Game on May 4, 2024 at 22:56, 1 player
1. 69 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 20 20
2. G7 26 46
3. 5E 44 90
4. F4 35 125
5. I7 26 151
6. H10 29 180
7. 13G 54 234
8. 15F 68 302
9. K4 72 374
10. 4A 42 416
11. L1 44 460
12. A1 57 517
13. M2 32 549
14. 8K 42 591
15. 11D 36 627
16. 1H 30 657
17. 12B 47 704
18. 2J 49 753
19. B10 22 775
20. A14 26 801
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7052 roocatcher 0 1:56 -732 69 1.7052 roocatcher 0 1:56 -732 69
On 1st draw, PRIER H4 20 --- PRIER one that pries [n]
Other tops: PERIL H4 20, PILEI H4 20, PILER H4 20, PLIER H4 20
Other moves: PERIL H8 16, PILEI H8 16, PILER H8 16, PLIER H8 16, PRIER H8 16
On 2nd draw, WAB G7 26 --- WAB a web [n]
Other tops: WAP G7 26, W*PWOP G7 26
Other moves: AWOL G6 25, BAWL G7 25, BOWL G7 25, PAWL G7 25, BOW G7 24
On 3rd draw, SEVRUGA 5E 44 --- SEVRUGA caviar from the Caspian Sea [n]
Other moves: VEGAS F6 33, VAGUES 3C 30, VEGA F6 30, VAGUES 10B 29, EAVES F4 25
On 4th draw, (R)EMOVAL F4 35 --- REMOVAL the act of removing [n]
Other moves: MALM(S) L1 33, AMOV(E) F7 32, OM(O)V F7 30, (O)MOV F7 30, AMMO(S) L1 29
On 5th draw, DETER I7 26 --- DETER to stop from proceeding [v]
Other tops: DEERE I7 26
Other moves: DEER I7 25, DEET I7 25, DERE I7 25, DEE I7 24, DEI I7 24
On 6th draw, DURIAN H10 29 --- DURIAN an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: UNRID H11 23, NADIR E9 19, NANDU E9 19, UNRID 6J 19, DARI E9 18
On 7th draw, ZINGA(N)O 13G 54 --- ZINGANO an Italian gypsy [n]
Other tops: ZINGA(R)O 13G 54
Other moves: Z(I)NGY 4K 53, ZI(N)GANO 13G 52, AZYGO(S) 4J 50, ZYGON 4K 49, AZYG(Y) 4J 48
On 8th draw, SANDBOYS 15F 68 --- SANDBOY happy sand-selling boys [n]
Other moves: SAY J8 39, SOY J8 39, BASSY 12K 36, BOSSY 12K 36, ABYSS L1 34
On 9th draw, MATADORE K4 72 --- MATADORE a form of dominoes [n]
Other moves: MODERATO M6 63, MATADORE K2 61, ADORE 14J 36, DAME 14K 28, DOME 14K 28
On 10th draw, JILTE(R) 4A 42 --- JILTER one that jilts [n]
Other moves: JET E9 34, JELAB 9C 22, JEU I3 22, JET 12M 20, LIRE L1 18
On 11th draw, HUGY L1 44 --- HUGY large [adj]
Other moves: HOLY L1 42, DHOLE 8K 39, HYLE L1 36, JOULE A4 36, GLEY L1 34
On 12th draw, CROJIK A1 57 --- CROJIK a triangular sail [n]
Other moves: JOKIER A4 51, JOKER A4 48, ERICK M1 45, CHIRK 1K 42, CHOKE 1K 42
HOCK 1L 39 roocatcher
On 13th draw, NICOL M2 32 --- NICOL a type of prism [n]
Other moves: CHIEL 1K 30, CHILE 1K 30, CHINE 1K 30, CHINO 1K 30, CHOLI 1K 30
CHINO 1K 30 roocatcher
On 14th draw, DEXIE 8K 42 --- DEXIE a tablet of dex [n]
Other tops: DESEX 8K 42, DEXES 8K 42
Other moves: PIXES 11B 40, EXINES 11A 38, SEX 7A 38, SIX 7A 38, OXES 3A 37
On 15th draw, QIS 11D 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: IFS N2 36
Other moves: FINS N1 35, QIS N1 34, FAUNS 2J 32, SAFE 7A 31, FAINES 11A 30
On 16th draw, ALEPH 1H 30 --- ALEPH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: PANEL 14K 27, ALEF 12L 26, FINALE B3 26, FA(N)NY L11 25, FE(N)NY L11 25
On 17th draw, WAIF 12B 47 --- WAIF to throw away [v]
Other moves: WAFFIE 14A 38, WAIT 12B 38, WAQF D9 38, IF 12D 37, FIT 12C 36
On 18th draw, FOUNT 2J 49 --- FOUNT a fountain [n]
Other moves: FOWTH B10 44, FEH 13A 33, FOH 13A 33, NOH 2H 31, HEFTE 14B 30
On 19th draw, NEWTON B10 22 --- NEWTON a unit of force [n]
Other tops: ONION 9K 22, TOEA 14E 22, TOWNIE B10 22
Other moves: INTONE 14A 20, TEWIT B10 20, TONITE 14A 20, TOWIE B10 20, NITON B3 19
On 20th draw, HE A14 26 --- HE a male person [n]
Other tops: HI A14 26
Other moves: HE(N)NY L11 25, HI(N)NY L11 25, THEE A8 25, THEN A8 25, THIN A8 25
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