Game on May 4, 2024 at 00:13, 1 player
1. 41 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 30 30
2. 5E 44 74
3. J3 64 138
4. 8J 33 171
5. L1 49 220
6. I9 48 268
7. H11 44 312
8. 15A 80 392
9. K8 41 433
10. 8A 83 516
11. B3 65 581
12. L10 43 624
13. 14B 51 675
14. 15K 44 719
15. 1L 42 761
16. N6 72 833
17. A1 32 865
18. C1 32 897
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7033 roocatcher 0 1:42 -856 41 1.7033 roocatcher 0 1:42 -856 41
On 1st draw, VOWER H4 30 --- VOWER one that vows [n]
Other tops: FERVO(R) H4 30, FE(R)VOR H4 30, FOW(L)ER H4 30, FROW(I)E H4 30, F(L)OWER H4 30, REF(L)OW H7 30, REWOV(E) H8 30, RE(A)VOW H7 30, R(E)WOVE H8 30, VOWER(S) H4 30, WO(L)FER H4 30, WO(L)VER H4 30, WO(O)FER H4 30, WO(W)FER H4 30, W(O)OFER H4 30, (A)VOWER H3 30, (T)WOFER H3 30
Other moves: FEV(E)R H4 28, FEW(E)R H4 28, FOVE(A) H4 28, FROW(N) H4 28, FROW(S) H4 28
On 2nd draw, STOOKER 5E 44 --- STOOKER one that stooks [n]
Other tops: STROOKE 5E 44
Other moves: GROKS 9D 27, KORES G5 27, TORSK 9E 27, SKEG 9H 26, SKORT 9H 26
On 3rd draw, GUERIDON J3 64 --- GUERIDON a small ornate stand or table [n]
Other moves: GUERIDON 7F 63, DURING 4J 25, RODING 4J 24, DURION 4J 21, DINGO 4A 20
On 4th draw, DALETH 8J 33 --- DALETH the fourth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: ALTHEA 3C 32, RADULATE 8H 30, ALGATE 3H 28, HAUTE 4A 26, AHA I8 25
HALT I9 22 roocatcher
On 5th draw, JEAT(S) L1 49 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: HAJE(S) L1 47, JHA(L)A 4A 46, JHAT(K)A 3C 42, JEHA(D) I9 41, EJE(C)TA M8 40
JET M7 19 roocatcher
On 6th draw, ZEBU I9 48 --- ZEBU an Asian ox [n]
Other moves: ZED I9 46, BEDIZEN 7G 41, JUBE 1L 39, BEZ G7 36, NERTZ F2 36
On 7th draw, AMEND H11 44 --- AMEND to correct [v]
Other moves: MACE H12 40, MADE H12 37, MAND H12 37, MEAD H12 37, MEND H12 37
On 8th draw, TARSIOID 15A 80 --- TARSIOID like a tarsier [adj]
Other moves: AORTITIS F2 62, AORTITIS N3 62, AORTITIS N5 62, OTARIES 13C 35, JARS 1L 33
On 9th draw, ALEMBIC K8 41 --- ALEMBIC an apparatus formerly used in distilling [n]
Other moves: JIBE 1L 39, CHIMLA B10 38, H*B*HEBE 13G 37, HEMIC G7 37, CELEB 13E 34
On 10th draw, TINGLIER 8A 83 --- TINGLY tingling [adj]
Other moves: GLINTIER 8A 80, GLINTIER C8 70, LIGNITES D8 70, TINGLIER C8 70, JILT 1L 33
On 11th draw, ALCIDINE B3 65 --- ALCIDINE pertaining to a family of seabirds [adj]
Other tops: ALCIDINE B5 65
Other moves: JADE 1L 36, JEDI 1L 36, JAIL 1L 33, JANE 1L 33, JEAN 1L 33
On 12th draw, WAY L10 43 --- WAY a method of doing something [n] --- WAY to journey [v]
Other tops: WEY L10 43
Other moves: WYE L10 40, WAY G11 35, WEAN L10 35, WEY G11 35, ANY M1 33
On 13th draw, (H)OOSH 14B 51 --- HOOSH to shoo away [v]
Other moves: (P)OOJAHS 1I 48, SHA(K)O 15K 47, SHOA(L) 15K 47, SHOA(T) 15K 47, SHOO(K) 15K 47
On 14th draw, SPAIT 15K 44 --- SPAIT a sudden overflow of a stream [n]
Other tops: SPART 15K 44, SPIRT 15K 44, SPRAT 15K 44, SPRIT 15K 44
Other moves: JAPS 1L 39, JARP 1L 39, JASP 1L 39, STIPA 15K 38, STIRP 15K 38
On 15th draw, JAFA 1L 42 --- JAFA a person from Auckland New Zealand (offensive - just another f**ing Aucklander), cf RONZER [n]
Other moves: AJUGA 1K 39, QUA A1 38, JAGA 1L 36, JUGA 1L 36, JURA 1L 33
On 16th draw, EXTIRPED N6 72 --- EXTIRP to root out [v]
Other moves: EXED 2L 46, PIX C1 42, DEX C1 40, EX 14M 38, REX C1 38
On 17th draw, ORFE A1 32 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other moves: FERVOR C10 29, FONE A1 29, NEF G11 29, FERE 2K 26, AFRO M1 25
On 18th draw, GUY C1 32 --- GUY to ridicule [v]
Other tops: G*YGOY C1 32
Other moves: GUY G11 31, NOY C1 30, ONY C1 30, NY C2 28, OY C2 28
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