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Game on May 22, 2024 at 21:07, 1 player
1. 43 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afimnov   H4    26    26   mavin
 2. dimoovz   G7    37    63   mozo
 3. ?ddgino  11G    83   146   sodding
 4. degijlx  H11    63   209   oxide
 5. ?eeijsu   L8    42   251   jennies
 6. aelprry  15D    66   317   parleyer
 7. aeglnot   M2    77   394   tangelo
 8. abdelny  14J    46   440   basely
 9. aadegir  15M    32   472   dae
10. hiostuu   8L    42   514   josh
11. ceinrrv   L1    30   544   vine
12. aiinstu   8A    27   571   inustion
13. aagnort   C2    72   643   argonaut
14. abefirt   E5    40   683   fattier
15. accertu   2B    86   769   carucate
16. ehiortu   J4    66   835   outhired
17. befoosw   1G    43   878   few
18. blopquw  14B    38   916   quop

Remaining tiles: bklosw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7463 Filesunshine12  1  1:12  -873   43     1.7463 sunshine12  1  1:12  -873   43 

On 1st draw, MAVIN H4 26 --- MAVIN an expert [n]
Other moves: MAVIN H8 22, MAVIN H5 20, MAVIN H6 20, MAVIN H7 20, AVION H4 18

On 2nd draw, MOZO G7 37 --- MOZO a manual labourer [n]
Other moves: MIZ G7 36, MOZ G7 36, MOZ G3 32, AZIDO 5H 30, MOZO G1 29

On 3rd draw, (S)ODDING 11G 83 --- SOD to cover with sod (turf) [v]
Other moves: DOD(D)ING I7 76, DOD(G)ING I7 76, DODGIN(G) I7 74, DO(D)DING I7 74, GODDIN(G) I7 74

On 4th draw, OXIDE H11 63 --- OXIDE a binary compound of oxygen with another element or radical [n]
Other moves: JIGGLED M9 50, JIGGED M9 48, JIGGLE M9 46, JINXED L9 42, JAXIE 5G 38

On 5th draw, JE(N)NIES L8 42 --- JENNY a female donkey [n]
Other moves: JEUNE L8 40, JI(N)NEE L8 40, J(A)UNSE L8 40, JEUN(E) L8 38, JE(A)NS L8 38

On 6th draw, PARLEYER 15D 66 --- PARLEYER one that parleys [n]
Other moves: PARLEYER 15B 64, JAPE 8L 39, JARP 8L 39, JARL 8L 33, LAMPREY 4F 28

On 7th draw, TANGELO M2 77 --- TANGELO a citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: GELATION 13C 72, LEGATION 13C 72, JONG 8L 36, JANE 8L 33, JATO 8L 33

On 8th draw, BASELY 14J 46 --- BASELY in a base manner [adv]
Other moves: JOEY 8L 42, BASED 14J 40, JOBE 8L 39, BAYTED 2J 36, BAYE L1 35

On 9th draw, DAE 15M 32 --- DAE to do [v]
Other tops: DARGA N6 32, DIE 15M 32, DIRGE N6 32
Other moves: RAGED N6 30, DAG N6 29, DARG N6 29, DIG N6 29, AIA 15M 28

On 10th draw, JOSH 8L 42 --- JOSH to tease [v]
Other moves: HITS N6 40, HOTS N6 40, HIT N6 39, HOT N6 39, JOTS 8L 33

On 11th draw, VINE L1 30 --- VINE to grow like a vine (a climbing plant) [v]
Other moves: CRETIN 2J 28, CARVING 5G 26, CINE L1 26, CRAVEN 5F 22, CRAVER 5F 22

On 12th draw, INUSTION 8A 27 --- INUSTION burning in [n]
Other moves: ETAS 13L 25, SENA 13K 22, SETA 13K 22, AUDIT I9 20, NATS N1 20

On 13th draw, ARGONAUT C2 72 --- ARGONAUT a marine mollusk [n]
Other moves: ANGORAS N2 42, TANAGRA 5E 32, TANGO N1 28, GENA 13K 25, GETA 13K 25

On 14th draw, FATTIER E5 40 --- FATTY greasy or oily [adj]
Other tops: BAREFIT 2B 40
Other moves: TREIFA D1 37, BATTIER E5 36, BAREFIT 13C 34, FASTI N6 33, TREIF D1 33

On 15th draw, CARUCATE 2B 86 --- CARUCATE an amount of land [n]
Other moves: ACCURATE 2C 66, CRUCIATE A4 65, CECA F10 36, CERT F10 34, ACCITE 2I 32

On 16th draw, OUTHIRED J4 66 --- OUTHIRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other moves: HERO 1G 34, HIRE 1G 34, HUER 1G 34, HURT 1G 34, TEHR 1G 34

On 17th draw, FEW 1G 43 --- FEW amounting to or consisting of a small number [adj]
Other moves: FEW 13K 38, FEW F4 35, WEB 13K 34, FOSSE N6 33, OWES 13J 33
FEW 1G 43 sunshine12

On 18th draw, QUOP 14B 38 --- QUOP to throb [v]
Other moves: PEW 13K 35, WEB 13K 34, SUQ N8 32, QUOP D12 30, LEW 13K 29

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