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Game on May 15, 2024 at 16:18, 11 players
1. 260 pts LongJump22
2. 221 pts Pacific
3. 90 pts ArcticFox

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdhioot   H3    28    28   dhooti
 2. begiors   3C    26    54   begirds
 3. ceiorty   9E    28    82   ricey
 4. amnorst   8A    37   119   normas
 5. aenopuy   2D    32   151   yap
 6. ?eilrst   5E    78   229   creolist
 7. addeiow   1A    49   278   deaw
 8. aegntvx  10D    58   336   vex
 9. cfhortu   6G    38   374   hoof
10. enorstu   A8    77   451   neutrons
11. aeginoz  10I    96   547   agonize
12. adeittu  15A    80   627   situated
13. ?ceiiop   2I    84   711   epizoic
14. aeglquw   O8    48   759   quelea
15. abdeouw  11H    36   795   adobe
16. aeimnrw  14G    72   867   wireman
17. afjkntu   9K    45   912   jak
18. fgllntu  15L    37   949   gulf

Remaining tiles: lnntv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.8634 FileLongJump22  3  2:00  -689  260     1.9536 Pacific     3  5:54  -728  221 
  2.9536 FilePacific     3  5:54  -728  221            Group: expert
  3.6942 FileArcticFox   1  3:14  -859   90     1.8634 LongJump22  3  2:00  -689  260 
  4.8769 FileVuincunx    0  0:59  -903   46     2.8769 Vuincunx    0  0:59  -903   46 
  5.8444 FileWuincunx    0  1:21  -903   46     3.8444 Wuincunx    0  1:21  -903   46 
  6.8818 FileQuincunx    0  1:43  -903   46     4.8818 Quincunx    0  1:43  -903   46 
  7.6674 FileBBBBBB1112  0  0:11  -919   30     5.8423 Zuincunx    0  0:52  -919   30 
  8.6633 FileHammer22    0  0:33  -919   30            Group: intermediate
  9.8423 FileZuincunx    0  0:52  -919   30     1.6942 ArcticFox   1  3:14  -859   90 
 10.6882 FileShotPut22   0  1:29  -929   20     2.6674 BBBBBB1112  0  0:11  -919   30 
 11.6815 FileDiscus22    0  1:47  -929   20     3.6633 Hammer22    0  0:33  -919   30 
                                             4.6882 ShotPut22   0  1:29  -929   20 
                                             5.6815 Discus22    0  1:47  -929   20 

On 1st draw, DHOOTI H3 28 --- DHOOTI a loincloth worn by Indian men [n]
Other tops: BOOTH H8 28
Other moves: BHOOT H4 26, BOOTH H4 26, DHOBI H4 26, BIODOT H4 24, DHOBI H8 24
BOOTH H8 28 ArcticFox, Pacific

On 2nd draw, BEGIRDS 3C 26 --- BEGIRD to surround [v]
Other moves: BESIGH 4C 24, BOGIES 9C 24, BROGHS 4D 24, GIBERS 9E 24, BEGO 9G 23

On 3rd draw, RICEY 9E 28 --- RICEY like rice [adj]
Other tops: TYRO 4B 28
Other moves: TRYE 4A 27, COIR 4A 26, COIT 4A 26, COREY 9E 26, COYER 9E 26

On 4th draw, NORMAS 8A 37 --- NORMA a device for measuring right angles [n]
Other moves: MAROONS 5E 36, NOMAS 2B 33, RANSOM 8A 33, ROMAS 2B 33, STROAM 8A 33

On 5th draw, YAP 2D 32 --- YAP to bark shrilly [v]
Other tops: NOYAU 4A 32, YUP 2D 32
Other moves: YEAN 4A 30, YUAN 4A 30, NAPE 2D 29, OUPA 2D 29, PAEONY D1 28

On 6th draw, (C)REOLIST 5E 78 --- CREOLIST a person who studies creole languages [n]
Other tops: STRO(B)ILE 5E 78, TRE(F)OILS 5D 78, TRILO(B)ES 5D 78, TRIOLE(T)S 5E 78, TR(O)OLIES 5E 78, (T)RIOLETS 5E 78
Other moves: S(A)LTIER 10H 76, S(A)LTIRE 10H 76, N(I)RLIEST A8 74, N(I)TRILES A8 74, NIRL(I)EST A8 71
STERLIN(G) A2 58 Pacific

On 7th draw, DEAW 1A 49 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: DAWED 1A 45, DOWED 1A 45, WADED 1A 45, DAWD 1A 42, DEAW 4A 42

On 8th draw, VEX 10D 58 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other moves: TEX 10D 55, EX 10E 54, AX 2A 39, EX 2A 39, AXE 10I 31
VEX 10D 58 Pacific

On 9th draw, HOOF 6G 38 --- HOOF the hard covering on the feet of certain animals [n] --- HOOF to dance [v]
Other moves: FOURTH L1 32, FUTHORC L3 32, ROOF 6G 32, HOUF 4J 31, HOUF 7B 30

On 10th draw, NEUTRONS A8 77 --- NEUTRON a subatomic particle [n]
Other moves: TONSURE M2 74, OUTSNORE B8 70, STENTOUR L1 70, STENTOUR L4 68, EROS 4A 34
NEUTRONS A8 77 Pacific

On 11th draw, AGONIZE 10I 96 --- AGONIZE to suffer extreme pain [v]
Other moves: AGONIZE 2I 94, AZIONE 2I 72, ZONATE L1 50, AGNIZE 2I 42, AZIONE 10I 42
AGONIZE 10I 96 LongJump22
AGONIZE 10I 46 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx
ZOON B6 35 ArcticFox

On 12th draw, SITUATED 15A 80 --- SITUATE to place in a certain position [v]
Other moves: ATTITUDE L1 72, DAUTIE 4J 29, DUETTI 4J 29, ADIEU 11H 28, AUDITEE O4 27
SITUATED 15A 80 LongJump22
SITUATED 15A 30 Zuincunx
TAD 11M 20 ShotPut22, Discus22

On 13th draw, EPI(Z)OIC 2I 84 --- EPIZOIC living on the body of an animal [adj]
Other moves: PICOTI(T)E L1 80, EPINO(S)IC L7 78, EPI(Z)OIC 14H 77, EPI(Z)OIC 14F 75, EPI(G)EIC O6 39
EPI(Z)OIC 2I 84 LongJump22
ZI(N)CO N10 30 BBBBBB1112, Hammer22
PIECE O6 27 ArcticFox

On 14th draw, QUELEA O8 48 --- QUELEA an African weaverbird [n]
Other moves: QUELEA O6 45, QUALE O6 42, WANGLE L8 28, AWEEL O8 27, ALEW 4L 26

On 15th draw, ADOBE 11H 36 --- ADOBE an unburnt, sun-dried brick [n]
Other moves: DOW 11I 34, OWED 11J 34, WUD 11I 32, DOB 11I 30, DUB 11I 30

On 16th draw, WIREMAN 14G 72 --- WIREMAN one who makes or works with wire [n]
Other moves: ICEMAN O1 39, RAWN 12J 35, NAW 12J 33, NEW 12J 33, RAW 12J 33

On 17th draw, JAK 9K 45 --- JAK a type of fruit [n]
Other moves: JAFA 13L 41, TAK 12J 37, KAF 1G 36, FAKE 12L 34, JUNTA 13C 33

On 18th draw, GULF 15L 37 --- GULF a deep chasm [n] --- GULF to swallow up [v]
Other moves: FLONG B6 30, GULL 15L 28, FLUNG 12D 27, FLU 1H 25, GLUT 1H 24

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