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Game on May 15, 2024 at 14:06, 5 players
1. 281 pts LongJump22
2. 77 pts Zuincunx
3. 77 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??bgioy   H6    80    80   highboy
 2. adinors  13B    82   162   inroads
 3. adegnoo  12A    28   190   agood
 4. aaejlmr  B10    58   248   jagir
 5. adelltu  14D    22   270   eld
 6. egmortt  15E    30   300   totem
 7. ainortu  10F    64   364   tabourin
 8. enopqsu   L7    54   418   equips
 9. aeelmrs  14I    78   496   mealers
10. ceinoty   6D    72   568   onychite
11. abdfiit   8L    42   610   qadi
12. efgiosx   N5    45   655   oxides
13. cefhntu   O1    53   708   fetch
14. ailnrtu   3H    68   776   rutilant
15. aeiklnw   8A   113   889   weakling
16. aeeegpr   2B    76   965   peerage
17. bfhiuwz   1H    63  1028   fiz
18. bhnuvvw  O12    36  1064   bush

Remaining tiles: nvvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8688 FileLongJump22  2  3:41  -783  281     1.8688 LongJump22  2  3:41  -783  281 
  2.8423 FileZuincunx    0  2:11  -987   77     2.8423 Zuincunx    0  2:11  -987   77 
  3.8444 FileWuincunx    0  2:59  -987   77     3.8444 Wuincunx    0  2:59  -987   77 
  4.  -  Filerrrr2246    1  1:46 -1006   58     4.8818 Quincunx    0  1:41 -1013   51 
  5.8818 FileQuincunx    0  1:41 -1013   51            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  rrrr2246    1  1:46 -1006   58 

On 1st draw, (H)IG(H)BOY H6 80 --- HIGHBOY a tall chest of drawers [n]
Other tops: BIGO(T)(R)Y H6 80, BIOG(E)(N)Y H6 80, BIO(L)(O)GY H6 80, BI(O)(L)OGY H6 80, IG(N)OB(L)Y H6 80
Other moves: BIGO(T)(R)Y H4 78, BIOG(E)(N)Y H4 78, BIO(L)(O)GY H4 78, BI(O)(L)OGY H4 78, BOGYI(S)(M) H4 78
BIGO(T)(R)Y H6 80 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, INROADS 13B 82 --- INROAD a hostile invasion [n]
Other moves: ORDAINS 13B 80, SADIRON 13H 80, INBOARDS 10F 65, SADIRON I1 65, ROADINGS 8B 61
ORDAINS 13B 80 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, AGOOD 12A 28 --- AGOOD heartily [adv]
Other moves: DOONA 12B 25, ODEON 12A 25, DAEING B10 24, GAED 12B 24, GOAD 12B 24

On 4th draw, JAGIR B10 58 --- JAGIR a land tax [n]
Other moves: JAM 11D 42, JAR 11D 38, JA 11D 36, JARLDOM E8 34, ALMA 14D 32
JAGIR B10 58 LongJump22, rrrr2246

On 5th draw, ELD 14D 22 --- ELD old age [n]
Other tops: AUTOED 11E 22, TALONED C9 22, TED 14D 22
Other moves: ALDOL 11E 20, ALLOD 11E 20, ATONED C10 20, DAE 11D 20, DAL 11D 20

On 6th draw, TOTEM 15E 30 --- TOTEM a natural object serving as the emblem of a family or clan [n]
Other moves: TOME 15E 27, MORE I9 26, TOME I7 26, OMER I8 24, TOGE 15E 24
MORE I9 26 Zuincunx, Wuincunx

On 7th draw, TABOURIN 10F 64 --- TABOURIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: RAINOUT G1 63, TAUON G7 21, AROINT 14I 20, OUTRAN 14I 20, YAOURT 12H 18
RAINOUT G1 63 LongJump22

On 8th draw, EQUIPS L7 54 --- EQUIP to provide with whatever is needed [v]
Other tops: QUIPOS L8 54
Other moves: QUEAN G7 53, QUIPO L8 52, QUIPS L8 52, QUOPS N6 51, QUINES L8 50
QUOPS N6 51 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx

On 9th draw, MEALERS 14I 78 --- MEALER a non-resident who is served meals [n]
Other moves: MEALERS N4 76, MEALERS M1 73, MEASLIER 7C 65, ALMERIES 7C 63, SEAMER N10 33

On 10th draw, ONYC(H)ITE 6D 72 --- ONYCHITE onyx-marble [n]
Other moves: COYEST O10 45, ENCYST O10 42, COSY O12 36, CYST O12 36, NOTICES O8 36

On 11th draw, QADI 8L 42 --- QADI a Muslim judge [n]
Other tops: QAID 8L 42
Other moves: FITNA M7 40, BIFID 5I 38, BAFT 5I 34, FAST O12 33, FIST O12 33

On 12th draw, OXIDES N5 45 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: FIXES 5K 40, FOXES 5K 40, FOXIE 5K 40, FIX 5K 36, FOX 5K 36

On 13th draw, FETCH O1 53 --- FETCH to go after and bring back [v]
Other moves: FEH 15M 49, TENCH O1 44, TEUCH O1 44, CHEST O11 42, CHUSE O11 42

On 14th draw, RUTILANT 3H 68 --- RUTILANT having a reddish glow [adj]
Other moves: TUINA M2 25, LUNA M3 23, RATLIN 5A 23, TUNA M3 23, ULNA M3 23

On 15th draw, WEAKLING 8A 113 --- WEAKLING a weak person [n]
Other moves: WARK H1 48, WELKIN 5A 41, KEWL 5I 40, LARK H1 39, LIRK H1 39

On 16th draw, PEERAGE 2B 76 --- PEERAGE the rank of a nobleman [n]
Other moves: PEERAGE 4B 75, PEERAGE 2D 73, GAPE 5I 27, GASP O12 27, GRASP O11 27

On 17th draw, FIZ 1H 63 --- FIZ a hissing or spluttering sound [n]
Other moves: ZEBU D1 50, FIB 1H 42, FISH O12 42, FUB 1H 42, HUB 1H 42

On 18th draw, BUSH O12 36 --- BUSH to cover with bushes (shrubs) [v]
Other moves: HUB 1A 32, HUB 5D 32, HUB 5I 31, HEWN D1 28, HUB 1D 27

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