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Game on May 12, 2024 at 18:30, 6 players
1. 221 pts LongJump22
2. 221 pts Vuincunx
3. 57 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aenorvw   H7    32    32   reavow
 2. ?oottuy   9H    62    94   autotomy
 3. ?aaefqt   8L    50   144   alef
 4. acioptu   J7    70   214   autoptic
 5. eeiinrs  13C    27   241   nereis
 6. acessty   K1    79   320   ecstasy
 7. dellmox   1K    63   383   exode
 8. adefght  14D    40   423   heft
 9. adeeilt   7A    61   484   detailer
10. aehioqw   A4    51   535   howdie
11. abeilrv   D3    82   617   variable
12. eggilrs   2K    33   650   cires
13. ggimpru  12A    36   686   grip
14. aadmmno   B1    29   715   madam
15. gilnoqu   4H    54   769   quoting
16. bdilnou   C1    32   801   obi
17. adglnuz  15G    42   843   adz
18. gkllnnu  A12    27   870   gunk

Remaining tiles: gjllnnnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8660 FileLongJump22  3  2:50  -649  221     1.8660 LongJump22  3  2:50  -649  221 
  2.  -  FileVuincunx    2  6:47  -649  221     2.8351 Zuincunx    0  0:27  -813   57 
  3.8351 FileZuincunx    0  0:27  -813   57     3.8403 Wuincunx    0  0:47  -813   57 
  4.8403 FileWuincunx    0  0:47  -813   57     4.8829 Quincunx    0  1:27  -813   57 
  5.8829 FileQuincunx    0  1:27  -813   57            Group: not rated
  6.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  1:56  -816   54     1.  -  Vuincunx    2  6:47  -649  221 
                                             2.  -  qqqq2246    1  1:56  -816   54 

On 1st draw, REAVOW H7 32 --- AVOW to declare openly [v] --- REAVOW to vow again [v]
Other tops: AVOWER H3 32
Other moves: NAVEW H8 30, VOWER H4 30, WAVER H4 30, WOVEN H4 30, AVOWER H4 26
REAVOW H7 32 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, AUTOTO(M)Y 9H 62 --- AUTOTOMY the discarding of a damaged body part [n]
Other moves: T(R)OUTY G4 27, (B)OOTY G5 26, (F)OOTY G5 26, (G)OUTY G5 26, (H)OOTY G5 26
AUTOTO(M)Y 9H 62 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, A(L)EF 8L 50 --- ALEF a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: Q(U)YTE O7 48, FEAT(L)Y O4 45, FEA(L)TY O4 45, Q(U)AY O6 45, Q(U)EY O6 45
Q(U)YTE O7 48 LongJump22

On 4th draw, AUTOPTIC J7 70 --- AUTOPTIC relating to an autopsy [adj]
Other moves: AUTOPTIC J4 66, COE(M)PT N6 21, APROTIC 7F 20, ATOPIC 11F 20, ATOPIC L8 20

On 5th draw, NEREIS 13C 27 --- NEREIS a marine worm [n]
Other tops: RENIES 13C 27, SEINER 13H 27
Other moves: NISEI 13F 20, ONIE K9 20, ERNES 13D 19, REENS 13D 19, REINS 13D 19

On 6th draw, ECSTASY K1 79 --- ECSTASY a state of exaltation [n] --- ECSTASY to fill with joy [v]
Other moves: ECSTASY I1 77, CYTASES K1 76, CYTES 14B 37, CYTASES D8 30, YATES 14B 30
ECSTASY K1 79 LongJump22

On 7th draw, EXODE 1K 63 --- EXODE a farce [n]
Other moves: DEX 14D 57, EXO 14E 55, LEX 14D 55, LOXED 14B 54, EX 14E 52
DEX 14D 57 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx

On 8th draw, HEFT 14D 40 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: FATED 14B 39, HATED 14B 39, FEH 14D 37, DEFT 14D 36, FAH 12D 35
FATED 14B 39 Vuincunx

On 9th draw, DETAILER 7A 61 --- DETAILER one that details [n]
Other tops: LEADIEST 3E 61
Other moves: CIDE 2K 32, DELEAD N1 24, DIALED N1 24, DIETED N1 24, TAED 15F 24

On 10th draw, HOWDIE A4 51 --- HOWDIE a midwife [n]
Other moves: OHIA 8A 43, QADI A5 42, WAIDE A4 39, AHI 12C 35, OHIA 6A 35

On 11th draw, VARIABLE D3 82 --- VARIABLE something that varies [n]
Other moves: VARIABLE 5G 63, VAIRE 12A 41, BLARE 12A 37, VAIR 12A 36, VIER 12A 36

On 12th draw, CIRES 2K 33 --- CIRE a highly glazed finish for fabrics [n]
Other moves: GRISE 15A 31, CIRE 2K 29, EGGS 15A 28, GIGS 15A 28, IGGS 15A 28

On 13th draw, GRIP 12A 36 --- GRIP to grasp [v]
Other moves: PIR 12D 35, PUR 12D 35, MUIR 12A 32, PUIR 12A 32, GRUMP B1 31
GRIP 12A 36 Vuincunx

On 14th draw, MADAM B1 29 --- MADAM a woman who manages a brothel [n] --- MADAM to address as madam [v]
Other moves: MADTOM 4H 28, AMMAN B1 25, AMMO B2 25, AMMON B1 25, DAME 10A 24
AMMAN B1 25 Vuincunx

On 15th draw, QUOTING 4H 54 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: QUE(M)ING N6 38, QUINOL F2 37, DOVING 3B 26, UNI C1 26, QUINS 3G 25
QUOTING 4H 54 Vuincunx, qqqq2246

On 16th draw, OBI C1 32 --- OBI obeah [n] --- OBI to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: E(M)BOUND N8 30, OB A1 28, OMBU 1A 27, UMBO 1A 27, BI C2 26
BUDI I3 10 Vuincunx

On 17th draw, ADZ 15G 42 --- ADZ a cutting tool [n] --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: ADZ E9 31, DAZE 10A 31, AMONG 1A 27, LAZO 11E 26, MOZ 1B 24

On 18th draw, GUNK A12 27 --- GUNK filthy, sticky, or greasy matter [n]
Other moves: CLUNK 14J 22, PLUNK 11J 22, KNELL 10B 21, PULK 11J 20, PUNK 11J 20

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