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Game on May 21, 2024 at 09:10, 11 players
1. 180 pts Chelsea
2. 105 pts LongJump22
3. 84 pts Papa_Sloth

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cdeerss   H3    76    76   screeds
 2. aefmoru   G7    31   107   foamer
 3. ddeefno   F9    34   141   defend
 4. ?achott   I9    78   219   hattock
 5. ?eilnqv  15A    38   257   livens
 6. aeimory   H1    42   299   miscreeds
 7. eeiiirt   J6    22   321   retie
 8. dehinnt   K1    77   398   thinned
 9. agortuy   3A    76   474   grayouts
10. aaioptu   4D    36   510   optic
11. bellopy   A1    42   552   bogy
12. aeglnox   1K    39   591   taxol
13. aejlnqw   5B    38   629   jane
14. aeilrsw   L7    82   711   swalier
15. abglouu  12A    26   737   blaguer
16. giknoru   6C    35   772   gink
17. aoorsuz  10L    33   805   lazo
18. aopqruv   O8    45   850   quop
19. aiorsvw  13C    34   884   airns

Remaining tiles: eiouvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7193 FileChelsea     1  6:35  -704  180     1.8546 LongJump22  1  2:11  -779  105 
  2.8546 FileLongJump22  1  2:11  -779  105     2.8762 Zuincunx    1  2:39  -818   66 
  3.6878 FilePapa_Sloth  1  3:38  -800   84     3.8776 Quincunx    0  0:22  -851   33 
  4.8762 FileZuincunx    1  2:39  -818   66     4.8723 Vuincunx    0  0:42  -851   33 
  5.6246 FileHammer22    1  0:46  -839   45     5.8600 Wuincunx    0  0:59  -851   33 
  6.6781 FileDiscus22    1  1:03  -839   45            Group: advanced
  7.6617 FileBBBBBB1112  1  1:22  -839   45     1.7193 Chelsea     1  6:35  -704  180 
  8.6819 FileShotPut22   1  1:43  -839   45            Group: intermediate
  9.8776 FileQuincunx    0  0:22  -851   33     1.6878 Papa_Sloth  1  3:38  -800   84 
 10.8723 FileVuincunx    0  0:42  -851   33     2.6246 Hammer22    1  0:46  -839   45 
 11.8600 FileWuincunx    0  0:59  -851   33     3.6781 Discus22    1  1:03  -839   45 
                                             4.6617 BBBBBB1112  1  1:22  -839   45 
                                             5.6819 ShotPut22   1  1:43  -839   45 

On 1st draw, SCREEDS H3 76 --- SCREED to shred [v]
Other moves: SCREEDS H7 74, SCREEDS H2 72, SCREEDS H4 72, SCREEDS H6 72, SCREEDS H8 72

On 2nd draw, FOAMER G7 31 --- FOAMER one that foams [n]
Other moves: FOAM G7 29, FEUAR G7 28, FORAMS 3C 28, FORUMS 3C 28, FOUER G7 28

On 3rd draw, DEFEND F9 34 --- DEFEND to protect [v]
Other moves: DEFENDS 3B 28, FRONDED 12F 26, DEED F8 25, FED I6 25, FONE F9 25

On 4th draw, HATTOC(K) I9 78 --- HATTOCK a little hat [n]
Other tops: O(U)TCATCH 4B 78, O(U)TCATCH 4E 78
Other moves: CHAT(B)OTS 3A 76, HATTOC(K)S 3A 74, TH(E)OCRAT 5C 74, TACHO(S) 15A 53, CHAR(I)OT 5E 44

On 5th draw, LIVEN(S) 15A 38 --- LIVEN to make lively [v]
Other tops: LEVIN(S) 15A 38
Other moves: CINQ(U)E 14I 36, CLIQ(U)E 14I 36, (K)ELVIN(S) 15I 36, Q(U)IVER 12B 34, Q(U)IVER 5C 34

On 6th draw, MISCREEDS H1 42 --- MISCREED a false creed [n]
Other moves: RIMAE J8 36, YEAR J10 34, RIMA J8 33, RIME J8 33, RIMAYE J5 31

On 7th draw, RETIE J6 22 --- RETIE to tie again, pr p RETYING, RETIEING [v] --- TIE to fasten with a cord or rope [v]
Other moves: RITE J8 21, TIRE J8 21, CERITE 14I 20, IRE J9 20, TRIE J7 19

On 8th draw, THINNED K1 77 --- THIN to water down [v]
Other moves: CHINNED 14I 42, CHINED 14I 40, EDH J12 35, TITHED 8J 33, EH J13 30

On 9th draw, GRAYOUTS 3A 76 --- GRAYOUT a temporary blurring of vision [n]
Other moves: YAG L4 30, YUG L4 30, TARTY 1K 27, GHAUT 2J 26, RHYTA 2J 26

On 10th draw, OPTIC 4D 36 --- OPTIC an eye [n]
Other moves: PIGOUT A1 30, PAYOUT D1 28, ATAP 2B 27, ATOP 2B 27, UTOPIA 1J 27

On 11th draw, BOGY A1 42 --- BOGY a goblin [n]
Other tops: POGY A1 42
Other moves: PHYLLO 2J 40, PHYLE 2J 38, BOGEY A1 36, LOGY A1 36, POGEY A1 36

On 12th draw, TAXOL 1K 39 --- TAXOL a medicinal substance from a yew tree [n]
Other tops: TAXON 1K 39
Other moves: AX 14A 38, EX 14A 38, CLAXON 14I 34, ORANGE B2 31, AXE J2 30

On 13th draw, JANE 5B 38 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: AWE 5C 31, WANE 5B 30, WILJA 3J 30, WE 5D 29, WREN B2 29

On 14th draw, SWALIER L7 82 --- SWALY shady [adj]
Other moves: WALISE 6A 39, WALIS 6A 36, ARISE 6B 35, LARIS 6A 33, LAWINS 13B 33
SWALIER L7 82 LongJump22
LAW 6A 24 Chelsea

On 15th draw, BLAGUER 12A 26 --- BLAGUER one who talks pretentious nonsense [n]
Other moves: GAB 6A 23, GOB 6A 23, BAG 6A 22, BOA K11 22, BOG 6A 22
GAB 6A 23 Chelsea, LongJump22

On 16th draw, GINK 6C 35 --- GINK a fellow [n]
Other moves: RINK 6C 33, WINK 8L 33, WONK 8L 33, WORK 8L 33, KNUR K11 32
WINK 8L 33 Chelsea, Quincunx, Zuincunx
WORK 8L 33 Vuincunx
WONK 8L 33 Wuincunx

On 17th draw, LAZO 10L 33 --- LAZO to catch with a long rope with a running noose [v]
Other tops: ZOLS B10 33
Other moves: LUZ 10L 32, ZOL B10 32, IZARS 3K 28, ORZOS 13K 28, ORZOS N1 28
LAZO 10L 33 Papa_Sloth
ZOLS B10 33 Zuincunx
ZOL B10 32 Chelsea

On 18th draw, QUOP O8 45 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: VAPOUR O7 36, PARVO O6 30, VAPOR O7 30, UPO 2M 29, WARP 8L 27
QUOP O8 45 Chelsea, Hammer22, Discus22, BBBBBB1112, ShotPut22
QI B14 22 Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, AIRNS 13C 34 --- AIRN iron [n] --- AIRN to iron [v]
Other moves: ZORIS N10 32, HAIR 2K 29, WORN 13C 29, OPTICIANS 4D 26, WEARS 12K 26
WORN 13C 29 Papa_Sloth
WO 13C 23 Chelsea

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