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Game on May 30, 2024 at 10:16, 7 players
1. 157 pts LongJump22
2. 129 pts Zuincunx
3. 94 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. acdimnw   H4    32    32   windac
 2. egnrssu   5E    32    64   resigns
 3. abeinou   I3    26    90   beguin
 4. eegortu   K2    59   149   urostege
 5. bdeimrs   8A    98   247   bridesman
 6. aadhmov   7C    31   278   homa
 7. ?aafnou   E7    76   354   meiofauna
 8. ilorswy  15A    51   405   oilways
 9. ?einrrt   L8    70   475   inerter
10. aikpttv  D10    37   512   kip
11. deintuv  14J    36   548   verdit
12. adghloo  O12    30   578   gath
13. afllort   2J    32   610   furol
14. acdeiot   O1    33   643   deco
15. aejoptx   L1    52   695   prex
16. aeenotu   9G    23   718   ace
17. eilotty   1E    32   750   tylote
18. aijltuz   N4    48   798   jiz
19. aeintuv   O6    35   833   avine
20. aaloqtu   4A    50   883   quota

Remaining tiles: al

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8645 FileLongJump22  3  4:48  -726  157     1.8645 LongJump22  3  4:48  -726  157 
  2.8474 FileZuincunx    2  3:17  -754  129     2.8474 Zuincunx    2  3:17  -754  129 
  3.8559 FileWuincunx    1  2:32  -789   94     3.8559 Wuincunx    1  2:32  -789   94 
  4.  -  Fileuuuu2246    2  3:37  -801   82     4.8851 Vuincunx    0  1:55  -839   44 
  5.  -  Fileqqqq2246    1  0:34  -833   50            Group: advanced
  6.8851 FileVuincunx    0  1:55  -839   44     1.7140 Chelsea     0  0:53  -851   32 
  7.7140 FileChelsea     0  0:53  -851   32            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  uuuu2246    2  3:37  -801   82 
                                             2.  -  qqqq2246    1  0:34  -833   50 

On 1st draw, WINDAC H4 32 --- WINDAC a windlass [n]
Other moves: WINDAC H7 30, WINDAC H3 26, WINDAC H8 26, AMNIC H8 24, MANIC H4 24

On 2nd draw, RESIGNS 5E 32 --- RESIGN to give up one's office or position [v]
Other tops: RUEINGS 5E 32
Other moves: SURGES 10C 24, NEGUS 10D 23, NURSES 10E 23, URGES 10D 23, RUSES 10F 22
RUEINGS 5E 32 uuuu2246

On 3rd draw, BEGUIN I3 26 --- BEGUIN a man living monastic life without vows [n]
Other moves: BASION G3 25, BEANO 4A 22, BONIE 4A 22, BUNIA 4A 22, ABUNE 4A 18

On 4th draw, UROSTEGE K2 59 --- UROSTEGE a snake's tail-plate [n]
Other moves: GRECE 9E 21, CERGE 9H 20, TERCE 9E 20, TRUCE 9E 20, BOUGET 3I 18

On 5th draw, BRIDESMAN 8A 98 --- BRIDESMAN
Other moves: MINUETS 6F 33, IMBEDS L8 32, MINUET 6F 32, DIMERS L7 31, BRED L1 30

On 6th draw, HOMA 7C 31 --- HOMA a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other moves: HAOMA 4A 30, AMAH 7B 29, HAM 7C 28, HOM 7C 28, AMA J1 26

On 7th draw, ME(I)OFAUNA E7 76 --- MEIOFAUNA
Other moves: FUN(G)O 2J 30, FU(R)AN 2J 30, FU(T)ON 2J 30, GANOF 8K 30, FAU(C)HION C3 28

On 8th draw, OILWAYS 15A 51 --- OILWAY a channel for the passage of oil [n]
Other moves: OILWAY 15A 48, WARILY 15D 48, YAWLS 15D 45, GYROS 8K 39, WILY D10 39

On 9th draw, IN(E)RTER L8 70 --- INERT passive [adj]
Other tops: FERRIT(I)N 11E 70, FERR(I)TIN 11E 70, FR(O)NTIER 11E 70, INERT(E)R L8 70
Other moves: R(E)UNITER 13C 68, R(U)NTIER L7 68, TERRA(P)IN 12A 68, (P)RURIENT 13C 68, ANTERI(O)R 12E 66

On 10th draw, KIP D10 37 --- KIP to sleep [v]
Other moves: PATIKI B10 36, PARKI 14J 34, PA(I)K 9C 34, PAKIHI C3 30, KIT D10 29

On 11th draw, VERDIT 14J 36 --- VERDIT a judicial decision [n]
Other tops: VERDIN 14J 36
Other moves: VIRED 14J 34, VIRENT 14J 34, VIRTUE 14J 34, VINTED 4A 33, VERTU 14J 32

On 12th draw, GATH O12 30 --- GATH part of a raga (Indian music) [n]
Other tops: DOTH O12 30, GOTH O12 30, HEAD 13K 30
Other moves: HEAL 13K 27, LOATH O11 27, DHAL 6A 26, HAD 6B 26, HAG 6B 26

On 13th draw, FUROL 2J 32 --- FUROL a liquid obtained from bran and acid [n]
Other tops: FURAL 2J 32
Other moves: AFT F10 31, FLORA 4A 26, FLOTA 4A 26, FAR 6B 24, FAT 6B 24

On 14th draw, DECO O1 33 --- DECO a decorative style [n]
Other tops: CEDI O1 33
Other moves: DACITE 1E 32, TEAD O1 30, BARED 3I 29, CADIE 1F 29, COATED 4A 29
DECO O1 33 LongJump22

On 15th draw, PREX L1 52 --- PREX a president [n]
Other moves: JEUX 13C 46, EXPO 1G 44, JAPE 1G 44, JAP 6B 40, REX 3K 40
EXPO 1G 44 LongJump22, Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 16th draw, ACE 9G 23 --- ACE to score a point against in a single stroke [v]
Other moves: ONO M2 22, TEAED M10 21, TEEND M10 21, ANNO 14D 20, ATONE 1F 20

On 17th draw, TYLOTE 1E 32 --- TYLOTE a cylindrical sponge [n]
Other moves: LYTE 1G 26, TYTE 1G 26, YETI 1G 26, YITE 1G 26, LYE 1H 23
TYLOTE 1E 32 LongJump22

On 18th draw, JIZ N4 48 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: ZA 14A 37, ZA 6B 37, LUZ N4 34, RIZA B8 33, RIZ B8 32
JIZ N4 48 LongJump22

On 19th draw, AVINE O6 35 --- AVINE pertaining to birds [adj]
Other moves: AVE O6 29, VITAE 2B 29, GIVEN 8K 27, VAUTE 4A 26, VITAE 4A 26
AVINE O6 35 Zuincunx

On 20th draw, QUOTA 4A 50 --- QUOTA a proportional part or share [n]
Other moves: QAT 6B 42, LOQUAT 4A 36, QUOTA N8 36, QUAT N8 32, QAT N8 31
QUOTA 4A 50 qqqq2246, Wuincunx, Zuincunx, uuuu2246
QUAT N8 32 Chelsea

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