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Game on May 2, 2024 at 01:19, 1 player
1. 49 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfimor   H4    28    28   foram
 2. ?aijtuy   G7    46    74   jay
 3. aelmnrs   5E    90   164   almoners
 4. aehotwz   F8    49   213   haze
 5. abglrsu  11A    72   285   blaguers
 6. ?ceeilo   D7    76   361   eclogite
 7. egiirst   B8    72   433   girliest
 8. ?ciikuy  15D    49   482   sucky
 9. addeino  14H    77   559   adenoid
10. ahiipqt  13M    49   608   qat
11. diopttu   A5    34   642   titup
12. adeilot   L2    70   712   diastole
13. befnorv   O8    36   748   obvert
14. ahnoops  A11    49   797   bohos
15. aiinptv   2I    36   833   avidin
16. deenrtw   I5    43   876   newed
17. efginpt   B3    30   906   neif
18. egnnotw   1D    32   938   newton

Remaining tiles: gprux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7041 Fileroocatcher  1  1:27  -889   49     1.7041 roocatcher  1  1:27  -889   49 

On 1st draw, FORAM H4 28 --- FORAM a marine protozoan [n]
Other tops: FRAIM H4 28
Other moves: FIORD H4 26, FORAM H8 26, FRAIM H8 26, DIRAM H8 22, FIORD H8 22

On 2nd draw, JAY G7 46 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other tops: JAY(S) G7 46
Other moves: JAU(N)TY G7 45, JUI(C)Y G7 44, JUT(T)Y G7 44, J(A)Y G7 44, J(O)Y G7 44

On 3rd draw, ALMONERS 5E 90 --- ALMONER one that distributes alms [n]
Other moves: ALMNERS 10A 77, ALMNERS F9 68, ALMNERS I8 66, ALMONER 5E 36, NEMORAL 5E 36

On 4th draw, HAZE F8 49 --- HAZE to subject to a humiliating initiation [v]
Other moves: ZETAS L1 48, ZOEAS L1 48, TOWZE 4B 47, HAZE 4C 45, TOZE F8 43

On 5th draw, BLAGUERS 11A 72 --- BLAGUER one who talks pretentious nonsense [n]
Other moves: BURGLARS K3 61, BELUGAS 11E 40, BURSAL 12A 39, BURGS 12D 35, BURSAL 12C 35

On 6th draw, ECLOGI(T)E D7 76 --- ECLOGITE a crystalline rock [n]
Other moves: SOLECI(S)E L5 70, SOLECI(Z)E L5 70, CREOLI(S)E K4 68, CREOLI(Z)E K4 68, RECOILE(D) K5 68

On 7th draw, GIRLIEST B8 72 --- GIRLIE girlish [adj] --- GIRLY featuring scantily clad women [adj]
Other moves: GEIST 15A 33, GRISE 15A 33, GRIST 15A 33, STRIG 15D 33, NEGS I5 31

On 8th draw, (S)UCKY 15D 49 --- SUCKY extremely objectionable [adj]
Other moves: SKI(E)Y H11 48, SKI(V)Y H11 48, ICKI(L)Y C2 45, K(E)Y I7 45, SUCKY H11 45

On 9th draw, ADENOID 14H 77 --- ADENOID an enlarged lymphoid growth behind the pharynx [n]
Other tops: ADENOID C1 77
Other moves: ORDAINED K4 70, ADENOID 10H 67, BONIE A11 37, FADEIN 4H 31, DEAD A6 30

On 10th draw, QAT 13M 49 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT A7 47, QI 13M 47, PAH A7 38, PHAT A6 38, HAP A7 37

On 11th draw, TITUP A5 34 --- TITUP to prance [v]
Other tops: DOUP A6 34
Other moves: DUP A7 31, PUD A7 30, POUT A6 29, OUP A7 28, TUP A7 28

On 12th draw, DIASTOLE L2 70 --- DIASTOLE the normal rhythmical dilation of the heart [n]
Other tops: ISOLATED L4 70, SODALITE L5 70, SOLIDATE L5 70
Other moves: DELATION K7 68, DETAIL 12F 31, TAILED B1 31, TOILED B1 31, AILED B2 29

On 13th draw, OBVERT O8 36 --- OBVERT to turn so as to show a different surface [v]
Other moves: BEN I7 33, FETOR 6J 33, BE I7 31, FOE A13 31, REF I7 31

On 14th draw, BOHOS A11 49 --- BOHO a Bohemian [n]
Other moves: HAPS 15J 38, HOPS 15J 38, HOOPS 12H 37, OPAHS M6 37, OPAH M6 36
BOHOS A11 49 roocatcher

On 15th draw, AVIDIN 2I 36 --- AVIDIN a protein found in egg white [n]
Other moves: PAVIN B2 30, PAVIN 3I 26, PAVIN C3 25, PATIN B2 24, NIPA 13H 23

On 16th draw, NEWED I5 43 --- NEW to renew [v]
Other moves: NEWER I5 41, WED I7 39, WEED I7 39, WEND I7 39, WEEN I7 38

On 17th draw, NEIF B3 30 --- NEIF the fist or hand [n]
Other tops: GIF B4 30, HEF(T)ING 13A 30, NIEF B3 30
Other moves: FEIGN 1E 29, GENIP C3 29, NEF B4 29, TEF B4 29, EF B5 28

On 18th draw, NEWTON 1D 32 --- NEWTON a unit of force [n]
Other moves: NEW J4 28, TEW J4 28, NEWTON K7 27, GNOW 13G 26, GOWN 1F 26

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