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Game on May 17, 2024 at 14:53, 7 players
1. 201 pts Chelsea
2. 162 pts LongJump22
3. 81 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aabfiit   H8    22    22   abaft
 2. adeinow   I7    29    51   dwine
 3. agiorty   J6    49   100   goaty
 4. ?aeehls  12C    28   128   reheats
 5. adelmst   F7    65   193   medalets
 6. ?ennrtu   K1    68   261   neutron
 7. adiiopt   C8    72   333   tapiroid
 8. ceimnpt   1H    39   372   peinct
 9. celmorz   4H    48   420   zlote
10. abehisu   L6    86   506   beauish
11. aejlrvx  15A    39   545   jade
12. eioqrrs   B6    34   579   qis
13. adeooru   1H    39   618   peincted
14. egnorvw   N1    34   652   erenow
15. efoorrv   O5    46   698   fervor
16. imnorux  N10    36   734   unmix
17. acgilou  M11    34   768   auloi
18. ginoorv  O13    35   803   gov
19. ciknory   D4    46   849   rocky

Remaining tiles: gilnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7173 FileChelsea     1  7:42  -648  201     1.8584 LongJump22  3  4:25  -687  162 
  2.8584 FileLongJump22  3  4:25  -687  162     2.8862 Quincunx    1  2:04  -768   81 
  3.8862 FileQuincunx    1  2:04  -768   81     3.8481 Wuincunx    1  1:15  -800   49 
  4.8481 FileWuincunx    1  1:15  -800   49     4.8710 Vuincunx    1  1:36  -800   49 
  5.8710 FileVuincunx    1  1:36  -800   49     5.8636 Zuincunx    1  1:53  -800   49 
  6.8636 FileZuincunx    1  1:53  -800   49            Group: advanced
  7.  -  Filellll2246    1  1:57  -801   48     1.7173 Chelsea     1  7:42  -648  201 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  llll2246    1  1:57  -801   48 

On 1st draw, ABAFT H8 22 --- ABAFT towards the stern [adv]
Other tops: ABAFT H4 22
Other moves: ABAFT H5 20, ABAFT H6 20, ABAFT H7 20, BAFT H5 18, BAFT H6 18
ABAFT H4 22 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, DWINE I7 29 --- DWINE to pine or waste away [v]
Other tops: WAIDE I7 29
Other moves: WADE I8 27, WIDE I8 27, FAWNED 11H 26, WAIFED 11E 26, WANE I8 25
FAWNED 11H 26 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, GOATY J6 49 --- GOATY like a goat [adj]
Other moves: GYRI J9 42, GYRO J9 42, TYG J9 41, TYRO J9 40, YGO J10 36
GOATY J6 49 LongJump22, Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx

On 4th draw, (R)EHEATS 12C 28 --- REHEAT to heat again [v]
Other tops: HA(G)LETS 12C 28, HA(M)LETS 12C 28, HA(S)LETS 12C 28, HEL(M)ETS 12C 28, (C)HALETS 12C 28
Other moves: HASLET(S) 12C 27, A(S)HETS 12D 26, HEA(R)TS 12D 26, HEA(S)TS 12D 26, HEL(O)TS 12D 26

On 5th draw, MEDALETS F7 65 --- MEDALET a small medal [n]
Other moves: MEDALETS D7 62, DEMAST 13B 36, MEDALS 13B 35, LAMED 11B 34, TAMED 11B 34
MEDALETS F7 65 LongJump22

On 6th draw, NEUTR(O)N K1 68 --- NEUTRON a subatomic particle [n]
Other tops: (S)TUNNER E2 68
Other moves: NEUTR(O)N E2 67, STUNNER(S) 14F 59, STURN(I)NE 14F 59, TUNNE(L)ER D8 59, TUNNE(L)ER D6 58

On 7th draw, TAPI(R)OID C8 72 --- TAPIROID pertaining to a tapir [adj]
Other moves: PINTADO 1I 33, DOPANT 1G 30, PODAL 11B 30, PODITE 8A 30, POIND 1H 30
PINTADO 1I 33 Quincunx
PAINT 1H 24 Chelsea

On 8th draw, PEINCT 1H 39 --- PEINCT to paint [v]
Other tops: INCEPT 1J 39
Other moves: INCENT 1J 33, MEDIC 15A 33, PIMENT 1G 33, CEMENT 2J 32, EMETIC 2I 32
PENCE 2J 30 Chelsea

On 9th draw, ZLOTE 4H 48 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZED 15A 39, CLOZE D4 37, CROZE D4 37, ZO B13 37, CLOZE E3 36
ZLOTE 4H 48 Quincunx, llll2246
ZED 15A 39 Chelsea

On 10th draw, BEAUISH L6 86 --- BEAU a boyfriend [adj] --- BEAUISH pertaining to a beau [adj]
Other moves: BEAUISH E1 81, BEAUISH B3 71, BATH 8A 39, BETH 8A 39, SADHE 15A 39
BATH 8A 39 Chelsea

On 11th draw, JADE 15A 39 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other moves: JURAL 3J 35, JUREL 3J 35, AJAR 8L 33, AXAL 8L 33, AXEL 8L 33
JUREL 3J 35 Chelsea

On 12th draw, QIS B6 34 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: RORES M5 25, SORER M5 25, HIES E12 24, ORES M6 24, SEIR M6 24
QIS B6 34 Chelsea

On 13th draw, PEINCTED 1H 39 --- PEINCT to paint [v]
Other moves: DEAR A7 27, DERO A7 27, OOIDAL 11A 27, HAED E12 26, HAUD E12 26

On 14th draw, ERENOW N1 34 --- ERENOW before this time [adv]
Other moves: AVOW 8L 30, ENOW A8 30, ERGON A8 30, GENRO A7 30, VROW E5 29

On 15th draw, FERVOR O5 46 --- FERVOR great warmth or intensity [n]
Other moves: REROOF O3 42, ORFE 2H 34, REROOF O5 34, ROOFER O5 34, FORE O5 31

On 16th draw, UNMIX N10 36 --- UNMIX to separate from a mixture [v]
Other moves: MINX M12 33, OXIM E4 32, MIX M12 31, MUX M12 31, OXIM M12 31

On 17th draw, AULOI M11 34 --- AULOS an ancient wind instrument [n]
Other moves: AGO M12 31, CALIGO 5C 29, GUACO 5D 27, OCULI C2 25, OCULI K11 25

On 18th draw, GOV O13 35 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: VIGORO 5C 31, VIGORO E4 29, GON O13 26, GOO O13 26, GOR O13 26

On 19th draw, ROCKY D4 46 --- ROCKY shaky, or unsteady [adj]
Other tops: CONKY D4 46, CORKY D4 46, NICKY D4 46
Other moves: CORNY D4 38, CRONY D4 38, YIRKS 14B 36, IRONY D4 34, KINOS 14B 32

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