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Game on May 9, 2024 at 14:16, 6 players
1. 214 pts LongJump22
2. 78 pts Vuincunx
3. 69 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aabcim   H8    80    80   dicamba
 2. aegiosw  15D    78   158   wages
 3. diorrty  I11    29   187   doy
 4. chiorsu   J8    36   223   ichors
 5. adeeotu   8J    27   250   iodate
 6. eeilnsv   8A    92   342   sniveled
 7. eilorsu   A1    77   419   soilures
 8. ?eelnor   O1    74   493   enrollee
 9. efinpuu   7K    24   517   nef
10. egoqrtu   L1    38   555   roqueted
11. efrtuvy   1H    33   588   fryer
12. ghnoptu   N1    27   615   hout
13. aegkprt  14B    31   646   peak
14. agiottz  A13    50   696   zag
15. aagiprt   E5    36   732   apteria
16. gijmnow   F2    40   772   jingo
17. abdiimn  13C    31   803   mna
18. intuvwx   G7    42   845   vex
19. bdeiiln   D1    27   872   blind
20. deiituw   K5    26   898   wino

Remaining tiles: deittu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8661 FileLongJump22  2  5:07  -684  214     1.8661 LongJump22  2  5:07  -684  214 
  2.8802 FileVuincunx    1  1:34  -820   78     2.8802 Vuincunx    1  1:34  -820   78 
  3.8870 FileWuincunx    2  3:04  -829   69     3.8870 Wuincunx    2  3:04  -829   69 
  4.8708 FileZuincunx    1  2:23  -838   60     4.8708 Zuincunx    1  2:23  -838   60 
  5.  -  Fileiiii2246    1  1:58  -862   36     5.8583 Xuincunx    1  1:46  -871   27 
  6.8583 FileXuincunx    1  1:46  -871   27            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  iiii2246    1  1:58  -862   36 

On 1st draw, (D)ICAMBA H8 80 --- DICAMBA an herbicide [n]
Other tops: CAMBIA(L) H2 80, CAMBIA(L) H4 80, (D)ICAMBA H2 80, (D)ICAMBA H7 80
Other moves: CAMBIA(L) H3 76, CAMBIA(L) H7 76, CAMBIA(L) H8 76, (D)ICAMBA H3 76, (D)ICAMBA H6 76
CAMBIA(L) H4 80 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, WAGES 15D 78 --- WAGE to engage in or carry on [v]
Other moves: GAWSIE 15E 69, SWAGE 15H 69, SWAG 15H 63, SWIG 15H 63, WAGS 15E 63
WAGES 15D 78 LongJump22, Vuincunx

On 3rd draw, DOY I11 29 --- DOY dear, a loved one (Scots) [n]
Other moves: TOY I11 27, OY I12 24, RYOT I11 24, TROY 14B 24, DICTY 10F 23
TROY 14B 24 LongJump22

On 4th draw, ICHORS J8 36 --- ICHOR a watery discharge from a wound [n]
Other moves: CHIROS C10 32, CHIRUS C10 32, CHOIRS C10 32, CHORUS C10 32, HORS J10 32
CHORUS C10 32 LongJump22

On 5th draw, IODATE 8J 27 --- IODATE to treat with iodine [v]
Other moves: IDEATE 8J 24, ODA 14D 19, TEAD 14B 18, TOAD 14B 18, TOEA 14C 18
IODATE 8J 27 Wuincunx, Xuincunx

On 6th draw, SNIVELE(D) 8A 92 --- SNIVEL to cry or whine with sniffling [v]
Other moves: VASELINE M7 82, SNIVELED L1 76, VEINLETS N2 76, SLEEVING F8 66, VALINES M7 30

On 7th draw, SOILURES A1 77 --- SOILURE a stain or smudge [n]
Other tops: SOILURES A8 77
SOILURES A8 27 Zuincunx

On 8th draw, ENROL(L)EE O1 74 --- ENROLLEE one that is enrolled [n]
Other tops: ENROL(L)EE O8 74, ENRO(L)LEE O1 74, SOLE(M)NER 1A 74
Other moves: ENRO(L)LEE O8 71, ENNO(B)LER B7 70, ENROL(L)ED L1 68, ENRO(L)LED L1 68, LE(M)ONIER C3 68

On 9th draw, NEF 7K 24 --- NEF an ornamental stand for table cutlery [n]
Other moves: FEU N1 23, FIE N1 23, NEF 7E 23, FINE B3 22, IF B1 22

On 10th draw, ROQUETED L1 38 --- ROQUET to cause one's own ball to hit another in croquet [v]
Other tops: REQUOTED L1 38
Other moves: TOQUET N8 35, TOQUE N8 34, TORQUED L2 34, TORQUER 3I 34, QUOTED L3 32

On 11th draw, FRYER 1H 33 --- FRYER one that fries [n]
Other moves: FEY 7E 29, FELTY F6 27, RETURF 1H 27, EYEFUL 5J 24, FREETY E5 24
FRYER 1H 33 Zuincunx

On 12th draw, HOUT N1 27 --- HOUT to hoot [v]
Other moves: MORPHO 12H 26, THO B1 26, PHON 14B 25, PHOT 14B 25, PUHA 14E 25

On 13th draw, PEAK 14B 31 --- PEAK to reach a maximum [v]
Other moves: APEEK G5 28, GREEK G5 27, KAPA 14E 27, PEEK G6 27, REAK 14B 27

On 14th draw, ZAG A13 50 --- ZAG to change course sharply [v]
Other moves: ZA 15A 37, ZO 15A 37, ZOA 2F 37, GOTTA 13A 33, LAZO F8 33

On 15th draw, APTERIA E5 36 --- APTERIUM a bare area of skin between feathers [n]
Other moves: PRAT 13C 33, ATAP 13C 29, TRAP 13C 29, IGARAPE C8 24, PATAKA E10 24
APTERIA E5 36 iiii2246

On 16th draw, JINGO F2 40 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: JOW 13D 33, JOG 13D 31, JONG F2 31, JO 13D 29, JOIN F2 29

On 17th draw, MNA 13C 31 --- MNA a Greek weight [n]
Other moves: AIMED G5 27, BIMA D3 27, DIEB G6 24, IDEM G6 24, ABED G6 22

On 18th draw, VEX G7 42 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: WEX G7 42
Other moves: XI 9M 40, TEX G7 36, EX G8 34, XI 9G 34, VITEX 5I 30
WEX G7 42 Wuincunx

On 19th draw, BLIND D1 27 --- BLIND sightless [adj] --- BLIND to make sightless [v]
Other tops: BIELD D1 27, BILED D1 27, BLEND D1 27
Other moves: MORBID 12H 22, BE 9M 20, BI 9M 20, DIEB D2 20, BEND D2 19

On 20th draw, WINO K5 26 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other moves: WE 9M 24, EDIT B2 21, DEW F10 20, DINO K5 18, DITE B3 18

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