Game on May 7, 2024 at 18:07, 10 players
1. 224 pts LongJump22
2. 126 pts ArcticFox
3. 124 pts Wuincunx
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 46 46
2. 3C 82 128
3. 2G 82 210
4. N2 44 254
5. O5 50 304
6. B1 35 339
7. A6 34 373
8. 5E 82 455
9. 6J 28 483
10. M1 28 511
11. 6D 53 564
12. 1A 33 597
13. B9 79 676
14. 15B 33 709
15. 7C 26 735
16. 12A 54 789
17. 14F 38 827
18. 13H 31 858
19. 12L 46 904
20. 11E 28 932
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.8685 LongJump22 3 3:51 -708 224 1.8685 LongJump22 3 3:51 -708 224
2.6912 ArcticFox 1 3:38 -806 126 2.8561 Wuincunx 2 4:17 -808 124
3.8561 Wuincunx 2 4:17 -808 124 3.8612 Zuincunx 1 2:14 -852 80
4.8612 Zuincunx 1 2:14 -852 80 4.8791 Vuincunx 0 1:24 -905 27
5.6978 Hammer22 1 1:24 -878 54 5.8525 Xuincunx 0 1:25 -905 27
6.6938 Discus22 1 1:46 -878 54 Group: intermediate
7.6674 BBBBBB1112 0 0:43 -895 37 1.6912 ArcticFox 1 3:38 -806 126
8.6875 ShotPut22 0 1:02 -895 37 2.6978 Hammer22 1 1:24 -878 54
9.8791 Vuincunx 0 1:24 -905 27 3.6938 Discus22 1 1:46 -878 54
10.8525 Xuincunx 0 1:25 -905 27 4.6674 BBBBBB1112 0 0:43 -895 37
5.6875 ShotPut22 0 1:02 -895 37
On 1st draw, Q(U)IRE H4 46 --- QUIRE to arrange sheets of paper in sets of twenty-four [v]
Other moves: JOI(N)ER H4 40, JO(K)IER H4 40, JERI(D) H4 38, JIR(R)E H4 38, JI(B)ER H4 38
On 2nd draw, ARTIEST 3C 82 --- ARTY showily or pretentiously artistic [adj]
Other tops: IRATEST 3C 82
Other moves: ATTIRES 3B 80, RATITES 3B 80, STRIATE 3H 80, TERTIAS 3B 80, TREATISE 8A 77
On 3rd draw, REENDOW 2G 82 --- ENDOW to provide with something [v] --- REENDOW to endow again [v]
Other moves: ENDOWER 9F 79, REENDOW 9D 79, ENDOWER 2I 78, ENDOWER G7 70, ENDOWER I7 70
On 4th draw, STEED N2 44 --- STEED a horse [n] --- STEED to help [v]
Other moves: STEDE N2 40, SEED N2 34, STED N2 34, WEBFED M2 34, BEEF 4C 33
STEED N2 44 LongJump22
On 5th draw, HEFTY O5 50 --- HEFTY heavy [adj]
Other moves: HEFT O5 38, HYTE 4A 34, YOUTHEN L1 34, WEFT M2 31, FERNY D1 30
HEFTY O5 50 LongJump22
On 6th draw, COW(R)IE B1 35 --- COWRIE a glossy seashell [n]
Other tops: COW(P)IE B1 35
Other moves: OWC(H)E B2 33, (T)WICE B2 33, COWIE(R) B1 31, (A)WETO 3K 31, COWE(D) B1 29
On 7th draw, BIPED A6 34 --- BIPED an animal with two feet [n]
Other moves: WEEP M2 32, ABIDE A5 30, BEEDI A5 30, BEEP A5 30, PEBA A5 30
BIPED A6 34 Wuincunx
On 8th draw, SAL(U)TING 5E 82 --- SALUTE to greet with a sign of welcome or respect [v]
Other moves: ANGLIST N8 81, ANGLIST 9C 77, LASTING B9 77, SALTING 11A 77, SALTING B9 77
SALTING B9 77 LongJump22
SALTING N8 27 Vuincunx
On 9th draw, FA 6J 28 --- FA the fourth tone of the diatonic musical scale [n]
Other moves: ACARI 1A 24, AFAR B8 23, FAIL 1I 22, FARL D1 22, FURL D1 22
On 10th draw, DWAM M1 28 --- DWAM to swoon [v]
Other moves: OCTAD 1A 27, DATUM 9H 26, DOUMA 9H 26, DUOMO 9H 26, MOTT 3L 26
OCTAD 1A 27 Zuincunx, Xuincunx
On 11th draw, NIX 6D 53 --- NIX a water sprite [n] --- NIX to veto [v]
Other tops: TIX 6D 53
Other moves: RAXING B9 39, TAXING B9 39, AXING B10 35, AXING N9 34, AXING B8 33
TIX 6D 53 LongJump22
NIX 6D 53 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
On 12th draw, ICHOR 1A 33 --- ICHOR a watery discharge from a wound [n]
Other moves: KHOR N9 28, ICK 1A 27, KHI N9 27, KORU D1 26, KURI D1 26
On 13th draw, AEROBUS B9 79 --- AEROBUS a small passenger airplane [n]
Other moves: AEROBUS N9 77, AEROBUS G7 67, AEROBUS G8 63, AEROBUS I8 63, ABUSER N9 33
BEARS 9D 24 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, SPANING 15B 33 --- SPANE to wean [v]
Other tops: SPARING 15B 33
Other moves: NAPING N9 27, PIG C12 27, SNARING 15B 27, PORANGI 12A 26, RAGI C12 25
SPARING 15B 33 ArcticFox
On 15th draw, VOTE 7C 26 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other tops: OBVIATE 13A 26
Other moves: BOVATE 13B 24, EAVE N8 22, NAIVETE D6 22, VOTE 12A 22, OVATE N9 21
VOTE 12A 22 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, ZOOEY 12A 54 --- ZOOEY resembling a zoo [adj]
Other moves: ZOOEAL 12A 50, ZOEAL 12A 48, ZOOEA 12A 48, JAY A12 47, JOY A12 47
ZOOEY 12A 54 Hammer22, Discus22
JOY A12 47 ArcticFox
On 17th draw, KOA 14F 38 --- KOA a timber tree [n]
Other moves: OKA 14E 37, KAGO 11E 36, KORAI 11E 36, OKRA 11D 36, KA 14F 34
OKA 14E 37 BBBBBB1112, ShotPut22, Wuincunx
On 18th draw, VULCAN 13H 31 --- VULCAN a blacksmith [n]
Other moves: MAC 11D 28, MAC 11E 28, MANUL 11D 28, MANUL 11E 28, AMU 11D 26
On 19th draw, JUGA 12L 46 --- JUGUM a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf [n]
Other moves: JARL 12L 44, JOUR 12L 44, JURA 12L 44, JAG 12L 42, JOG 12L 42
On 20th draw, MILOR 11E 28 --- MILOR a term of address [n]
Other moves: MILL 14L 27, MILO 14L 27, MIRO 14L 27, MILL 11E 26, MILO 11E 26
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