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Game on May 30, 2024 at 01:57, 1 player
1. 56 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeehst   H7    76    76   sheathe
 2. ?fiiikt  G10    35   111   kief
 3. adelrtw   7E    64   175   warstled
 4. deilnnr   8A    34   209   linden
 5. aeefotv   6A    80   289   foveate
 6. acemouu   8L    31   320   acme
 7. adejoov  14H    39   359   dojo
 8. eimnosu   L5    74   433   eudaimons
 9. aeiisty  15J    41   474   aseity
10. aeeinpt   D8    74   548   diapente
11. aaeglox  14B    56   604   latex
12. abilnru   O1    83   687   ruinable
13. gioorsu  15A    25   712   soger
14. abgoruy  N10    36   748   yogurt
15. abdiotv   K1    28   776   bovid
16. aiprtuw   K9    34   810   paw
17. inoqrtu   D1    50   860   quinte
18. cghiorz  13G    46   906   fez
19. cghiorr   2A    40   946   grouch

Remaining tiles: ir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7476 Filesunshine12  0  1:40  -890   56     1.7476 sunshine12  0  1:40  -890   56 

On 1st draw, S(H)EATHE H7 76 --- SHEATHE to put into a protective casing [v]
Other tops: ATHE(I)SE H2 76, EAT(C)HES H8 76, ETHA(N)ES H2 76, HEASTE(S) H4 76, HEATE(R)S H4 76, HEA(D)SET H4 76, HEA(S)TES H4 76, SHEAT(H)E H3 76, TEA(C)HES H8 76, THEA(V)ES H3 76, (M)EATHES H8 76, (R)EHEATS H2 76
Other moves: AETHE(R)S H2 70, AETHE(R)S H3 70, AETHE(R)S H4 70, AETHE(R)S H6 70, AETHE(R)S H8 70

On 2nd draw, KI(E)F G10 35 --- KIEF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other moves: FIKI(S)H 12C 30, FI(R)K 14F 27, FI(S)K 14F 27, KI(E)F G6 27, KI(E)F I6 27

On 3rd draw, WARSTLED 7E 64 --- WARSTLE to take part in hand to hand contests [v]
Other tops: WRASTLED 7E 64
Other moves: DEWAR 14H 28, DAWT 14H 27, DAW 14H 26, DEW 14H 26, FEDERAL 13G 26

On 4th draw, LINDEN 8A 34 --- LINDEN a tall forest tree [n]
Other moves: LINNED 8A 32, NIRLED 8A 32, DINNER 8A 31, DINER 8K 28, LINED 8K 27

On 5th draw, FOVEATE 6A 80 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [adj] --- FOVEATE pertaining to a fovea [adj]
Other moves: FOVEA 8K 45, EVITATE 11E 40, FAVE 6D 40, EAVE 6D 37, AVE 6E 36

On 6th draw, ACME 8L 31 --- ACME the highest point [n]
Other moves: OUMA 8L 25, COMADE L3 24, TAME I7 24, TOME I7 24, CAUMED L2 22

On 7th draw, DOJO 14H 39 --- DOJO a school that teaches judo or karate [n]
Other moves: JAWED E5 32, JOMO N6 29, MOJO N8 29, JAM N6 28, DEVA 14H 27

On 8th draw, EUDAIMONS L5 74 --- EUDAIMON a good spirit [n]
Other moves: EMULSION J4 64, UNAWESOME E4 56, ONIUMS 15J 38, NOISEFUL A1 36, DAIMONES L7 35

On 9th draw, ASEITY 15J 41 --- ASEITY self-origination [n]
Other moves: TYES 9B 32, YATES 15K 32, YEAST 15K 32, YETIS 15K 32, YITES 15K 32

On 10th draw, DIAPENTE D8 74 --- DIAPENTE a medicine of five ingredients [n]
Other moves: PETALINE J3 64, TAPELINE J3 64, PIANETTE I1 62, PATENT N10 28, TAPE K9 28

On 11th draw, LATEX 14B 56 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other moves: GOX E10 42, AXE E11 39, EXO E11 39, LAX E10 39, LEX E10 39
EXAM N5 29 sunshine12

On 12th draw, RUINABLE O1 83 --- RUIN to destroy [adj] --- RUINABLE able to be ruined [adj]
Other moves: LIBER 15A 29, BUNIA C10 28, NUBIA C10 28, BALER 15A 27, BINER 15A 27
BINER 15A 27 sunshine12

On 13th draw, SOGER 15A 25 --- SOGER a soldier [n]
Other moves: GOIER 15A 24, GORES 15A 24, SOG I13 23, GIS E10 21, GOR E10 21

On 14th draw, YOGURT N10 36 --- YOGURT food made from fermented milk [n]
Other moves: BAY K9 34, BOY K9 34, BUY K9 34, YAOURT N10 34, BUOYAGE K1 33

On 15th draw, BOVID K1 28 --- BOVID an animal of the cattle family [n]
Other tops: BOVATE D1 28, TABI K9 28
Other moves: BAD E10 27, BID E10 27, BOD E10 27, DAB K9 27, DOB K9 27

On 16th draw, PAW K9 34 --- PAW to strike or scrape with a beating motion [v]
Other moves: AW 5D 32, AW J1 30, TAPU K9 28, TAW K9 28, WAR E10 27

On 17th draw, QUINTE D1 50 --- QUINTE an attacking fencing position [n]
Other moves: QUINTAN F2 36, QUINT M2 34, QUOIN M2 34, QUOIT M2 34, QUAI 10B 33

On 18th draw, FEZ 13G 46 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other tops: RHIZIC 3B 46, ZO I13 46
Other moves: GROUCH 2A 40, COUGH 2B 38, CHIZ 3B 36, HOG I13 35, ZOIC 2J 35

On 19th draw, GROUCH 2A 40 --- GROUCH to complain [v]
Other moves: COUGH 2B 38, ROUGH 2B 34, CHIB 1H 33, OCH F10 32, OH J1 30

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