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Game on May 30, 2024 at 14:54, 8 players
1. 348 pts Chelsea
2. 219 pts LongJump22
3. 142 pts Quincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ceehsu   H3    80    80   cheques
 2. abeiotu   3G    26   106   iceboat
 3. ?afhopr   5E    44   150   forepaw
 4. adeikmr   M3    69   219   tidemark
 5. aadelrt   2A    73   292   laterad
 6. abeiint   G8    68   360   bainite
 7. aeosttz   L6    52   412   toze
 8. aelloty  11E    40   452   tonally
 9. aenoqrs   8K    42   494   azans
10. eghlorw   A1    42   536   glower
11. dhiorsx   N4    57   593   sox
12. eiinotv  N10    30   623   invite
13. adegmvy  15K    51   674   gyved
14. ceinqru  12A    50   724   quine
15. dhlnoru  A12    42   766   quod
16. aeglrsw  14C    72   838   legwears
17. cefhiou   O1    65   903   fiche
18. imnnopr   L1    32   935   pian

Remaining tiles: jmnoru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7103 FileChelsea     2  7:49  -587  348     1.8645 LongJump22  4  4:01  -716  219 
  2.8645 FileLongJump22  4  4:01  -716  219     2.8671 Quincunx    2  4:24  -793  142 
  3.8671 FileQuincunx    2  4:24  -793  142     3.8489 Zuincunx    0  1:43  -886   49 
  4.8489 FileZuincunx    0  1:43  -886   49     4.8607 Wuincunx    0  1:01  -900   35 
  5.  -  Filealpha2246   1  1:31  -891   44     5.8773 Vuincunx    0  1:32  -900   35 
  6.  -  Fileaaaa2246    1  1:57  -891   44            Group: advanced
  7.8607 FileWuincunx    0  1:01  -900   35     1.7103 Chelsea     2  7:49  -587  348 
  8.8773 FileVuincunx    0  1:32  -900   35            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  alpha2246   1  1:31  -891   44 
                                             2.  -  aaaa2246    1  1:57  -891   44 

On 1st draw, CHE(Q)UES H3 80 --- CHEQUE a written order directing a bank to pay money [n]
Other moves: CHE(Q)UES H4 78, EUCH(R)ES H2 78, CHE(Q)UES H2 74, CHE(Q)UES H6 74, CHE(Q)UES H7 74
CHE(Q)UES H3 80 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, ICEBOAT 3G 26 --- ICEBOAT a vehicle that sails on ice [n]
Other moves: HABITUE 4H 24, BAITH 4D 20, BEATH 4D 20, HABIT 4H 20, OBEAH 4D 20
ICEBOAT 3G 26 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FOREPA(W) 5E 44 --- FOREPAW the paw of a foreleg [n]
Other moves: (W)HARF 4K 41, FRO(S)H 4K 39, FRO(T)H 4K 39, HA(A)F 4L 38, HA(F)F 4L 38
FOREPA(W) 5E 44 LongJump22, alpha2246, aaaa2246

On 4th draw, TIDEMARK M3 69 --- TIDEMARK a mark showing the highest or lowest points of a tide [n]
Other moves: DIEMAKER 8B 66, DIEMAKER 8F 66, DAIKER 2I 45, RAIKED 2I 44, MAIK 4L 40
TIDEMARK M3 69 LongJump22

On 5th draw, LATERAD 2A 73 --- LATERAD toward the side [adv]
Other moves: TALEA N6 29, ALATED N10 26, ALATED 6A 25, ALATED 4A 24, ALDEA N10 24
LATED 6B 24 Chelsea

On 6th draw, BAINITE G8 68 --- BAINITE a byproduct of steel treatment [n]
Other moves: BAINITES 9A 62, ABET 1A 36, ABATE 8K 30, ALIBI A1 30, TINEA N6 29
BANT 8L 27 Chelsea

On 7th draw, TOZE L6 52 --- TOZE to tease out [v]
Other moves: SITZ 4L 50, ZEAS L1 50, AZO L7 49, ZEST 15E 49, SLEAZO A1 48
ZEST 15E 49 Zuincunx
SAZ 15G 46 Chelsea

On 8th draw, TONALLY 11E 40 --- TONAL pertaining to tone [adv] --- TONALLY in a tonal manner [adv]
Other moves: ALLEY 6B 36, ALLYL A1 36, EYOT N9 35, AYE N9 34, ALLY A1 33
EYOT N9 35 Wuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
AYE 1A 31 Chelsea

On 9th draw, AZANS 8K 42 --- AZAN the Muslim call to prayer [n]
Other moves: TRANQS C2 32, REASON 15D 31, SENORA 15G 31, ASKER 10K 30, SNARE N8 30
SORE 15G 22 Chelsea

On 10th draw, GLOWER A1 42 --- GLOWER to scowl [v]
Other tops: WHOLE F9 42
Other moves: HOWLER J8 38, GLOW A1 36, HOWL J8 36, WHO F9 36, HEW 6D 35
GREW 6C 34 Chelsea

On 11th draw, SOX N4 57 --- SOCK a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n]
Other tops: SIX N4 57
Other moves: HOAX L1 54, OX N5 54, OXHIDES 14B 44, HOX F10 43, DIXI 12F 42
SOX N4 57 Chelsea, Quincunx

On 12th draw, INVITE N10 30 --- INVITE to request the presence of [v]
Other moves: OVINE N10 28, VETO O1 28, VINO O1 28, ATONE H11 25, INVITEE 14A 24
VENT D1 22 Chelsea

On 13th draw, GYVED 15K 51 --- GYVE to shackle [v]
Other moves: DOGEY F10 47, GLOWERED A1 39, GAMEY 15K 36, MAYED 15K 36, MEVED 15K 36
DAM O13 35 Chelsea

On 14th draw, QUINE 12A 50 --- QUINE a worthless woman [n]
Other tops: QUIRE 12A 50
Other moves: QUINCE 14B 46, QUINIE 12C 39, CINQUE 14B 38, CIRQUE 14B 38, ENQUIRE 14A 36
QUIRE 12A 50 Chelsea
QUINE 12A 50 Quincunx

On 15th draw, QUOD A12 42 --- QUOD a prison [n] --- QUOD to imprison [v]
Other moves: HOUND B10 34, ADORN H11 33, DISH 4L 30, HOUNDER 14B 30, ODAH L1 30

On 16th draw, LEGWEARS 14C 72 --- LEGWEAR anything worn on the legs [n]
Other moves: WARSLE 15D 49, WAURS B10 38, GREW 6C 34, RESAW 15E 34, ALEW 6C 33

On 17th draw, FICHE O1 65 --- FICHE a sheet of microfilm [n]
Other moves: OUCH O1 49, CHEF 6C 38, FEH 6D 35, ECHO O1 34, FICO O1 34

On 18th draw, PIAN L1 32 --- PIAN a tropical disease [n]
Other tops: MAP L2 32, MOAN L1 32
Other moves: NAP L2 28, RAP L2 28, ROMP 2I 26, PRIM 4C 25, PROM 4C 25

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