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Game on May 20, 2024 at 12:32, 7 players
1. 288 pts Chelsea
2. 241 pts LongJump22
3. 240 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?deostx   H8    94    94   detoxes
 2. abeginv  11E    40   134   begonia
 3. ?aottvz  12K    48   182   topaz
 4. eenopst  14A    74   256   posteens
 5. efinopr   8A   101   357   forpined
 6. cdeimow  O10    54   411   cozied
 7. aeilltu   C1    68   479   tailleur
 8. deghoow  15A    55   534   oohed
 9. abehntw   1A    42   576   bathe
10. aemorsy   2B    49   625   samey
11. eilnrty   6C    71   696   entirely
12. aiklnrw   H1    54   750   wankle
13. adgimrr  12D    36   786   radix
14. aefiorv  14J    40   826   foveae
15. acmnsuu  10C    31   857   scam
16. gintuuv  13A    26   883   uni
17. agrrtuu  10H    22   905   tugra
18. iiqrtuv   L8    22   927   qua
19. giijrtv   4A    38   965   jilt

Remaining tiles: girrvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7214 FileChelsea     1  6:01  -677  288     1.8497 LongJump22  3  4:33  -724  241 
  2.8497 FileLongJump22  3  4:33  -724  241     2.8810 Vuincunx    4  6:43  -725  240 
  3.8810 FileVuincunx    4  6:43  -725  240     3.8630 Wuincunx    4  7:21  -725  240 
  4.8630 FileWuincunx    4  7:21  -725  240     4.8826 Zuincunx    2  7:20  -725  240 
  5.8826 FileZuincunx    2  7:20  -725  240     5.8844 Quincunx    2  8:24  -726  239 
  6.8844 FileQuincunx    2  8:24  -726  239            Group: advanced
  7.  -  Fileaaaa2246    1  1:57  -925   40     1.7214 Chelsea     1  6:01  -677  288 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  aaaa2246    1  1:57  -925   40 

On 1st draw, DETOX(E)S H8 94 --- DETOX to remove a toxin from [v]
Other tops: D(E)TOXES H8 94, EXOD(I)ST H3 94, T(U)XEDOS H2 94
Other moves: DETOX(E)S H4 82, D(E)TOXES H4 82, T(U)XEDOS H8 82, DETOX(E)S H2 80, DETOX(E)S H3 80
T(U)XEDOS H2 94 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, BEGONIA 11E 40 --- BEGONIA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: BEGAN G9 35, BIGAE G9 35, VIBEX 12D 34, SABEING 14H 32, BIGA G9 31
BEGONIA 11E 40 LongJump22, aaaa2246
GAB G11 27 Chelsea

On 3rd draw, TO(P)AZ 12K 48 --- TOPAZ a mineral [n]
Other moves: ZO(U)AVE F6 45, ZO(U)AV(E) 13C 40, (M)OZETTA F8 37, AV(I)ZE F7 36, AV(Y)ZE F7 36
AV(I)ZE F7 36 Chelsea
TOZ(E)S 14D 33 LongJump22

On 4th draw, POSTEENS 14A 74 --- POSTEEN an Afghan sheepskin coat [n]
Other tops: PENTOSES 14A 74
Other moves: POSTEEN G3 70, POSTEEN I3 70, POSTEENS 14F 68, PENTOSE G2 64, PENTOSE I2 64
POSTEENS 14A 74 LongJump22
ZEPS O12 45 Chelsea

On 5th draw, FORPINED 8A 101 --- FORPINE to waste away [v]
Other moves: FORPINES C7 86, FORPINE G2 67, FORPINE I2 67, FOZIER O10 54, PREFIX 12C 48
ZONE O12 39 Chelsea

On 6th draw, COZIED O10 54 --- COZY to attempt to get on friendly terms [v]
Other moves: ZOIC O12 45, COMIX 12D 43, WIPE A12 39, CROWDIES C7 36, MEADOW N10 36
COZIED O10 54 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Quincunx
WIPE A12 39 Chelsea

On 7th draw, TAILLEUR C1 68 --- TAILLEUR a woman's tailored suit [n]
Other moves: AIT 15A 25, LEAPT A11 24, TAUPE A11 24, TULPA A11 24, TENIA I9 23
TAPE A12 21 Chelsea

On 8th draw, OOHED 15A 55 --- OOH to exclaim in amazement, joy, or surprise [v]
Other moves: EDH 15A 41, HOPE A12 39, HOTDOG 1A 39, WAHOO N11 39, OHO 15A 37
OOHED 15A 55 Zuincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
HOPE A12 39 Chelsea

On 9th draw, BATHE 1A 42 --- BATHE to wash [v]
Other moves: BATH 1A 39, BATHE N11 39, BETH 1A 39, WHATEN 12A 38, HWAN 10J 37
BATHE 1A 42 Chelsea
THAW 10C 35 Quincunx, Zuincunx

On 10th draw, SAMEY 2B 49 --- SAMEY monotonous [adj]
Other moves: MORAY 10B 41, YATES 10F 40, YSAME 2A 40, ARAMES 2A 37, MORAYS 12A 37
YATES 10F 40 Zuincunx, Quincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 11th draw, ENTIRELY 6C 71 --- ENTIRELY completely [adv]
Other moves: LIENTERY 6A 65, NITRYL 12A 29, LENITY 4C 26, ENTRY 12A 25, LINEY 12A 25

On 12th draw, WANKLE H1 54 --- WANKLE unsteady [adj]
Other tops: WINKLE H1 54
Other moves: RANKLE H1 45, WANKLE 14J 42, WINKLE 14J 42, KNAR 10J 37, WAKA N11 37
WINKLE H1 54 Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 13th draw, RADIX 12D 36 --- RADIX the root of a plant [n]
Other moves: AMI 13A 32, DIRAM 10B 32, MAIGRE 14J 30, MIRAGE 14J 30, AGMA N12 28
MAIGRE 14J 30 Quincunx
MIRAGE 14J 30 Zuincunx

On 14th draw, FOVEAE 14J 40 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FAERIE 14J 34, FERIAE 14J 34, OAF 10D 34, OF 10E 33, FAVOR 10B 32
FOLIAR 4A 26 Zuincunx, Quincunx

On 15th draw, SCAM 10C 31 --- SCAM to cheat or swindle [v]
Other moves: CAM 10D 30, NAM 10D 28, SAM 10D 28, AM 10E 27, MANCUS 5J 27
SCAM 10C 31 Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 16th draw, UNI 13A 26 --- UNI university [n]
Other moves: GI 13B 22, N(E)VI 13G 22, VULN 4A 22, TI 13B 19, GNU 10J 18
VAT K10 6 Wuincunx
YIN J6 6 Vuincunx

On 17th draw, TUGRA 10H 22 --- TUGRA the ornamental monogram of the Turkish Sultan [n]
Other moves: AREG 9F 19, GRAT 10J 19, KAURU 4H 18, KRAUT 4H 18, KURTA 4H 18

On 18th draw, QUA L8 22 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: LUIT 5C 16, R(E)V 13G 16, TUI I2 15, QI 11B 13, TRIVIA L5 13

On 19th draw, JILT 4A 38 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: JIG M7 37, VIG M7 29, JAGA N11 24, TRIG M6 24, RIG M7 23

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