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Game on May 23, 2024 at 08:34, 11 players
1. 202 pts LongJump22
2. 190 pts Chelsea
3. 72 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ceostuu   H4    20    20   cutes
 2. ?eeilow   8A    83   103   owleries
 3. abddgin   C7    84   187   bladding
 4. aeorsuy  14A    36   223   argosy
 5. eeejlrs   E5    52   275   jeerers
 6. ?afinop  11E    74   349   saponify
 7. aehinos  10E    44   393   rhones
 8. bemnoru  15D    47   440   bourne
 9. aeflntu   F3    37   477   leaf
10. aaeiklo  A12    39   516   kaal
11. aghitty   3A    36   552   tightly
12. acortux  14I    64   616   oxcart
13. deilnrz   A1    72   688   ditz
14. aimnoor   2G    66   754   amorino
15. deiiltu   1G    43   797   luted
16. aeimqrv   5H    32   829   umiaq
17. agiiptu   3K    27   856   gup
18. aeeinrv  13G    31   887   rive
19. aeintvw  15L    46   933   wean

Remaining tiles: itv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8667 FileLongJump22  3  2:03  -731  202     1.8667 LongJump22  3  2:03  -731  202 
  2.7201 FileChelsea     3  7:17  -743  190     2.8780 Quincunx    1  1:07  -861   72 
  3.8780 FileQuincunx    1  1:07  -861   72     3.8680 Vuincunx    1  1:26  -861   72 
  4.8680 FileVuincunx    1  1:26  -861   72     4.8677 Wuincunx    1  1:44  -861   72 
  5.8677 FileWuincunx    1  1:44  -861   72     5.8687 Zuincunx    0  1:44  -891   42 
  6.  -  Filexxxx2246    1  1:48  -869   64            Group: advanced
  7.8687 FileZuincunx    0  1:44  -891   42     1.7201 Chelsea     3  7:17  -743  190 
  8.7699 Filequeen66     0  0:11  -911   22     2.7699 queen66     0  0:11  -911   22 
  9.7764 FileMycophot    0  0:30  -911   22     3.7764 Mycophot    0  0:30  -911   22 
 10.7323 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:48  -911   22     4.7323 moonmonkey  0  0:48  -911   22 
 11.7487 Filesicilianc5  0  1:04  -911   22     5.7487 sicilianc5  0  1:04  -911   22 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  xxxx2246    1  1:48  -869   64 

On 1st draw, CUTES H4 20 --- CUTIS a skin layer [n]
Other tops: COSET H4 20, COSTE H4 20, COTES H4 20, ESTOC H8 20
Other moves: COSET H8 16, COSTE H8 16, COTES H8 16, CUTES H8 16, ESCOT H4 16

On 2nd draw, OWLE(R)IES 8A 83 --- OWLERY a place inhabited by owls [n]
Other tops: OWEL(T)IES 8A 83
Other moves: OWELTIE(S) 6D 64, (V)OWELISE 8B 64, ELOCUTES H1 30, EL(O)CUTES H1 27, E(L)OCUTES H1 27

On 3rd draw, BLADDING C7 84 --- BLAD to strike [v]
Other moves: B(R)ADDING E7 74, WADDING B8 34, WINDBAG B8 32, ADDING 3H 30, BLADING C7 30

On 4th draw, ARGOSY 14A 36 --- ARGOSY a large merchant ship [n]
Other tops: SUGARY 14A 36
Other moves: EASY D10 29, SAYER 9F 26, AYRES 9G 24, EYERS G6 24, EYRAS 9G 24

On 5th draw, JEE(R)ERS E5 52 --- JEERER one that jeers [n]
Other moves: JEELY F10 31, JAR A13 30, JETES 6F 30, RAJ A13 30, JETE 6F 27

On 6th draw, SAPONIF(Y) 11E 74 --- SAPONIFY to convert into soap [v]
Other moves: PI(L)AF F2 45, PIANO 15D 44, PIANO(S) 15D 44, PIAN(O) 15D 41, PIAN(S) 15D 41

On 7th draw, RHONES 10E 44 --- RHONE a roof-gutter [n]
Other moves: SHONE 15D 40, HONES 10J 37, NOAH F3 37, NOAHS 15D 37, OHIAS 10I 37

On 8th draw, BOURNE 15D 47 --- BOURNE a stream [n]
Other moves: BOURN 15D 44, MOURN 15D 44, BEMOAN A10 39, UMBRAE A10 39, EMBAR A11 36

On 9th draw, LEAF F3 37 --- LEAF a usually green, flattened organ of vascular plants [n] --- LEAF to turn pages rapidly [v]
Other moves: FAAN A12 33, FEAL A12 33, FEAT A12 33, FLAN A12 33, FLAT A12 33

On 10th draw, KAAL A12 39 --- KAAL naked [adj]
Other moves: ELOCUTES H1 30, KAAL 12J 30, KAE 12J 28, KEA 12J 28, KAWA B6 27

On 11th draw, TIGHTLY 3A 36 --- TIGHT firmly or closely fixed in place [adv] --- TIGHTLY in a tight manner [adv]
Other moves: THAWY B5 31, HAILY 3C 30, TYG 12G 30, CHATTY 4H 28, CHITTY 4H 28

On 12th draw, OXCART 14I 64 --- OXCART an ox-drawn cart [n]
Other moves: RAX I5 39, TAX I5 39, XU 2B 39, AX 2A 38, AX I6 36
OXCART 14I 64 LongJump22, xxxx2246

On 13th draw, DITZ A1 72 --- DITZ a ditsy person [n]
Other moves: RITZ A1 69, ZEIN 13L 43, ZITE A1 42, ZIT A1 36, DIZEN B2 34
DITZ A1 72 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 14th draw, AMORINO 2G 66 --- AMORINO an amoretto [n]
Other moves: ZOOM 4A 49, NOMA 13G 27, RIMA 13G 27, ROMA 13G 27, INIA B1 26
AMORINO 2G 66 LongJump22
MA 13I 24 Chelsea

On 15th draw, LUTED 1G 43 --- LUTE to play a lute (a stringed musical instrument) [v]
Other tops: DILUTE 1E 43
Other moves: DILUTE 1C 42, TILDE 1D 40, LITED 1E 39, LUTED 1E 39, TILED 1E 39
LUTED 1G 43 Chelsea
DILUTE 1C 42 Zuincunx

On 16th draw, UMIAQ 5H 32 --- UMIAQ an open Eskimo boat [n]
Other tops: QORMA M1 32, VEHM D1 32
Other moves: RAVE 13G 31, RIVA 13G 31, RIVE 13G 31, AVER 3J 30, AVE 13H 29
MARE 3K 24 Chelsea

On 17th draw, GUP 3K 27 --- GUP gossip [n]
Other tops: GAP 3K 27
Other moves: PATU 3I 26, TAPU 3K 26, GAUP 3K 25, PUHA D1 24, TAIG 6J 24
PIG 1M 22 Chelsea

On 18th draw, RIVE 13G 31 --- RIVE to tear apart [v]
Other tops: EAVE 13G 31, NAVE 13G 31, NEVE 13G 31, RAVE 13G 31, RIVA 13G 31
Other moves: NAIVER 6J 30, AVE 13H 29, EVE 13H 29, NAIVE 6J 29, NEIVE 6J 29
RAVE 13G 31 Chelsea
REEN 15L 22 queen66
REIN 15L 22 Mycophot
REAN 15L 22 moonmonkey
NEAR 15L 22 sicilianc5

On 19th draw, WEAN 15L 46 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: TWINE 6J 32, VAWTE B6 32, NAIVE 6J 29, TWIN 6J 29, TANTI 6H 28
WEAN 15L 46 Chelsea

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