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Game on May 12, 2024 at 05:42, 5 players
1. 638 pts sunshine12
2. 490 pts fatcat
3. 137 pts roocatcher

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehlnop   H3    30    30   phenol
 2. ?bfiiou   I7    27    57   fibro
 3. aenrsux   5E    56   113   reseaux
 4. aadgior  H10    31   144   adagio
 5. ?acefny   E4    80   224   cranefly
 6. elmnors  14G    74   298   misenrol
 7. eiknosw  O11    53   351   nkosi
 8. aegnorz   8A    75   426   graze
 9. abegiuw   J8    35   461   gibe
10. ehorttu   6J    37   498   huer
11. acdinst   N4    74   572   discant
12. eiloprw   F5    46   618   ewer
13. adeijmt   8L    57   675   jeat
14. ilnoqtu   C8    52   727   aquilon
15. aeeotvw   O1    37   764   wave
16. deeloty   L8    32   796   joyed
17. adeoptu  B11    29   825   depot
18. aeiilrt   3F    74   899   liparite
19. aimttuv  A12    49   948   muti

Remaining tiles: atv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7519 Filesunshine12  4 18:41  -310  638     1.7519 sunshine12  4 18:41  -310  638 
  2.6406 Filefatcat      2 12:11  -458  490     2.7025 roocatcher  1  4:11  -811  137 
  3.7025 Fileroocatcher  1  4:11  -811  137            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filechunk88     1  1:00  -911   37     1.6406 fatcat      2 12:11  -458  490 
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  1:19  -927   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  chunk88     1  1:00  -911   37 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  1:19  -927   21 

On 1st draw, PHENOL H3 30 --- PHENOL a caustic compound [n]
Other tops: HOLPEN H4 30, PHONAL H3 30
Other moves: ALEPH H8 28, PHENOL H4 28, PHONAL H4 28, PHEON H4 26, PHONE H4 26

On 2nd draw, FIB(R)O I7 27 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: FIB I7 26, FIB(S) I7 26, FOB I7 26, FOB(S) I7 26, BIFI(D) I7 25
FOB(S) 9E 22 sunshine12

On 3rd draw, RESEAUX 5E 56 --- RESEAU a filter screen for making colour films [n]
Other moves: NEXUS H11 41, PRAXES 3H 32, SAXE 12I 32, EAUX J11 29, ARENOUS 11E 28
SAXE 12I 32 sunshine12

On 4th draw, ADAGIO H10 31 --- ADAGIO a musical composition or movement played in a slow tempo [n]
Other moves: GARDAI 4J 30, DARGA H11 27, GARDA H11 27, GARDA 4J 26, GIRD 6J 26
GOAD 4J 24 sunshine12

On 5th draw, CRANEF(L)Y E4 80 --- CRANEFLY a type of fly [n]
Other moves: FAYENCE(S) F2 75, FE(M)INACY 14E 69, FACEDO(W)N 11D 52, INFA(N)CY 14H 44, I(N)FANCY 14H 44
FENC(E) J10 34 sunshine12
ANY 4K 21 fatcat

On 6th draw, MISENROL 14G 74 --- MISENROL to enrol incorrectly [v]
Other moves: MONGRELS 13E 63, NOMES J8 34, NOME J8 33, NOMS J8 33, SOME J8 33
EMES F5 26 sunshine12
SLAM 6C 22 fatcat

On 7th draw, NKOSI O11 53 --- NKOSI (South Africa) term of address to a superior [n]
Other moves: KNOWES 8A 51, NOWISE O10 50, KNOWE 8A 48, EIKON J8 46, SOKEN J8 46
WISE O12 44 sunshine12, fatcat

On 8th draw, GRAZE 8A 75 --- GRAZE to feed on growing grass [v]
Other moves: RAZEE 8A 45, ZOEAE 8A 45, ZONAE 8A 45, GAZER 4J 42, GAZON 4J 42
GRAZE 8A 75 fatcat, sunshine12

On 9th draw, GIBE J8 35 --- GIBE to jeer [v]
Other moves: BEWIG D11 33, GAB J8 30, GIB J8 30, EWE F5 29, BEIGE J10 28
GIB J8 30 sunshine12
AW 13L 22 fatcat

On 10th draw, HUER 6J 37 --- HUER a pilchard fishermen's lookout man [n]
Other tops: HURT 6J 37
Other moves: HUE 6J 36, HUT 6J 36, TORAH 6B 31, REO F8 29, TROUCH 4A 29
HURT 6J 37 sunshine12
TORCH 4B 25 fatcat

On 11th draw, DISCANT N4 74 --- DISCANT to descant [v]
Other tops: ANTACIDS C8 74
Other moves: ANTACIDS C5 65, STAND K8 37, ASDIC 12H 35, CANIDS N1 32, DICAST N2 32
CANIDS N1 32 sunshine12
STICK 12K 22 fatcat

On 12th draw, EWER F5 46 --- EWER a large pitcher [n]
Other moves: WRAP 8L 39, WIPE O1 34, WEAL 8L 33, WEAR 8L 33, WOF 9C 33
WRAP 8L 39 fatcat
WIPE O1 34 sunshine12

On 13th draw, JEAT 8L 57 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JEMIDAR L8 50, JADE O1 43, JEDI O1 43, JEMIDAR B2 42, JAM 8M 36
JEAT 8L 57 sunshine12
JADE O1 43 fatcat

On 14th draw, AQUILON C8 52 --- AQUILON the north wind [n]
Other moves: QUOIN O1 51, QUOIT O1 51, QUINTAL C3 36, QUONK 12K 36, QUI(L)L 10B 35
QUOIN O1 51 sunshine12, roocatcher
QUOIT O1 51 fatcat

On 15th draw, WAVE O1 37 --- WAVE to move freely back and forth or up and down [v]
Other tops: WOVE O1 37
Other moves: VAW D11 36, VOW D11 36, AWEE O1 28, EAVE O1 28, EVOE O1 28
WAVE O1 37 fatcat
WOVE O1 37 roocatcher, chunk88, sunshine12

On 16th draw, JOYED L8 32 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: YEED 13J 31, JEELY L8 30, JOLTY L8 30, ODYL D12 30, TOEY 13J 30
YO B10 28 sunshine12, roocatcher, fatcat

On 17th draw, DEPOT B11 29 --- DEPOT a railroad or bus station [n]
Other moves: APED D12 28, APOD D12 28, OPED D12 28, PATED B11 28, TAPED B11 28
OP N1 21 roocatcher, BadBoyBen, sunshine12
POUTED 3H 20 fatcat

On 18th draw, LIPARITE 3F 74 --- LIPARITE an acid igneous rock [n]
Other tops: REPTILIA 3F 74
Other moves: LAER D12 24, LIER D12 24, TAEL D12 24, TIER D12 24, ATE A13 23
ATE A13 23 fatcat, sunshine12

On 19th draw, MUTI A12 49 --- MUTI a South African traditional medicine [n]
Other moves: TATU A12 33, AMI A13 31, AMU A13 31, VATIC 4A 28, MAT A12 24
AMI A13 31 sunshine12
MELT 12A 18 fatcat

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