Game on May 6, 2024 at 23:43, 1 player
1. 113 pts roocatcher
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 68 68
2. 5D 86 154
3. 11C 74 228
4. 4A 37 265
5. A1 54 319
6. K4 94 413
7. 8K 60 473
8. D7 90 563
9. L1 30 593
10. 8A 63 656
11. 1A 95 751
12. 15A 48 799
13. C13 48 847
14. M7 78 925
15. 1L 30 955
16. 14J 60 1015
17. B13 33 1048
18. O11 39 1087
19. L12 40 1127
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7043 roocatcher 0 4:47 -1014 113 1.7043 roocatcher 0 4:47 -1014 113
On 1st draw, DOURIN(E) H4 68 --- DOURINE a disease of horses [n]
Other tops: DIURON(S) H4 68, DURION(S) H4 68, N(E)UROID H6 68
Other moves: DIURON(S) H2 66, DIURON(S) H3 66, DIURON(S) H7 66, DIURON(S) H8 66, DOURIN(E) H2 66
On 2nd draw, OUT(V)OICE 5D 86 --- OUTVOICE to surpass in loudness of voice [v]
Other moves: OUTC(R)IED 4A 72, EDUCTIO(N) 4G 70, OUTC(H)IDE 4B 70, OUT(V)OICE 5H 68, CO(N)TINUE 9C 64
On 3rd draw, AGONISE 11C 74 --- AGONISE to suffer agony [v]
Other tops: AGONIES 11B 74
Other moves: AGONIES G7 71, AGONISE G7 71, COINAGES J5 67, ANGINOSE 9G 63, GANOINES 9C 63
On 4th draw, KAING 4A 37 --- KA to serve [v]
Other tops: KIANG 4A 37, KLANG 4A 37
Other moves: GINK 4A 34, KALI 12A 34, KANG 4A 34, KING 4A 34, KNAG 4A 34
On 5th draw, BACKSEY A1 54 --- BACKSEY sirloin [n]
Other moves: BACKETS A1 45, BACKSET A1 45, TACKEY A1 45, BACKET A1 42, BEAKY A1 42
On 6th draw, BEQUEATH K4 94 --- BEQUEATH to grant by testament [v]
Other moves: BEQUEATH K1 72, QUATE C9 48, QUATE F2 47, QUAT F2 44, HABU 12A 36
On 7th draw, EXEAT 8K 60 --- EXEAT formal leave of absence [n]
Other tops: EXALT 8K 60, EXILE 8K 60, EXINE 8K 60, XENIA B6 60
Other moves: XENIAL 8J 42, NIXE 12C 41, AX B1 40, EX B1 40, LATEX B6 39
On 8th draw, PHLEGMON D7 90 --- PHLEGMON an inflammation with pus [n]
Other moves: HEMP B6 37, PHEON 12A 36, PHLEGM D7 36, HELM B6 35, HELP B6 35
On 9th draw, WINO L1 30 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: WALI L1 30
Other moves: WAUL C10 27, AW B1 24, BEQUEATHAL K4 24, OW B1 24, WAI C13 24
WAI 7M 23 roocatcher
On 10th draw, SI 8A 63 --- SI the seventh note of the diatonic scale [n]
Other tops: SO 8A 63
Other moves: JAMS 15A 60, BACKSEYS A1 57, SIJO 12K 45, SOJA 12K 45, FEIJOAS M7 44
JAMS 15A 60 roocatcher
On 11th draw, BRIDEMEN 1A 95 --- BRIDEMAN a groom's attendant at a wedding [n]
Other moves: DOMINEER 13C 76, REMAINED N5 65, REMINTED O3 62, ERMINED M3 35, DAMNER C10 33
REWIND 1J 30 roocatcher
On 12th draw, AVOSET 15A 48 --- AVOSET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: F*TS*FATSO 15A 45, FEAST 15A 45, SOAVE 15D 45, SOFTA 15D 45, STAVE 15D 45
On 13th draw, ZOO C13 48 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: ADZ M3 36, ADZ 2H 35, GLAZED M4 35, GLOZED M4 35, GRAZED M4 35
On 14th draw, PERORATE M7 78 --- PERORATE to make a lengthy speech [v]
Other moves: PATERERO M5 62, POWTER 1J 33, REWRAP 1J 33, TWERP 1K 30, CAPO 3A 29
On 15th draw, WAWL 1L 30 --- WAWL to cry like a cat [v]
Other tops: WAWE 1L 30
Other moves: WE N10 28, WEIGELA 14I 26, WALE N12 25, WALI N12 25, WEAL N12 25
On 16th draw, JEREED 14J 60 --- JEREED a wooden javelin [n]
Other moves: JEFE L12 55, JEED L12 50, JEEL L12 46, JEER L12 46, JEE L12 42
On 17th draw, DIV B13 33 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: FAIL B6 33
Other moves: FARD L12 32, FIAT 15H 32, FLAT 15H 32, AFOUL E9 31, FA 15N 29
On 18th draw, VIFDA O11 39 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: FAIL B6 33, FIAT 15H 32, FLAT 15H 32, VIAL 15H 32, VATFUL F3 31
On 19th draw, FURY L12 40 --- FURY violent anger [n]
Other moves: FY 2E 36, FURY 2E 30, FYLE I8 29, FURL L12 28, FURR L12 28
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