76, HAUDI(N)(G) H4 76
Other moves: DAU(P)HI(N) H4 72, DAU(P)HI(N) H2 70, DAU(P)HI(N) H3 70, DAU(P)HI(N) H7 70, HAIDU(K)(S) H2 70
On 2nd draw, SOOLE 15H 48 --- SOOLE to pull by the ears [v]
Other tops: ALOES 15D 48, LOOSE 15D 48, OLEOS 15D 48, SOOLE 15D 48
Other moves: ALOES 15E 45, LOOSE 15E 45, OLEOS 15F 45, AALS 15E 42, ALAE 15E 42
On 3rd draw, BEDIM 14J 47 --- BEDIM to make dim [v]
Other moves: DE(N)IM 14F 29, DIMP I7 28, IBIDEM 13H 28, BED 14J 27, BIPED M11 27
On 4th draw, UNDERSAY 9B 68 --- UNDERSAY to say in answer [v]
Other moves: DRUSY O11 41, DRUSE O11 32, NURSE O11 29, DEYS I7 28, DREYS I6 28
On 5th draw, WAWS J6 31 --- WAW a wave [n]
Other moves: SWAN J9 28, WAIS J6 28, WANS J6 28, WINS J6 28, UNWISH 12C 24
On 6th draw, ENFIERCE E5 102 --- ENFIERCE to make fierce [v]
Other moves: ENFIERCE E2 76, WINCER 8J 36, CHIEFER 12G 30, INFERE K3 30, WEINER 8J 30
On 7th draw, VOLTE 12A 24 --- VOLTE a fencing movement [n]
Other tops: VULTURN B8 24
Other moves: TOLU 13K 23, VROT K4 21, LOUVER 12A 20, LUV 13M 20, VOL K5 19
On 8th draw, (P)OLARIZE 11H 82 --- POLARIZE to give polarity to [v]
Other moves: AZOLE 13J 57, AVIZE A11 51, ZAIRE D1 50, ZILA 13K 50, ZOA 13K 44
On 9th draw, NAPOOED K1 78 --- NAPOO to kill [v]
Other moves: EPANODOS G2 69, POOD 13B 39, NAPOOED O6 36, WEAPON 8J 36, DOPA 13K 34
On 10th draw, BICEP O8 42 --- BICEP an arm muscle [n]
Other moves: APIECE O8 39, INCEPT 1J 39, PEINCT 1H 39, PACEY I5 37, BEPAINT 1F 36
On 11th draw, QANATS 2J 70 --- QANAT a system of underground tunnels and wells in the Middle East [n]
Other moves: QANAT 2J 68, HAINTS L2 43, QI G13 43, HAS 13M 38, HAINT L2 37
On 12th draw, HAIR 10B 33 --- HAIR a threadlike growth [n] --- HAIR to free from hair [v]
Other tops: HAAR 10B 33
Other moves: PUHA 3K 32, HAY I7 31, HUI 1M 31, HIT L4 30, HUT L4 30
HUI 1M 31 roocatcher
On 13th draw, JEU 1M 47 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JETON 4H 40, JURE F2 29, JUTE F2 29, GAUJE M1 26, JAGER M1 26
On 14th draw, MAE 3M 40 --- MAE more [n]
Other tops: PAM 3K 40
Other moves: FEM L4 36, FLAGME(N) 14B 36, GAE 3M 36, GAMEY I5 36, PEG 3K 36
FEM L4 36 roocatcher
On 15th draw, TIGE 13K 27 --- TIGE the shaft of a column [n]
Other moves: GITE 13K 26, AVERT A11 24, VAGI A12 24, VEGA A12 24, VIGA A12 24
On 16th draw, AVION A11 24 --- AVION an aeroplane [n]
Other tops: INTO L4 24
Other moves: VAIL A12 21, VAIN A12 21, VALI A12 21, VANT A12 21, VIAL A12 21
On 17th draw, GOETY F2 36 --- GOETY black magic [n]
Other moves: TRY F8 35, TRYE F4 35, RYE F5 34, TYE F5 34, VERY F3 33
On 18th draw, KALIF D1 40 --- KALIF a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: KAFIR D1 37, KRAFT D1 37, FAKIR D1 35, FAY I7 31, KAF I5 31
On 19th draw, GUNK 1A 27 --- GUNK filthy, sticky, or greasy matter [n]
Other moves: UTTER G3 25, NERK 1A 24, NEUK 1A 24, RENK 1A 24, TREK 1A 24
On 20th draw, REX L4 39 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other tops: EX G12 39
Other moves: EX 15N 32, EX C3 31, EX L4 31, TEX G5 31, URTEXT B1 30
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