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Game on May 30, 2024 at 08:41, 6 players
1. 206 pts LongJump22
2. 98 pts Quincunx
3. 98 pts Vuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?einorw   H4    76    76   windore
 2. abeilpu   4C    26   102   upblew
 3. aksstuv  11D    34   136   kvass
 4. defflop   C2    34   170   pouffed
 5. ?adirrv   B8    77   247   arrived
 6. begiost   E1    76   323   gobbiest
 7. aeeeiln   A5    29   352   neele
 8. aelortt   5G    68   420   literato
 9. aceimtx   N4    87   507   toxaemic
10. adetuwy   8K    48   555   wyted
11. aeiimnr   O1    36   591   namer
12. ahilnor  O11    34   625   halon
13. aeehqrs   M5    36   661   teeth
14. anoqsuz  10F    69   730   zoeas
15. aiinrtu  12B    24   754   via
16. aiiinor  11J    24   778   inarch
17. cinoquy   2J    70   848   quinoa
18. dggioty  13A    30   878   tedy
19. cggijou  N14    38   916   jo
20. cggiiuu   3I    23   939   cig

Remaining tiles: giuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8645 FileLongJump22  3  3:39  -733  206     1.8645 LongJump22  3  3:39  -733  206 
  2.8650 FileQuincunx    1  1:44  -841   98     2.8650 Quincunx    1  1:44  -841   98 
  3.8851 FileVuincunx    1  2:25  -841   98     3.8851 Vuincunx    1  2:25  -841   98 
  4.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  1:56  -869   70     4.8559 Wuincunx    1  1:55  -870   69 
  5.8559 FileWuincunx    1  1:55  -870   69     5.8474 Zuincunx    0  1:22  -918   21 
  6.8474 FileZuincunx    0  1:22  -918   21            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  qqqq2246    1  1:56  -869   70 

On 1st draw, WIN(D)ORE H4 76 --- WINDORE a form of window [n]
Other tops: NOW(T)IER H2 76, WON(K)IER H4 76, (D)OWNIER H2 76, (T)OWNIER H2 76
Other moves: NOW(T)IER H3 70, NOW(T)IER H4 70, NOW(T)IER H6 70, NOW(T)IER H7 70, NOW(T)IER H8 70

On 2nd draw, UPBLEW 4C 26 --- UPBLOW to blow up [v]
Other moves: BAPU G3 22, BLEEP 10F 21, BAPU G8 20, PEBA G8 20, PILAW 4D 20

On 3rd draw, KVASS 11D 34 --- KVASS a Russian bear [n]
Other tops: KVASS 11E 34
Other moves: KVAS 11E 32, KUTAS 11D 28, SKATS 11D 28, SKATS 11H 28, SKUAS 11D 28

On 4th draw, POUFFED C2 34 --- POUFF pouf [adj] --- POUFFE to give a puffed shape to the hair [v]
Other tops: PLUFFED C2 34
Other moves: POLKED D8 32, PUFFED C3 32, FEED 10F 31, BOFFED E4 30, FEEL 10F 30

On 5th draw, ARRIV(E)D B8 77 --- ARRIVE to reach a destination [v]
Other moves: DIVA 12A 32, VA(G)I 12A 32, VA(L)I 12A 32, VI(G)A 12A 32, VI(N)A 12A 32

On 6th draw, GOBBIEST E1 76 --- GOBBY (colloquial) loudmouthed [adj]
Other tops: GOBBIEST E2 76
Other moves: BO(D)GIEST 7F 64, BEGOT A4 45, BIGOS A4 45, BIGOT A4 45, BIOGS A4 45

On 7th draw, NEELE A5 29 --- NEELE a needle [n]
Other tops: ANELE A5 29, ANILE A5 29
Other moves: ALEE A7 28, ILEA A7 28, EALE A6 26, LEA A8 25, LEE A8 25

On 8th draw, LITERATO 5G 68 --- LITERATO a learned person [n]
Other moves: GAROTTE 1E 24, GLOATER 1E 24, TAPROOT 2A 22, AGLET 1D 21, GALORE 1E 21

On 9th draw, TOXAEMIC N4 87 --- TOXAEMIA the condition of having toxins in the blood [adj] --- TOXAEMIC pertaining to toxaemia [adj]
Other moves: TOXAEMIC 8G 72, MAXI 6L 60, MIXT 6L 60, MAX 6L 59, MIX 6L 59

On 10th draw, WYTED 8K 48 --- WYTE to write [v]
Other moves: WAY O7 45, WEY O7 45, YAUD O7 42, YEAD O7 42, TWEED 8K 39

On 11th draw, NAMER O1 36 --- NAMER one that names [n]
Other tops: AIMER O1 36, MINAR O1 36, MINER O1 36
Other moves: IMITANT M2 34, EPROM 2B 30, GERMAIN 1E 30, GERMINA 1E 30, IMARI O2 29

On 12th draw, HALON O11 34 --- HALON a chemical used in fire extinguishers [n]
Other tops: HILAR O11 34, HORAL O11 34
Other moves: HOAR F6 32, HALITE 4J 31, HOA F6 31, HOI F6 31, HAEN 10F 30

On 13th draw, TEETH M5 36 --- TOOTH a hard, bonelike enamel-coated structure embedded in th jawbones [n]
Other tops: SHEQEL 13J 36
Other moves: HAERES 10F 34, THAE M8 32, HAERES M10 31, HEARES M10 31, HEARSE M10 31

On 14th draw, ZOEAS 10F 69 --- ZOEA a larval form of certain crustaceans [n]
Other moves: ZOEA 10F 66, AZO N13 50, GAZONS 1E 48, ZA N14 46, ZO N14 46
ZOEAS 10F 69 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx

On 15th draw, VIA 12B 24 --- VIA a way [n] --- VIA by way of [prep]
Other tops: ANTIAR L1 24, INARCH 11J 24
Other moves: AGRIN 1D 21, AGUTI 1D 21, GRATIN 1E 21, GUITAR 1E 21, NGATI 1D 21
GUITAR 1E 21 Zuincunx

On 16th draw, INARCH 11J 24 --- INARCH to graft with in a certain way [v]
Other tops: IGNARO 1D 24
Other moves: AGRIN 1D 21, NGAIO 1D 21, ORACH 11K 20, RANCH 11K 20, ROACH 11K 20

On 17th draw, QUINOA 2J 70 --- QUINOA a weedy plant [n]
Other moves: QUINA L1 48, QUAY L3 45, COQUINA 2I 40, YANQUI L10 38, COY 12J 33
QUINOA 2J 70 LongJump22, qqqq2246

On 18th draw, T(E)DY 13A 30 --- TEDY tedious [adj]
Other moves: DOY 4J 29, G*Y 3K 29, IDYL F1 29, ODYL F1 29, OY F1 29
OY F1 29 Quincunx, Vuincunx
G*Y 3K 29 LongJump22

On 19th draw, JO N14 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JIG 3I 33, JOG B1 33, JUG B1 33, JAGG L10 26, JO B1 26
JO N14 38 LongJump22

On 20th draw, CIG 3I 23 --- CIG a cigarette [n]
Other moves: GIG 3I 21, TIC A13 18, UG B2 17, GI 3I 16, TIG A13 15

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