Game on May 11, 2024 at 19:07, 12 players
1. 572 pts Muincunx
2. 554 pts SQUAW1
3. 517 pts ArcticFox
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 70 70
2. 13G 46 116
3. 14H 42 158
4. 15J 27 185
5. I2 65 250
6. H1 24 274
7. 12L 29 303
8. 11K 38 341
9. J3 26 367
10. 12F 23 390
11. K5 32 422
12. 8K 33 455
13. 9A 63 518
14. 10A 54 572
15. A5 51 623
16. B5 35 658
17. D5 72 730
18. F3 65 795
19. B9 28 823
20. N2 34 857
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.7774 Muincunx 8 12:26 -285 572 1.8667 LongJump22 4 10:03 -567 290
2.7886 SQUAW1 5 13:00 -303 554 2.8685 Quincunx 1 1:20 -811 46
3.6938 ArcticFox 4 19:40 -340 517 3.8721 Vuincunx 1 1:42 -811 46
4.8667 LongJump22 4 10:03 -567 290 4.8614 Wuincunx 0 1:38 -816 41
5.8685 Quincunx 1 1:20 -811 46 5.8343 Zuincunx 0 1:55 -840 17
6.8721 Vuincunx 1 1:42 -811 46 Group: advanced
7.8614 Wuincunx 0 1:38 -816 41 1.7774 Muincunx 8 12:26 -285 572
8.6831 ShotPut22 1 0:55 -819 38 2.7886 SQUAW1 5 13:00 -303 554
9.6790 Discus22 1 1:13 -819 38 Group: intermediate
10.6674 BBBBBB1112 1 1:31 -819 38 1.6938 ArcticFox 4 19:40 -340 517
11.6998 Hammer22 1 1:47 -819 38 2.6831 ShotPut22 1 0:55 -819 38
12.8343 Zuincunx 0 1:55 -840 17 3.6790 Discus22 1 1:13 -819 38
4.6674 BBBBBB1112 1 1:31 -819 38
5.6998 Hammer22 1 1:47 -819 38
On 1st draw, (B)E(S)LIME H7 70 --- BESLIME to cover with slime [v]
Other tops: ELMIE(S)(T) H2 70, EM(A)ILE(D) H3 70, E(P)I(B)LEM H6 70, E(R)MELI(N) H2 70, IM(P)LE(T)E H3 70, I(S)LEME(N) H8 70, LE(X)EMI(C) H8 70, LIME(A)(D)E H2 70, LI(N)EME(N) H8 70, MEL(L)I(T)E H4 70, MEL(T)E(M)I H4 70, MEL(T)IE(R) H4 70, ME(A)LIE(R) H4 70, ME(A)LIE(S) H4 70, ME(L)LI(T)E H4 70, MIEL(I)E(S) H4 70, MILE(A)(G)E H4 70, MI(C)EL(L)E H4 70, MI(C)E(L)LE H4 70, M(I)ELIE(S) H4 70, M(Y)ELI(N)E H4 70, (D)ELIME(D) H8 70, (D)ELIME(S) H8 70, (G)EMLI(K)E H2 70, (H)ELIME(N) H8 70, (H)EMLI(N)E H2 70, (M)EL(T)EMI H7 70
Other moves: ELMIE(S)(T) H3 66, ELMIE(S)(T) H4 66, ELMIE(S)(T) H8 66, EM(A)ILE(D) H4 66, EM(A)ILE(D) H7 66
MEL(T)IE(R) H4 70 LongJump22
MEL(T)IE(R) H4 20 Muincunx
MEL(E)E(S) H4 18 ArcticFox
On 2nd draw, BEHAVED 13G 46 --- BEHAVE to act properly [v]
Other moves: BEHAVED 13C 44, BEHAVE 13C 36, AHEM G10 30, HAMED G11 30, BAH G11 29
BEHAVED 13G 46 Muincunx, LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx
VADE 14F 25 ArcticFox
On 3rd draw, DOW 14H 42 --- DOW to do well [v]
Other tops: DAW 14H 42, DEW 14H 42
Other moves: WADER 14F 41, WIDER 14F 41, REDOWA 14B 40, WADE 14F 34, WADI 14F 34
DOW 14H 42 ArcticFox
WADER 14F 41 Muincunx, LongJump22, Wuincunx
On 4th draw, LORANS 15J 27 --- LORAN a type of navigational system [n]
Other moves: LAVS K11 22, RANSOM 12C 20, SALON 15I 18, SLOAN 15I 18, SNARL 15I 18
LAVS K11 22 Muincunx
ALSO 15I 17 ArcticFox
ROAN 12L 17 Zuincunx
On 5th draw, PORNIER I2 65 --- PORNY pornographic [adj]
Other moves: PRI(S)ONER 9E 61, RIPIENO 11E 36, PEIN 12L 25, PENI 12L 25, PEON 12L 25
PORE 12L 25 Muincunx
POLER 10F 15 ArcticFox
On 6th draw, TOSE H1 24 --- TOSE to tease out [v]
Other tops: TOSA H1 24
Other moves: QATS O12 23, PESETA 2I 20, POTAES 2I 20, STEAM 12D 18, TEASE J6 18
QATS O12 23 Muincunx, ArcticFox, SQUAW1
On 7th draw, YATE 12L 29 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other tops: AERY 12L 29, AIRY 12L 29, YARE 12L 29, YEAR 12L 29, YETI 12L 29, YITE 12L 29
Other moves: EYRA J2 27, TEARY J6 27, TYRE J2 27, YAE 12L 25, YAR 12L 25
YEAR 12L 29 Muincunx
QATS O12 23 ArcticFox
On 8th draw, QATS 11K 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QATS 11J 36, QAT 11K 34, QAT N10 32, ENSATE J2 31, STEANE J2 31
QATS 11K 38 Muincunx, ShotPut22, Discus22, BBBBBB1112, Hammer22
QAT N10 32 ArcticFox
On 9th draw, GAED J3 26 --- GAE to go [v]
Other moves: GADE J4 25, GANTED J4 25, OPIATED 2H 24, TAED J3 24, TEAD J3 24
GADE J4 25 LongJump22
DEAN J3 20 ArcticFox
On 10th draw, VAMP 12F 23 --- VAMP to repair or patch [v]
Other moves: PAVID 11E 22, PRAAM 12D 22, VAPID 11E 22, DAMP 12F 21, PA 10N 21
VAMP 12F 23 LongJump22
VALID 10F 21 ArcticFox
On 11th draw, WEND K5 32 --- WEND to proceed along [v]
Other moves: WED K5 30, WEN K5 28, DEW K5 26, GHERAOED 4F 26, WE K5 26
WEND K5 32 SQUAW1, Muincunx
HOLED 10F 21 ArcticFox
On 12th draw, DUNGY 8K 33 --- DUNGY filthy [adj]
Other moves: VAMPY 12F 25, YAWL J12 25, GULFY 10F 24, YAH L7 19, FLAY 10G 18
DUNGY 8K 33 Muincunx, SQUAW1, ArcticFox
On 13th draw, MEERCAT(S) 9A 63 --- MEERCAT a South African carnivore [n]
Other tops: CREMATE(S) 9A 63
Other moves: CERATE L1 34, CREATE L1 34, ECARTE L1 30, REMATE L1 30, CARET L1 27
CREMATE(S) 9A 63 LongJump22
CARET L1 27 Muincunx
CREAMY O3 14 ArcticFox
On 14th draw, AX 10A 54 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ARB 8A 33, AMBIT A8 30, IMBAR A8 30, IBEX B7 29, AB 8A 28
AX 10A 54 Muincunx, SQUAW1, ArcticFox
EX O12 9 LongJump22
On 15th draw, JICAMA A5 51 --- JICAMA a tropical plant with edible roots [n]
Other moves: JACOBIN M2 38, COBIA 11A 35, JAGG N6 29, JAGA F6 28, ABOMA A6 27
JAGG N6 29 SQUAW1, Muincunx
JOG N6 27 ArcticFox
On 16th draw, OF B5 35 --- OF coming from [prep]
Other tops: EIKON B2 35
Other moves: FEINT L1 31, FIENT L1 31, KENAF F6 30, KITE L3 28, KNIFER D4 28
OF B5 35 Muincunx, ArcticFox
IF 6A 13 LongJump22
On 17th draw, ROBURITE D5 72 --- ROBURITE a flameless explosive [n]
Other moves: BRUIT L1 27, BURET L1 27, BOITE L2 26, BRUTE L2 26, REVAMP 12D 26
BELT 10F 24 ArcticFox
OBIT 11B 22 Muincunx
On 18th draw, FISTULAR F3 65 --- FISTULA a duct formed by the imperfect closing of a wound [adj] --- FISTULAR pertaining to a fistula [adj]
Other moves: FLIRTS L1 38, FRUITS L1 38, FIRST L1 31, FLIRS L1 31, FLIRT L1 31
FLIRTS L1 38 Muincunx
FIRST 13A 27 ArcticFox
On 19th draw, EXOGEN B9 28 --- EXOGEN a plant which grows by thickening its outer layer [n]
Other moves: LOGE E2 24, OLEO E3 24, GOLE E2 23, LOONING M3 22, NOLE E2 21
LOGE E2 24 SQUAW1, Muincunx
OOT 11B 13 ArcticFox
On 20th draw, HOIKING N2 34 --- HOIK to hitch up [v]
Other moves: ZIG N6 33, ZEK 13A 32, ZINKY O4 31, HIN A13 25, HOI A13 25
HOIKING N2 34 Muincunx
ZIG N6 33 SQUAW1, ArcticFox
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