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Game on May 13, 2024 at 10:31, 5 players
1. 151 pts LongJump22
2. 73 pts Wuincunx
3. 73 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addeegn   H7    22    22   danged
 2. behikop  11E    56    78   epheboi
 3. ?eginno  12H    80   158   denoting
 4. cdeipsw  N10    40   198   winced
 5. ahjnost  15L    57   255   hadj
 6. aapstuy  12A    30   285   yaups
 7. eilorrt   9C    61   346   ritornel
 8. beilrsz  B10    68   414   zeals
 9. aaeeorr  A12    25   439   year
10. ?afinoo   O8    31   470   flong
11. aefituy   8A    29   499   feat
12. aeeilnv   K4    27   526   venial
13. aeegilo   L7    24   550   ogee
14. adiorsw   4G    30   580   disavow
15. belnttu   3B    22   602   buttle
16. mostuxy   N2    51   653   musty
17. aacnoru   7A    23   676   orc
18. aiiqrtv   O1    42   718   qat
19. aikmnor   4A    42   760   kami
20. inorruv   2A    27   787   vor

Remaining tiles: iinrux

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8755 FileLongJump22  3  4:02  -636  151     1.8755 LongJump22  3  4:02  -636  151 
  2.8403 FileWuincunx    2  3:17  -714   73     2.8403 Wuincunx    2  3:17  -714   73 
  3.8765 FileVuincunx    2  4:25  -714   73     3.8765 Vuincunx    2  4:25  -714   73 
  4.  -  Fileiiii2246    1  1:30  -731   56     4.8329 Zuincunx    1  1:48  -739   48 
  5.8329 FileZuincunx    1  1:48  -739   48            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  iiii2246    1  1:30  -731   56 

On 1st draw, DANGED H7 22 --- DANG to damn [v]
Other tops: DANGED H4 22
Other moves: DANGED H3 20, DANGED H8 20, DEADEN H4 20, DEANED H4 20, DEANED H7 20

On 2nd draw, EPHEBOI 11E 56 --- EPHEBOS a young man of ancient Greece [n]
Other moves: EPHEBOI 11H 28, HOIKED 12C 28, EPHEBI 11E 26, EPHEBI 11H 26, HIKE G6 26
EPHEBOI 11E 56 iiii2246

On 3rd draw, DENO(T)ING 12H 80 --- DENOTE to indicate [v]
Other moves: DE(B)ONING 12H 79, DE(P)ONING 12H 79, ANGINO(S)E 8H 77, G(A)NOINE G3 70, G(A)NOINE I3 70

On 4th draw, WINCED N10 40 --- WINCE to flinch [v]
Other moves: WINCES N10 38, DWINES N9 36, WINCE N10 36, WENDS N10 34, WINDS N10 34

On 5th draw, HADJ 15L 57 --- HADJ a pilgrimage to Mecca [n]
Other moves: JOHNS 12A 48, JATOS 12A 42, JOTAS 12A 42, JATO O7 38, HADS 15L 36

On 6th draw, YAUPS 12A 30 --- YAUP to utter a loud harsh cry [v]
Other moves: PATY I6 29, PYATS 12A 28, APAYS 12A 24, PONTY J10 24, APPAYS F10 23

On 7th draw, RITORNEL 9C 61 --- RITORNEL a short instrumental passage [n]
Other moves: RETAILOR 8E 59, OILERY A7 27, RIOTRY A7 27, TILERY A7 27, TROELY A7 27

On 8th draw, ZEALS B10 68 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: BRIZE O6 53, BIZE O7 50, BLAIZE B10 46, BLAZER B10 46, BLAZES B10 46

On 9th draw, YEAR A12 25 --- YEAR a period of time consisting of 365 or 366 days [n]
Other tops: AREAE 8A 25, YAAR A12 25
Other moves: AREA 8A 20, AREAE O6 20, ARERE O6 20, RAREE O6 20, AERO O7 17

On 10th draw, F(L)ONG O8 31 --- FLONG papier-mache for making stereotype moulds [n]
Other moves: AUF(S) C11 28, AUF C11 26, FANO O7 26, FAN(G)O O6 26, FINO O7 26

On 11th draw, FEAT 8A 29 --- FEAT a notable act or achievement [n] --- FEAT skillful [adj] --- FEAT to cover with feathers [v]
Other tops: FAUT 8A 29, FIAT 8A 29
Other moves: AUF C11 26, FEU 10D 24, YE 13I 24, YUFT M7 24, YU 10E 21

On 12th draw, VENIAL K4 27 --- VENIAL easily excused or forgiven [adj]
Other tops: VEINAL K4 27, VINEAL K4 27
Other moves: ANVIL K5 25, NAVEL K5 25, NEVEL K5 25, NIVAL K5 25, VENAL K5 25

On 13th draw, OGEE L7 24 --- OGEE an S shaped moulding [n]
Other moves: GALVO 4H 22, GLAIVE 4G 22, GLEAVE 4G 22, GLOVE 4H 22, OGIVAL 4H 22

On 14th draw, DISAVOW 4G 30 --- DISAVOW to disclaim responsibility for [v]
Other moves: DOWARS M2 26, ADVISOR 4I 24, DRAWS M3 24, DROWS M3 24, VROWS 4K 24
DISAVOW 4G 30 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 15th draw, BUTTLE 3B 22 --- BUTTLE to act as a butler [v]
Other tops: BLUETTE B2 22
Other moves: BLATE J2 21, BLENT 5E 21, BUTLE 3C 20, BUTTE 3C 20, NEBULAR C3 20
BUTTLE 3B 22 Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 16th draw, MUSTY N2 51 --- MUSTY having a stale odour [adj]
Other moves: XYST N2 43, SOX N4 41, MYXOS 14H 38, MYXOS 5C 38, SOX 2A 37
SOX 2A 37 LongJump22

On 17th draw, ORC 7A 23 --- ORC a marine mammal [n]
Other tops: CRU 10D 23
Other moves: CAN O1 21, CAR O1 21, CON O1 21, COR O1 21, CUR O1 21
CAN O1 21 Wuincunx, Zuincunx
CON O1 21 Vuincunx

On 18th draw, QAT O1 42 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QI O1 37, VITA 4A 32, QAT 4A 28, QI 4A 25, VAR O1 24
QAT O1 42 LongJump22

On 19th draw, KAMI 4A 42 --- KAMI a sacred power or force [n]
Other moves: KORAI 4A 40, KARO 4A 36, KINA 4A 36, KINO 4A 36, KORA 4A 36
KAMI 4A 42 LongJump22

On 20th draw, VOR 2A 27 --- VOR to warn [v]
Other moves: NOR 2A 21, NOUT 3L 20, OR 2B 19, VOAR J2 17, OURARI J1 16
VOR 2A 27 Zuincunx

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