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Game on May 13, 2024 at 16:35, 7 players
1. 187 pts LongJump22
2. 144 pts Pacific
3. 57 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aceefln   H8    28    28   enface
 2. inoortu   G6    20    48   unroot
 3. ?ddeiio   F8    86   134   iodised
 4. ?aaeehp  11E    48   182   pitahaya
 5. ailnpru   L4    72   254   planuria
 6. cdgikor   5H    82   336   gridlock
 7. aefortt   O1    39   375   freak
 8. aeesttw  12J    44   419   waste
 9. ejnotvv   8K    36   455   junto
10. eilmntx   F3    54   509   minx
11. egisuvw  N10    38   547   views
12. adegntt   N2    26   573   enact
13. aimossy   3C    32   605   sammy
14. deehlot   C1    63   668   hosteled
15. abeglsy   1C    51   719   hylegs
16. abeqrtz  12A    56   775   zebras
17. giiortu  A12    39   814   ziti
18. egiloru  O12    32   846   loir
19. beegouv   4A    26   872   vote

Remaining tiles: begquu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.8755 FileLongJump22  2  3:32  -685  187     1.9536 Pacific     0  3:36  -728  144 
  2.9536 FilePacific     0  3:36  -728  144            Group: expert
  3.8405 FileZuincunx    0  2:16  -815   57     1.8755 LongJump22  2  3:32  -685  187 
  4.8826 FileQuincunx    1  1:44  -820   52     2.8405 Zuincunx    0  2:16  -815   57 
  5.  -  Fileaaaa2246    1  1:57  -824   48     3.8826 Quincunx    1  1:44  -820   52 
  6.8771 FileVuincunx    1  1:30  -844   28     4.8771 Vuincunx    1  1:30  -844   28 
  7.8403 FileWuincunx    1  1:51  -844   28     5.8403 Wuincunx    1  1:51  -844   28 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  aaaa2246    1  1:57  -824   48 

On 1st draw, ENFACE H8 28 --- ENFACE to stamp or print on the front of [v]
Other tops: FECAL H4 28, FENCE H4 28
Other moves: ENFACE H3 24, ENFACE H4 24, ENFACE H7 24, ELANCE H8 22, ENFACE H5 22
ENFACE H8 28 LongJump22
FENCE H4 28 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 2nd draw, UNROOT G6 20 --- UNROOT to uproot [v]
Other tops: TURION G6 20
Other moves: NOOIT G7 19, CONTOUR 12H 18, CORNUTO 12H 18, CROUTON 12H 18, RUCTION 12F 18

On 3rd draw, IODI(S)ED F8 86 --- IODISE to treat with iodine [v]
Other tops: IODI(Z)ED F8 86
Other moves: IODIDE(S) 14B 85, DIO(X)IDE 14H 83, IODIDE(S) F8 82, IODI(S)ED 14B 79, IODI(Z)ED 14B 79
DIO(X)IDE 14H 83 LongJump22
DIO(X)IDE 14H 33 Zuincunx

On 4th draw, PITAHA(Y)A 11E 48 --- PITAHAYA a cactus of southwestern U.S. and Mexico [n]
Other moves: PITA(R)AH 11E 44, PEAHE(N) H1 43, HEAPE(R) H1 40, P(U)HA E11 36, PAH E11 34
PITAHA(Y)A 11E 48 LongJump22, aaaa2246

On 5th draw, PLANURIA L4 72 --- PLANURIA a discharge of abnormal urine [n]
Other moves: PLANURIA J4 64, PAULIN H1 29, PURLIN H1 29, UNRIP 12K 25, LUPANAR L6 24
PAN 10J 24 Quincunx
PAL 10J 24 Zuincunx

On 6th draw, GRIDLOCK 5H 82 --- GRIDLOCK a traffic jam [n] --- GRIDLOCK to cause a severe traffic jam [v]
Other moves: KOI 10J 34, GRIECED 13C 32, D*CK 14H 30, DOCK 14H 30, KID G13 28

On 7th draw, FREAK O1 39 --- FREAK to streak with color [v]
Other moves: KOFTA O5 36, KRAFT O5 36, FAITOR 10J 33, FEAR 6J 33, KERF O5 33

On 8th draw, WASTE 12J 44 --- WASTE to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [v]
Other tops: CATES 12H 44, CETES 12H 44, STAW 12L 44, STEW 12L 44
Other moves: WASE 12J 42, WAST 12J 42, WEST 12J 42, WAS 12J 40, TESTAE 12J 39
WASTE(S) 12A 28 LongJump22

On 9th draw, JUNTO 8K 36 --- JUNTO a political faction [n]
Other moves: JETON F2 34, JAW J10 29, JEON M3 28, VOTIVE J2 28, JEE N10 26

On 10th draw, MINX F3 54 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: MIX F4 53, ILEX F3 52, LEX F4 51, NIX F4 51, TEX F4 51
MIX F4 53 Pacific

On 11th draw, VIEWS N10 38 --- VIEW to look at [v]
Other moves: SWIG O12 37, STIVE M11 29, SWIVE(S) 12A 28, STEW M11 27, SEW 14H 26

On 12th draw, ENACT N2 26 --- ENACT to establish by law [v]
Other moves: DANGER 2J 24, GANDER 2J 24, GADE E2 23, DAG 14H 22, DE O12 22

On 13th draw, SAMMY 3C 32 --- SAMMY an Indian fruit and vegetable seller who goes from house to house [n]
Other moves: MARY 9J 31, DISOMY 14F 30, MYASI(S) 12A 30, MYIASIS 4A 30, MYOSI(S) 12A 30

On 14th draw, HOSTELED C1 63 --- HOSTEL to stay overnight as hostels when travelling [v]
Other moves: DOTH O12 49, LOTH O12 41, DOTE O12 40, DOTH 4A 32, LOTE O12 32
DOTH O12 49 Pacific

On 15th draw, HYLEGS 1C 51 --- HYLEG the ruling planet at the hour of birth [n]
Other moves: ASHY 1A 42, HAYLES 1C 39, HAYSEL 1C 39, LADY 8A 36, BYDE 8A 33
ASHY 1A 42 Pacific

On 16th draw, ZEBRA(S) 12A 56 --- ZEBRA an African mammal that is related to the horse [n]
Other moves: BREEZE 13C 54, ZETA 4A 50, BRAIZE J2 43, ZERIBA J2 43, BRAZE(S) 12A 42

On 17th draw, ZITI A12 39 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other tops: ZORI A12 39
Other moves: ROTI O12 32, ROT O12 21, TOIT M12 20, TOUR M12 20, TOUT M12 20

On 18th draw, LOIR O12 32 --- LOIR a European dormouse [n]
Other tops: LEIR O12 32, ROIL O12 32
Other moves: GUDE 8A 21, LEI O12 21, OLE O11 21, ORE O11 21, REI O12 21

On 19th draw, VOTE 4A 26 --- VOTE to cast a vote (a formal expression of will or opinion) [v]
Other moves: BEDE 8A 24, BEDU 8A 24, BODE 8A 24, BUDO 8A 24, VEG G13 24

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