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Game on May 15, 2024 at 12:36, 12 players
1. 290 pts Chelsea
2. 170 pts LongJump22
3. 120 pts Pacific

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aafnnrw   H4    24    24   wanna
 2. eegirsz   6F    39    63   zingers
 3. biknoor   5J    32    95   boink
 4. ehorrtt   4H    42   137   wroth
 5. ?egstuv   8D    65   202   vulgates
 6. ?adnuuy   O1    41   243   yauds
 7. adeenpv   C3    34   277   advene
 8. abdeeit   D1    29   306   bede
 9. aegrtwy   1D    42   348   bewray
10. aceoprt   E7    74   422   outcaper
11. einnors  11D    66   488   raisonne
12. hilmosx  H11    66   554   oxims
13. dehortt  F10    38   592   hied
14. aeillmo  D11    34   626   romal
15. efgirtu  I11    33   659   nife
16. illoptu   2J    28   687   pilula
17. cefittu   B1    28   715   fuci
18. aegijoo  15A    33   748   jail
19. aegoort   A4    83   831   rootage

Remaining tiles: iloqtt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.7170 FileChelsea     3 11:30  -541  290     1.9536 Pacific     2  6:09  -711  120 
  2.8688 FileLongJump22  4  4:13  -661  170            Group: expert
  3.9536 FilePacific     2  6:09  -711  120     1.8688 LongJump22  4  4:13  -661  170 
  4.6948 FileArcticFox   1  3:16  -748   83     2.8444 Wuincunx    0  2:19  -780   51 
  5.8444 FileWuincunx    0  2:19  -780   51     3.8769 Vuincunx    0  2:32  -780   51 
  6.8769 FileVuincunx    0  2:32  -780   51     4.8818 Quincunx    0  2:56  -780   51 
  7.8818 FileQuincunx    0  2:56  -780   51     5.8423 Zuincunx    1  1:03  -790   41 
  8.8423 FileZuincunx    1  1:03  -790   41            Group: advanced
  9.6882 FileShotPut22   1  0:30  -803   28     1.7170 Chelsea     3 11:30  -541  290 
 10.6674 FileBBBBBB1112  1  0:48  -803   28            Group: intermediate
 11.6815 FileDiscus22    1  1:08  -803   28     1.6948 ArcticFox   1  3:16  -748   83 
 12.6633 FileHammer22    1  1:26  -803   28     2.6882 ShotPut22   1  0:30  -803   28 
                                             3.6674 BBBBBB1112  1  0:48  -803   28 
                                             4.6815 Discus22    1  1:08  -803   28 
                                             5.6633 Hammer22    1  1:26  -803   28 

On 1st draw, WANNA H4 24 --- WANNA want to (no inflections) [v] --- WANNA want to [coll]
Other moves: FAWN H5 20, FAWN H6 20, FAWN H7 20, FAWN H8 20, AWARN H4 18
WANNA H4 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, ZINGERS 6F 39 --- ZINGER a pointed witty retort or remark [n]
Other moves: ZINGER 6F 38, ZINGS 6F 37, WEIZES 4H 36, ZINES 6F 36, AGRIZES 5H 34
ZINGERS 6F 39 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, BOINK 5J 32 --- BOINK to have sexual intercourse with -- usually taken to be offensive [v]
Other moves: BOINKS L1 30, BOOK 5J 30, BRINKS L1 30, BROOKS L1 30, KOORIS L1 30
BROOK K5 22 Vuincunx, Wuincunx
BRINK K5 22 Quincunx

On 4th draw, WROTH 4H 42 --- WROTH very angry [adj]
Other moves: THE 4K 29, THO 4K 29, HERTZ F2 25, OH 4K 25, HE 4L 24
THE 4K 29 Wuincunx
THO 4K 29 Quincunx, Vuincunx

On 5th draw, VU(L)GATES 8D 65 --- VULGATE the common speech of a people [n]
Other moves: E(R)UVS O1 45, VU(G)GS O1 42, G(I)VES O1 39, G(Y)VES O1 39, V(A)GUS O1 39
VU(L)GATES 8D 65 LongJump22

On 6th draw, YAUD(S) O1 41 --- YAUD an old horse [n]
Other moves: D*rKY N2 40, DU(C)KY N2 40, DU(M)KY N2 40, DU(S)KY N2 40, D(I)NKY N2 40
YAUD(S) O1 41 Zuincunx
DU(S)KY N2 40 Pacific

On 7th draw, ADVENE C3 34 --- ADVENE to be added over and above [v]
Other moves: PAVED C5 29, PAVEED C5 29, ADVENE C5 27, EAVED C5 27, PAVEED C4 27

On 8th draw, BEDE D1 29 --- BEDE a prayer [n]
Other tops: BADE D1 29, BIDE D1 29
Other moves: DEBE D1 28, DEVIATE D6 27, BADDIE 4A 26, BATE D1 26, BEDIDE 4A 26
BADE D1 29 Chelsea

On 9th draw, BEWRAY 1D 42 --- BEWRAY to divulge [v]
Other moves: BAWTY 1D 39, WARBY 1A 39, BARYTE 1D 33, BETRAY 1D 33, BARYE 1D 30
BEWRAY 1D 42 LongJump22
YA B6 28 Chelsea

On 10th draw, OUTCAPER E7 74 --- OUTCAPER to surpass in capering [v]
Other moves: POAKE N2 39, PATERA 2J 28, PETARA 2J 28, PROTEA 2J 28, CAPO B1 26

On 11th draw, RAISONNE 11D 66 --- RAISONNE arranged systematically [adj]
Other moves: INCENSOR 10C 64, TERNIONS I8 60, NOSIER 15C 34, ENOKIS N2 33, ENOKI N2 31
SNORE 15E 28 Chelsea
NOISE 15B 19 Pacific

On 12th draw, OXIMS H11 66 --- OXIM a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: OXIMS 15A 64, SIXMO 15E 55, HOLMS 15A 52, HOLISM 15A 49, HOIKS N2 43
OX 12G 36 Chelsea

On 13th draw, HIED F10 38 --- HIE to hurry [v]
Other tops: TROCHE 10B 38
Other moves: ECHO 10D 34, OCHE 10D 34, HIE F10 33, ROCH 10C 32, TECH 10C 32
SOH G11 28 Chelsea

On 14th draw, ROMAL D11 34 --- ROMAL a handkerchief [n]
Other moves: AMOK N2 31, ORAL D10 30, ROMA D11 30, RAM D11 26, ROM D11 26
ROMA D11 30 Chelsea

On 15th draw, NIFE I11 33 --- NIFE the earth's hypothetical core of nickel and iron [n]
Other moves: ENUF I10 29, FEG N1 29, FE B6 28, TREIF 12K 26, FET I13 25
FE B6 28 ArcticFox, Chelsea

On 16th draw, PILULA 2J 28 --- PILULA a little pill [n]
Other moves: LIPO B1 22, MELILOT 14H 22, PI B6 22, PLUMED 13A 22, PO B6 22
PO B6 22 Chelsea, ArcticFox

On 17th draw, FUCI B1 28 --- FUCUS any of a genus of brown algae [n]
Other tops: FE B6 28
Other moves: FECIT 12K 27, FET J13 24, FEU J13 24, FE J13 23, FICE 12K 23
FE B6 28 ShotPut22, BBBBBB1112, Discus22, Chelsea, Hammer22, Pacific

On 18th draw, JAIL 15A 33 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: AJEE 6A 27, JEE 6B 26, IO A1 23, OO A1 23, AJAR 14B 22
JAIL 15A 33 Pacific, Chelsea, ArcticFox

On 19th draw, ROOTAGE A4 83 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: AGOROT A4 30, TOERAG A4 30, ARGOT A4 27, ERGOT A4 27, RETAG A4 27

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