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Game on May 19, 2024 at 17:26, 8 players
1. 206 pts LongJump22
2. 113 pts Pacific
3. 113 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?afilos   H4    24    24   folia
 2. eimnoru   5E    36    60   ionomer
 3. ?celuuy   K3    62   122   curlycue
 4. ?iiotty   I5    70   192   motility
 5. dloortw   6C    31   223   drow
 6. aginotu  H11    29   252   ingot
 7. adeehrv   L9    89   341   havered
 8. aeklnrz   G7    51   392   kranz
 9. aeeinsu  J11    26   418   isnae
10. aefhpsv   L1    39   457   fahs
11. beiltuw   M2    38   495   wiel
12. aaegilt   C3    74   569   gladiate
13. denostu   B9    76   645   snouted
14. abcdeor   A3    92   737   brocade
15. beenpqt  12A    50   787   quep
16. egnosuv   N1    35   822   gens
17. aijmotx  15A    51   873   admixt
18. beopruv   1H    30   903   boeuf

Remaining tiles: jprv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: master
  1.8398 FileLongJump22  3  4:22  -697  206     1.9690 Pacific     0  4:02  -790  113 
  2.9690 FilePacific     0  4:02  -790  113            Group: expert
  3.8004 Filemoonmonkey  0  4:24  -790  113     1.8398 LongJump22  3  4:22  -697  206 
  4.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  1:53  -853   50     2.8004 moonmonkey  0  4:24  -790  113 
  5.8630 FileWuincunx    0  0:59  -871   32     3.8630 Wuincunx    0  0:59  -871   32 
  6.8810 FileVuincunx    0  1:26  -871   32     4.8810 Vuincunx    0  1:26  -871   32 
  7.8838 FileQuincunx    0  1:53  -871   32     5.8838 Quincunx    0  1:53  -871   32 
  8.8728 FileZuincunx    0  0:58  -874   29     6.8728 Zuincunx    0  0:58  -874   29 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  qqqq2246    1  1:53  -853   50 

On 1st draw, FOLIA H4 24 --- FOLIUM a thin layer [n]
Other tops: FAILS H4 24, FALSI(E) H4 24, FAS(C)IO H4 24, FIAS(C)O H4 24, FILOS H4 24, FILOS(E) H4 24, FIL(L)OS H4 24, FIS(C)AL H4 24, FI(L)LOS H4 24, FI(N)ALS H4 24, FLAI(L)S H4 24, FLAI(R)S H4 24, FLOA(T)S H4 24, FLO(R)AS H4 24, FLO(T)AS H4 24, FOALS H4 24, FOILS H4 24, FOLIA(R) H4 24, FOLI(E)S H4 24, FOLI(O)S H4 24, FOL(L)IS H4 24, FOS(S)IL H4 24, FO(L)LIS H4 24, FO(S)SIL H4 24, F(L)AILS H4 24, F(O)LIOS H4 24, F(R)AILS H4 24, OFLA(G)S H3 24, OF(F)ALS H3 24, SALIF(Y) H8 24, (C)ALIFS H8 24, (K)ALIFS H8 24, (P)ILAFS H8 24
Other moves: ALO(O)F H8 22, AL(O)OF H8 22, FAIL(S) H4 22, FAI(K)S H4 22, FAI(L)S H4 22
FOLIA H4 24 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, IONOMER 5E 36 --- IONOMER a type of plastic [n]
Other moves: FERMION 4H 24, FRENUM 4H 22, FUMIER 4H 22, MERINO G7 21, ENORM 9E 20
IONOMER 5E 36 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, CURLY(C)UE K3 62 --- CURLYCUE a fancy twist or curl [n]
Other tops: (C)URLYCUE K3 62
Other moves: CUL(T)Y 6B 37, YULE(S) 6F 35, YULE 6F 34, CU(T)ELY 4A 33, YEL(M) 6F 32
CURLY(C)UE K3 62 LongJump22

On 4th draw, MOTI(L)ITY I5 70 --- MOTILITY the ability to move [n]
Other tops: MOTI(V)ITY I5 70
Other moves: OTIO(S)ITY F5 64, OTIO(S)ITY F2 62, YTO(S)T 11H 38, TOY(S) 11H 36, OTITI(S) 11F 34
TI(N)TY 6B 32 Wuincunx
TI(T)TY 6B 32 Vuincunx
TO(T)TY 6B 32 Quincunx

On 5th draw, DROW 6C 31 --- DROW a squall [n]
Other moves: DOW 6D 30, TROW 6C 30, LOW 6D 29, ROW 6D 29, TOW 6D 29
WORLD 4A 29 Zuincunx
(C)ROWD 8K 27 Pacific

On 6th draw, INGOT H11 29 --- INGOT to shape into a convenient form for storage [v]
Other tops: UNGOT H11 29
Other moves: AGIN H12 24, AGIO H12 24, AGON H12 24, AGOUTY 12D 22, TOYING 12G 22
(C)UING 8K 18 Pacific

On 7th draw, HAVERED L9 89 --- HAVER to hem and haw [v]
Other moves: OVERHEAD 14H 84, (C)HAVE 8K 42, (C)HARD 8K 36, HEAVED L10 35, HEAVED L9 33
OVERHEAD 14H 84 LongJump22
CHAVE 3K 26 Pacific

On 8th draw, KRANZ G7 51 --- KRANZ a precipice [n]
Other moves: DAZE 15L 42, KNEEL 14J 38, KRANZ 13K 36, AZLON 14E 34, ZANDER C3 34
DAZE 15L 42 Pacific

On 9th draw, ISNAE J11 26 --- ISNAE is not (no inflections [v]
Other tops: SEINE J11 26
Other moves: ESNE J11 25, ISNA J11 25, SEAN J11 25, SEEN J11 25, SENA J11 25

On 10th draw, FAHS L1 39 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FEHS L1 39
Other moves: PAHS L1 35, PEHS L1 35, FEH M12 32, PECHS 3I 30, FACES 3I 28
FEH M12 32 moonmonkey

On 11th draw, WIEL M2 38 --- WIEL a whirlpool [n]
Other moves: WECHT 3I 34, WELT J4 33, TEWEL J2 32, BELT J4 31, WE M2 31
FLEW 1L 30 moonmonkey

On 12th draw, GLADIATE C3 74 --- GLADIATE shaped like a sword [adj]
Other moves: GAT N1 29, GET N1 29, ALA N1 27, ALT N1 27, EAT N1 27
GET N1 29 moonmonkey

On 13th draw, SNOUTED B9 76 --- SNOUT to provide with a nozzle [v]
Other moves: DEUTONS B7 71, ENDS N1 36, NEDS N1 36, SEND N1 36, TEDS N1 36

On 14th draw, BROCADE A3 92 --- BROCADE to weave a silky fabric with a raised design [v]
Other moves: BROCADE N3 85, BEAD N1 40, BAC N1 37, BEAR N1 37, CAB N1 37

On 15th draw, QUEP 12A 50 --- QUEP expressing derision [interj]
Other moves: QUEEN 12A 48, NEB N1 33, NEP N1 33, BEN N1 31, BET N1 31
QUEP 12A 50 qqqq2246

On 16th draw, GENS N1 35 --- GENS a type of clan [n]
Other moves: ENS N2 31, GEN N1 29, ENS N1 27, GONEF 1H 27, OES N1 27
ODES 15A 18 moonmonkey

On 17th draw, ADMIXT 15A 51 --- ADMIX to mix [v]
Other moves: ADMIX 15A 48, MOTIF 1H 30, ADMIT 15A 27, EXAM 14L 26, JAI B1 26

On 18th draw, BOEUF 1H 30 --- BOEUF as in boeuf bourguignon, a casserole of beef, herbs etc cooked in red wine. [adj]
Other moves: DERV 15L 24, DOVE 15L 24, TROVE 13B 24, OE O1 22, TROPE 13B 22
DOR 15L 4 moonmonkey

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