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Game on May 11, 2024 at 18:21, 16 players
1. 243 pts Pacific
2. 227 pts SQUAW1
3. 186 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ehmnoru   H4    28    28   horme
 2. denouvy   I5    27    55   dey
 3. ?agooru   J2    23    78   rolag
 4. ?agotuz   K6    87   165   outgaze
 5. deiopuv  13I    44   209   updive
 6. aefirss   O9    96   305   fraises
 7. eelortu   M7    63   368   truelove
 8. aemnrrw  L11    34   402   emir
 9. bdeiltw   3I    30   432   bowled
10. efgijsw   4B    46   478   jewfish
11. adghinn  12C    79   557   handing
12. aceiiot  13A    28   585   coate
13. aceikot  11B    39   624   cake
14. ailnnuy  A12    30   654   acyl
15. aelnotx   4L    40   694   axon
16. ilnorst  15G    29   723   nitros
17. aepqttu  14F    36   759   qat
18. beilnpv   C3    30   789   belive
19. iinoptu   8A    33   822   tiepin

Remaining tiles: inou

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.9553 FilePacific     1  5:21  -579  243     1.9553 Pacific     1  5:21  -579  243 
  2.7874 FileSQUAW1      5  5:55  -595  227            Group: expert
  3.8667 FileLongJump22  4  3:00  -636  186     1.8667 LongJump22  4  3:00  -636  186 
  4.6934 FileArcticFox   1  3:56  -703  119     2.8685 Quincunx    0  0:46  -776   46 
  5.6674 FileBBBBBB1112  2  3:34  -732   90     3.8343 Zuincunx    1  0:56  -778   44 
  6.6831 FileShotPut22   0  1:38  -770   52     4.8614 Wuincunx    1  1:24  -778   44 
  7.8685 FileQuincunx    0  0:46  -776   46     5.8721 Vuincunx    1  1:52  -778   44 
  8.8343 FileZuincunx    1  0:56  -778   44            Group: advanced
  9.8614 FileWuincunx    1  1:24  -778   44     1.7874 SQUAW1      5  5:55  -595  227 
 10.8721 FileVuincunx    1  1:52  -778   44     2.7951 moonmonkey  1  0:38  -782   40 
 11.7951 Filemoonmonkey  1  0:38  -782   40     3.7721 queen66     1  1:17  -782   40 
 12.7721 Filequeen66     1  1:17  -782   40     4.7597 sicilianc5  0  1:26  -793   29 
 13.6998 FileHammer22    1  1:55  -782   40     5.7762 Mycophot    0  1:50  -793   29 
 14.7597 Filesicilianc5  0  1:26  -793   29            Group: intermediate
 15.7762 FileMycophot    0  1:50  -793   29     1.6934 ArcticFox   1  3:56  -703  119 
 16.6790 FileDiscus22    0  0:28  -798   24     2.6674 BBBBBB1112  2  3:34  -732   90 
                                             3.6831 ShotPut22   0  1:38  -770   52 
                                             4.6998 Hammer22    1  1:55  -782   40 
                                             5.6790 Discus22    0  0:28  -798   24 

On 1st draw, HORME H4 28 --- HORME purposeful behaviour [n]
Other tops: HOMER H4 28, HUMOR H4 28
Other moves: MOHUR H4 26, RHEUM H8 26, HERON H4 24, HONER H4 24, HOMER H8 22
HOMER H4 28 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, DEY I5 27 --- DEY a former North African ruler [n]
Other moves: HOYDEN 4H 26, ENVOY G1 25, ENVOY I1 25, UEY I5 25, HOVED 4H 24
DEY I5 27 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, RO(L)AG J2 23 --- ROLAG sheep's wool for spinning [n]
Other moves: AGORO(T)H 4B 20, A(E)RUGO G1 20, RAG J4 20, (B)OROUGH 4B 20, (B)RAG J3 20

On 4th draw, OUTGAZ(E) K6 87 --- OUTGAZE to surpass in gazing [v]
Other moves: OUTGAZ(E) G8 79, OUTGAZE(S) 8B 75, ZOOT(Y) 3I 46, ZOO(E)A 3I 46, (C)AZ I1 44
OUTGAZ(E) K6 87 LongJump22
(C)OZ I1 44 Pacific

On 5th draw, UPDIVE 13I 44 --- UPDIVE to spring upward [v]
Other tops: UPDOVE 13I 44, VIDEO 13I 44
Other moves: DOVIE 13K 36, DIVE 13K 34, DOVE 13K 34, DEV 13K 32, DIV 13K 32
UPDIVE 13I 44 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx
DOVE 13K 34 Pacific

On 6th draw, FRAISES O9 96 --- FRAISE a barrier of pointed stakes [n] --- FRAISE to fortify with a horizontal palisade [v]
Other tops: FRAISES O7 96
Other moves: FRAISES 9B 73, FRAISES G8 67, FRAISES 14C 64, SERIFS O8 52, FARSES O10 43
FRAISES O9 96 Pacific
FRAISES O7 46 Quincunx

On 7th draw, TRUELOVE M7 63 --- TRUELOVE a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: OUTLER N9 33, TOEIER L10 29, ORIEL L11 25, EURO L8 24, LOTI L10 23

On 8th draw, EMIR L11 34 --- EMIR an Arab chieftain or prince [n]
Other moves: WOMERA 3I 30, WORMER 3I 30, AWE L9 28, REWARM 12D 28, WOMAN 3I 28

On 9th draw, BOWLED 3I 30 --- BOWL to make a delivery of a ball [v]
Other moves: BOWED 3I 28, BOWEL 3I 26, BOWET 3I 26, BOWIE 3I 26, BOILED 3I 24

On 10th draw, JEWFISH 4B 46 --- JEWFISH a large marine fish [n]
Other moves: WIFES 15H 44, JEWIES 8D 32, J*WS 14F 32, JIGS 14F 30, FEW 2M 29

On 11th draw, HANDING 12C 79 --- HAND to present with the extremity of the arm below the wrist [v]
Other moves: HANDING 14C 69, HANDING G8 69, HADJI B1 32, HADING N1 30, HADJ B1 30
HANDING 14C 69 Pacific

On 12th draw, COATE 13A 28 --- COATE to cite as evidence [v]
Other moves: ATOC 4L 27, OTIC 4L 27, CATE 13B 26, CIAO 13B 26, CITE 13B 26

On 13th draw, CAKE 11B 39 --- CAKE to form into a hardened mass [v]
Other moves: ATOK 4L 35, TAKE 11B 35, TEAK 11D 34, ACETIC A8 33, AKE 11C 33

On 14th draw, ACYL A12 30 --- ACYL a univalent radical [n]
Other moves: AY J9 29, AYIN 2L 27, YA 3C 25, CAY A13 24, CLY A13 24
AY J9 29 ArcticFox, SQUAW1, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 15th draw, AXON 4L 40 --- AXON the central process of a neuron [n]
Other tops: AXEL 4L 40, OXEN 4L 40, TELEX C3 40
Other moves: AXE 4L 36, DEX F12 35, ALOE 5B 34, OLEA 5B 34, AXE 5B 33
AXEL 4L 40 moonmonkey, queen66, SQUAW1, Hammer22
LAX 5A 28 ArcticFox

On 16th draw, NITROS 15G 29 --- NITRO a nitrated product [n]
Other tops: INTROS 15G 29, TRIOLS 15G 29
Other moves: ROJIS B2 28, IRONS 15H 26, LINOS 15H 26, LINTS 15H 26, LIONS 15H 26
TOILS 15H 26 ArcticFox
TOIL 3C 24 Discus22
ROIL 3C 24 ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112

On 17th draw, QAT 14F 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: EQUIP F1 36, QUA 14F 36, QUIET F2 36, QUITE F2 36
Other moves: QUIP F2 35, QUIT F2 33, UPJET B2 32, QUEP C2 30, TAP 2M 28
QUA 14F 36 ArcticFox

On 18th draw, BELIVE C3 30 --- BELIVE immediately [adv]
Other moves: BENJ B1 26, BEVEL C3 22, JIVE B4 22, PELVIC B6 21, BEVEL C1 20

On 19th draw, TIEPIN 8A 33 --- TIEPIN a pin for securing a necktie [n]
Other moves: INEPT 8A 30, TIPI 10C 29, TUP 2M 28, TIP 10C 26, INPUT 10D 25
TUP 2M 28 ShotPut22

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