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Game on May 13, 2024 at 02:48, 5 players
1. 136 pts sunshine12
2. 109 pts roocatcher
3. 46 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eiilnot   H7    66    66   etiolin
 2. ?ehorwx   G7    53   119   wex
 3. abmnors   I5    38   157   bomas
 4. aaeemst  13F    74   231   manatees
 5. aadeinr   4I    80   311   araneid
 6. gooprst   M6    65   376   gosports
 7. ?fiiino   J4    39   415   rifs
 8. inostuv   N1    31   446   invious
 9. ?ainotw  14A    80   526   waitron
10. dgorruy  15F    36   562   gyro
11. bdelntu   1J    33   595   beduin
12. acijort  13B    35   630   jai
13. acdeett  11G    74   704   clattered
14. alnorvy   O8    48   752   vardy
15. lnopqru  15A    39   791   op
16. cefhilr   2E    77   868   filcher
17. egkllnu   1A    41   909   kluge
18. deinqrz  D12    48   957   ditz
19. eilnqru   C1    34   991   uniquer

Remaining tiles: ehl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7509 Filesunshine12  2  4:19  -855  136     1.7509 sunshine12  2  4:19  -855  136 
  2.7028 Fileroocatcher  1  4:41  -882  109     2.7028 roocatcher  1  4:41  -882  109 
  3.7695 FileGLOBEMAN    0  2:33  -945   46     3.7695 GLOBEMAN    0  2:33  -945   46 
  4.  -  Filechunk88     0  1:44  -969   22            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileBadBoyBen   0  0:23  -977   14     1.  -  chunk88     0  1:44  -969   22 
                                             2.  -  BadBoyBen   0  0:23  -977   14 

On 1st draw, ETIOLIN H7 66 --- ETIOLIN a yellow pigment in light-starved plants [n]
Other tops: ETIOLIN H2 66, ETIOLIN H3 66, ETIOLIN H4 66, ETIOLIN H6 66, ETIOLIN H8 66
Other moves: ETIOLIN H5 64, ENTOIL H3 14, ENTOIL H4 14, ENTOIL H7 14, ENTOIL H8 14

On 2nd draw, WEX G7 53 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: HEX G7 53, REW(A)X G5 53
Other moves: H(E)X G7 51, W(A)X G7 51, W(E)X G7 51, HOWLER(S) 11E 48, HO(A)XER G9 44

On 3rd draw, BOMAS I5 38 --- BOMA a fenced enclosure [n]
Other moves: NORMAS I4 37, NOMAS I5 36, ROMAS I5 36, OBAS I6 35, BAS I7 34

On 4th draw, MANATEES 13F 74 --- MANATEE a large aquatic mammal [n]
Other moves: MALEATES 11F 70, EMANATES 13E 62, TEAMS J3 36, TEEMS J3 36, TAMS J4 35

On 5th draw, ARANEID 4I 80 --- ARANEID a spider [n]
Other moves: ARANEID 14A 79, ARANEID 4G 78, ARANEIDS M6 61, RANDIE 14I 31, ADERMIN F9 27

On 6th draw, GOSPORTS M6 65 --- GOSPORT a communication device in an airplane [n]
Other moves: PROLOGS 11E 40, PST J6 34, STROP J2 29, PROGS 12K 28, ROOST J4 28

On 7th draw, RIF(S) J4 39 --- RIF to dismiss from employment [v]
Other moves: FOILIN(G) 11E 36, NI(E)F N7 34, O(A)F N8 31, O(O)F N8 31, RIF J4 31

On 8th draw, INVIOUS N1 31 --- INVIOUS impassable [adj]
Other moves: DIVOTS O4 30, VANT K3 30, VAST K3 30, VINOUS 14B 30, DIVOT O4 27

On 9th draw, WAIT(R)ON 14A 80 --- WAITRON a server in a restaurant [n]
Other moves: ATW(A)IN 1J 36, IN(H)ABIT 5E 36, TOWLIN(E) 11E 36, TOWNI(E) 1J 36, TWAIN 1K 36

On 10th draw, GYRO 15F 36 --- GYRO a gyroscope [n]
Other moves: OY 15A 35, DURGY 15G 34, GOWD A12 33, ORD 15A 32, DOGY 15G 31

On 11th draw, BEDUIN 1J 33 --- BEDUIN a nomadic Arab [n]
Other moves: ELD 15A 32, END 15A 32, BEDU O6 30, BEND O6 30, BLUDIE 1J 30

On 12th draw, JAI 13B 35 --- JAI onward to victory (Indian) [interj]
Other moves: JA 13B 31, JO 13B 31, AORTIC 12J 30, JOCO 10J 29, JARTA B10 28

On 13th draw, CLATTERED 11G 74 --- CLATTER to move with a rattling noise [v]
Other moves: DETECT O4 36, DEAVE 3K 30, TEATED O6 28, TECTA O6 28, CATTED 2F 26

On 14th draw, VARDY O8 48 --- VARDY a verdict [n]
Other moves: OY 15A 43, LARDY O8 39, LORDY O8 39, RANDY O8 39, ORA 15A 37
VARDY O8 48 sunshine12

On 15th draw, OP 15A 39 --- OP a style of abstract art [n]
Other moves: OR 15A 31, QUOIT D10 28, QUIT D11 26, LOUPE L7 22, POULE L7 22
OP 15A 39 sunshine12, roocatcher

On 16th draw, FILCHER 2E 77 --- FILCHER someone who filches [n]
Other moves: FRITH D11 30, FICHE 2F 29, CRITH D11 28, FIRELIT D8 28, CHIEF 2G 26
HE 12D 22 roocatcher, GLOBEMAN, chunk88

On 17th draw, KLUGE 1A 41 --- KLUGE kludge [n] --- KLUGE to fix by clumsy makeshift methods [v]
Other moves: LUNGE 1A 29, KLUGE 3A 25, FLUKE E2 24, FLUNK E2 24, FUNK E2 22
FLUKE E2 24 GLOBEMAN, roocatcher
KIT D12 14 BadBoyBen

On 18th draw, DITZ D12 48 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: RITZ D12 46, ZINE 14I 35, ZED 14I 34, ZIN 14I 32, ZITE D12 28
ZIT D12 24 roocatcher, sunshine12

On 19th draw, UNIQUER C1 34 --- UNIQUE existing as the only one of its kind; very unusual [adj]
Other moves: QUINE E8 31, QUIRE E8 31, UNIQUE C1 30, ENTRY 12K 27, QI E11 25
QI E11 25 sunshine12

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