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Game on May 18, 2024 at 13:19, 7 players
1. 335 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 166 pts LongJump22
3. 62 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeemtu   H4    24    24   meated
 2. ?aabnsw   G5    80   104   bhawans
 3. bgiloru  11E    40   144   busgirl
 4. efilopt  H11    30   174   glift
 5. adeosuw   F4    44   218   dowse
 6. alnootv   E2    29   247   oval
 7. eehnrrs  13D    66   313   errhines
 8. egiinty  12A    26   339   tiny
 9. ?ceijln  B10    58   397   juice
10. ginoptu  14J    28   425   toping
11. agkotyz  O12    81   506   zyga
12. aefiior  15A    38   544   orfe
13. adegilt  12L    28   572   ditz
14. aaehkor   2B    32   604   horoeka
15. acdeiru   1H    92   696   decuria
16. aelmovx   3A    49   745   vox
17. aeoopqs   O1    60   805   soap
18. eimnotu   4B    34   839   monad
19. aeegilu   N1    22   861   aglu
20. aeiinqu   3I    52   913   quinela

Remaining tiles: aeeiit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6887 FilePapa_Sloth  2 12:12  -578  335     1.8372 LongJump22  3  5:49  -747  166 
  2.8372 FileLongJump22  3  5:49  -747  166     2.8619 Zuincunx    1  2:41  -851   62 
  3.8619 FileZuincunx    1  2:41  -851   62     3.8885 Quincunx    0  0:50  -880   33 
  4.  -  Filellll2246    1  1:57  -873   40     4.8772 Vuincunx    0  1:17  -880   33 
  5.8885 FileQuincunx    0  0:50  -880   33     5.8556 Wuincunx    0  1:37  -880   33 
  6.8772 FileVuincunx    0  1:17  -880   33            Group: intermediate
  7.8556 FileWuincunx    0  1:37  -880   33     1.6887 Papa_Sloth  2 12:12  -578  335 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  llll2246    1  1:57  -873   40 

On 1st draw, MEATED H4 24 --- MEAT animal flesh used as food [adj] --- MEATED to become meat [adj]
Other moves: ADEEM H8 22, DATUM H8 22, MATED H4 22, MEATED H7 22, METED H4 22
MEATED H4 24 LongJump22, Papa_Sloth

On 2nd draw, B(H)AWANS G5 80 --- BHAWAN (India) a large house [n]
Other moves: WAN(N)ABES 5B 74, WA(N)NABES 5B 74, WABA(I)NS G8 72, BAN(D)SAW G8 71, BANDSAW(S) 9E 65
WABA(I)NS G8 72 LongJump22
SWAN I5 20 Papa_Sloth

On 3rd draw, BUSGIRL 11E 40 --- BUSGIRL a girl or woman who is a server's assistant in a restaurant [n]
Other moves: LOBI F7 27, GORI F7 25, GLIBBER 5C 24, RUBIGO I1 24, OBI F8 23
BUSGIRL 11E 40 LongJump22, llll2246

On 4th draw, GLIFT H11 30 --- GLIFT a fright [n]
Other moves: FILET I3 28, FLITE 12A 28, FLOTE 12A 28, FOLIE 12A 28, PIOLET 12A 28
GLIFT H11 30 LongJump22

On 5th draw, DOWSE F4 44 --- DOWSE to search for underground water with a divining rod [v]
Other moves: WOAD F6 43, OWSE F5 42, WOES F6 41, DOWS F4 37, WOE F6 36
SAWED L11 33 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
WE F6 29 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, OVAL E2 29 --- OVAL an oval (egg-shaped) figure or object [n]
Other moves: VOLTA 12A 28, VOL E3 27, NOTAL E1 25, TONAL E1 25, TOOL E2 23
OVAL E2 29 Zuincunx

On 7th draw, ERRHINES 13D 66 --- ERRHINE a substance causing sneezing or nasal discharge [n]
Other moves: HERSE L8 35, FRESHEN 14H 30, FRESHER 14H 30, SEER I5 30, NESHER L9 29
SHEER L11 29 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, TINY 12A 26 --- TINY a small child [n] --- TINY very small [adj]
Other tops: NY F1 26, YITE 12A 26
Other moves: EYING 12K 25, YITIE 12J 25, GEY 12B 24, GYTE 12A 24, TIEING 14J 24

On 9th draw, J(U)ICE B10 58 --- JUICE to extract the juice (the liquid part of a fruit or vegetable) from [v]
Other moves: INJECT A7 45, INJECT(S) A7 45, INJ(E)CT A7 42, I(N)JECT A7 42, J(A)CENT A7 42

On 10th draw, TOPING 14J 28 --- TOPE to drink liquor to excess [v]
Other moves: MOUPING 4H 24, PINTADO 9C 24, LOUING 12H 23, OPING 12K 23, MOPING 4H 22

On 11th draw, ZYGA O12 81 --- ZYGON a H shaped fissure of the brain [n]
Other moves: KAGO O12 42, GYOZA C6 41, KAZOO 2B 40, GYOZA 2C 38, ZYGA C7 38

On 12th draw, ORFE 15A 38 --- ORFE a golden-yellow fish [n]
Other tops: FRAE 15A 38, FROE 15A 38
Other moves: ARF 15A 32, ERF 15A 32, FRA 15A 32, FRIZ 12L 32, FRO 15A 32
FRO 15A 32 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, DITZ 12L 28 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: GADE I3 26, GLADE I2 26, GLIDE I2 26, AIDE I3 24, DEI I5 24
DITZ 12L 28 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, HOROEKA 2B 32 --- HOROEKA (Maori) a forest tree [n]
Other moves: HAKA C7 29, HOKA C7 29, KOHA C7 29, AH F1 26, EH F1 26

On 15th draw, DECURIA 1H 92 --- DECURIA a group of ten soldiers [n]
Other moves: DECURIA C4 71, DARIC 1H 42, ACIDER 1H 36, ACRED 1H 36, ACRID 1H 36

On 16th draw, VOX 3A 49 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: VEX 3A 49
Other moves: MAX 3A 47, LAX 3A 43, LEX 3A 43, LOX 3A 43, AX 3B 41
MAX 3A 47 Papa_Sloth

On 17th draw, SOAP O1 60 --- SOAP to treat with soap (a cleansing agent) [v]
Other tops: SOOP O1 60
Other moves: SPAE O1 54, SAP O1 48, SOP O1 48, SPA O1 48, APSE 1A 42
SPAE O1 54 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, MONAD 4B 34 --- MONAD a single-celled organism [n]
Other tops: TONE 1A 34
Other moves: NOMAD 4B 32, MON 1A 31, MENTO 2K 26, EON 1A 25, ION 1A 25
MON 1A 31 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, AGLU N1 22 --- AGLU a hole in the ice through which a seal breathes [n]
Other moves: LEAGUE 10I 19, LOBELIA 5E 18, MILAGE 4H 18, AGE 15J 17, GILA C7 17
GLIA C7 17 Papa_Sloth

On 20th draw, QUINELA 3I 52 --- QUINELA quinella [n]
Other moves: EQUINIA M9 34, QUEAN 10I 33, QUENA 10I 33, EQUINAL K5 32, MAQUI 4H 32
QI 11M 24 Papa_Sloth

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