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Game on May 17, 2024 at 11:07, 6 players
1. 239 pts LongJump22
2. 122 pts Wuincunx
3. 120 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeeqst   H8    26    26   qats
 2. ?eiiknp  11B    76   102   pinkiest
 3. ceeilnt   D6    72   174   centinel
 4. aglnoru  14D    73   247   languor
 5. demossx  15A    49   296   oxes
 6. aegorsz  13I    71   367   zoeas
 7. ehmnrtu   6A    73   440   truchmen
 8. aceirtu  15G    57   497   uratic
 9. aefinor   M7    66   563   farinose
10. ?ehinot   A3    83   646   monteith
11. efllors   8J    39   685   refall
12. adgopvy  12L    36   721   pogy
13. adgiioy  14A    33   754   ya
14. bdeiouv   H1    33   787   boudin
15. adegisv   N1    97   884   disgavel
16. abdeimw   1L    39   923   wadd
17. bdemotv   B8    34   957   dempt
18. abejrvw   G9    38   995   jeer
19. abioovw  F10    30  1025   via

Remaining tiles: bioow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8584 FileLongJump22  3  3:29  -786  239     1.8584 LongJump22  3  3:29  -786  239 
  2.8463 FileWuincunx    1  4:31  -903  122     2.8463 Wuincunx    1  4:31  -903  122 
  3.8599 FileZuincunx    2  2:43  -905  120     3.8599 Zuincunx    2  2:43  -905  120 
  4.8887 FileQuincunx    1  1:49  -936   89     4.8887 Quincunx    1  1:49  -936   89 
  5.8760 FileVuincunx    1  2:54  -936   89     5.8760 Vuincunx    1  2:54  -936   89 
  6.  -  Filerrrr2246    1  1:57  -954   71            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  rrrr2246    1  1:57  -954   71 

On 1st draw, QATS H8 26 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QATS H5 26, QATS H6 26, QATS H7 26
Other moves: QAT H6 24, QAT H7 24, QAT H8 24, BASTE H4 20, BATES H4 20
QATS H7 26 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, PINKIES(T) 11B 76 --- PINKY slightly pink [adj]
Other moves: PINKIE(S)T 10A 67, KINS(H)IP 11E 48, KIPS(K)IN 11E 48, PI(G)SKIN 11E 48, P(L)ISKIE 11E 48
PINKIES(T) 11B 76 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, CENTINEL D6 72 --- CENTINEL a private soldier [n]
Other moves: CETE 12A 28, CINE 12A 28, CITE 12A 28, CENTILE C7 26, LECTIN I4 24
CENTINEL D6 72 LongJump22

On 4th draw, LANGUOR 14D 73 --- LANGUOR the state of being languid [n]
Other moves: CLANGOUR 6D 65, ROLAG 14B 31, GULAR 14B 27, ANGLO 14A 23, GOPURA B9 22
CLANGOUR 6D 65 LongJump22

On 5th draw, OXES 15A 49 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: DOMS 15A 37, MEDS 15A 37, MODS 15A 37, EXONS 8A 36, MUX H13 36
OXES 15A 49 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 6th draw, ZOEAS 13I 71 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other tops: ZEROS 13I 71
Other moves: ZA 14A 51, ZO 14A 51, ZAGS 13I 47, ZAG 13I 46, ZEAS 13I 46
ZEROS 13I 71 Zuincunx, rrrr2246

On 7th draw, TRUCHMEN 6A 73 --- TRUCHMAN an interpreter [n]
Other moves: RHEUM 12K 40, THERM 12K 40, HERM 12L 36, METH 12L 36, HE 14A 33
THERM 12K 40 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 8th draw, URATIC 15G 57 --- URATE a chemical salt [adj] --- URATIC pertaining to urate [adj]
Other moves: RACE 15H 41, TACE 15H 41, IRATE 15G 39, URAEI 15G 39, URATE 15G 39

On 9th draw, FARINOSE M7 66 --- FARINOSE resembling farina [adj]
Other moves: FETOR A4 36, FITNA A4 36, FAINTER A2 33, FENITAR A2 33, AFIRE 12K 32

On 10th draw, (M)ONTEITH A3 83 --- MONTEITH a large punch bowl [n]
Other moves: HI(S)TONE L1 81, HOT(L)INE L1 81, HI(S)TONE L3 80, HOT(L)INE L3 80, HI(S)TONE N1 77

On 11th draw, REFALL 8J 39 --- FALL to descend freely by force of gravity [v] --- REFALL to fall again [v]
Other moves: FALL 8L 33, FARE 8L 33, FARL 8L 33, FARO 8L 33, FARS 8L 33
FARE 8L 33 Wuincunx

On 12th draw, POGY 12L 36 --- POGY a marine fish [n]
Other moves: DOPY 12L 34, YOOP 12L 34, YA 14A 33, YO 14A 33, DOGY 12L 32

On 13th draw, YA 14A 33 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: YO 14A 33
Other moves: GEOID 7C 30, DA 14A 27, DO 14A 27, GO 14A 27, GODLY 13A 25

On 14th draw, BOUDIN H1 33 --- BOUDIN a spicy Cajun sausage [n]
Other moves: BETID 10F 31, BEDUIN H1 30, BOVID 5G 28, YEBO O12 27, EUOI 5E 26

On 15th draw, DISGAVEL N1 97 --- DISGAVEL to disinherit [v]
Other moves: DISGAVEL O1 95, VIDUAGES 3E 66, GYVED O11 39, GYVES O11 36, DATIVE 10F 32

On 16th draw, WADD 1L 39 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other moves: WADE 1L 36, WADI 1L 36, WIDE 1L 36, DWAUM C3 35, ABIDE 1K 33

On 17th draw, DEMPT B8 34 --- DEEM to hold as an opinion [v]
Other moves: TEMPO B8 32, MOTED 10F 31, TEMP B8 31, TEMED 7C 30, BEMUD C3 29

On 18th draw, JEER G9 38 --- JEER to mock [v]
Other moves: JEE G9 37, EVEJAR K6 32, JAW B2 32, JAWED 4D 32, J*W B2 32

On 19th draw, VIA F10 30 --- VIA a way [n] --- VIA by way of [prep]
Other moves: WA(T) I9 29, AVOW B1 26, BA(T) I9 25, BIO F10 24, BIVIA 5G 24

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