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Game on May 30, 2024 at 21:40, 5 players
1. 197 pts LongJump22
2. 145 pts Vuincunx
3. 145 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abimoty   H8    28    28   amity
 2. adimnqs  11E    40    68   mantids
 3. ailnopt   9C    67   135   pilotman
 4. aefghou  12D    33   168   fogey
 5. acinort   E2    70   238   contrail
 6. bdeekls   2A    52   290   bedecks
 7. agilnrt   A2    86   376   bratling
 8. benosux   1G   103   479   unboxes
 9. ?alsuvy   6C    73   552   surveyal
10. aeilpuv   2J    35   587   puli
11. adehino   C2    36   623   deanship
12. adhioru  13C    28   651   haro
13. ?deeejt  14B    39   690   jete
14. ?ceeort  15D    91   781   elector
15. defiouz  15A    42   823   zo
16. addefrw   5G    38   861   wafer
17. deegoru  14I    27   888   gourde
18. deiiqvw  12K    24   912   ivied

Remaining tiles: qw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8598 FileLongJump22  2  4:28  -715  197     1.8598 LongJump22  2  4:28  -715  197 
  2.8677 FileVuincunx    2  3:42  -767  145     2.8677 Vuincunx    2  3:42  -767  145 
  3.7578 Filequeen66     2  4:15  -767  145     3.8717 Quincunx    0  1:46  -885   27 
  4.  -  Fileaaaa2246    1  1:56  -872   40            Group: advanced
  5.8717 FileQuincunx    0  1:46  -885   27     1.7578 queen66     2  4:15  -767  145 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  aaaa2246    1  1:56  -872   40 

On 1st draw, AMITY H8 28 --- AMITY friendship [n]
Other tops: ATIMY H8 28, ATOMY H8 28
Other moves: AMITY H4 22, ATIMY H4 22, ATOMY H4 22, MOBY H5 22, MOBY H6 22

On 2nd draw, MANTIDS 11E 40 --- MANTID a predatory insect [n]
Other moves: QAIDS 10F 37, QAID I7 35, QAID 10F 34, MAINS G9 29, MAIN G9 27
MANTIDS 11E 40 aaaa2246

On 3rd draw, PILOTMAN 9C 67 --- PILOTMAN a railway employee assigned to guide trains [n]
Other moves: TALAPOIN F8 64, PILOTMAN E6 62, TALAPOIN 8E 61, TALAPOIN 8G 61, PONTAL 12A 28

On 4th draw, FOGEY 12D 33 --- FOGEY a person with an old-fashioned outlook [n]
Other moves: FAH 12D 27, FEH 12D 27, FOH 12D 27, FOH 8B 26, HAG 8D 25

On 5th draw, CONTRAIL E2 70 --- CONTRAIL a visible trail of water vapor from an aircraft [n]
Other moves: ACTION 8J 29, AORTIC 8J 29, ATONIC 8J 29, TACO 13C 28, AORTIC 12J 27

On 6th draw, BEDECKS 2A 52 --- BEDECK to attire with finery [v]
Other moves: BEDECK 2A 50, KEBS 13C 36, BLEEDS 13A 33, EEK 13E 33, KEDS 13C 33

On 7th draw, BRATLING A2 86 --- BRATLING a litle brat [n]
Other tops: BLARTING A2 86
Other moves: RELATING B1 61, TERAGLIN B1 61, RATTLING 5B 59, RATTLING 5C 59, BATGIRL A2 33

On 8th draw, UNBOXES 1G 103 --- UNBOX to remove from a box [v]
Other moves: UNBOXES 4D 48, UNBOX 1G 44, UNBOX 4D 44, UNSEX 4D 40, BOXEN 13A 38

On 9th draw, SURV(E)YAL 6C 73 --- SURVEYAL a close examination [n]
Other moves: AYUS 2I 43, AYU(S) 2I 41, AY(U)S 2I 41, (A)YUS 2I 41, AYU 2I 40

On 10th draw, PULI 2J 35 --- PULI a long-haired sheepdog [n]
Other moves: ELUVIA 8J 32, PIA 2J 32, PIE 2J 32, PUL 2J 32, PI 2J 29

On 11th draw, DEANSHIP C2 36 --- DEANSHIP the office of a dean [n]
Other moves: HADE 13C 31, HOAED 5G 31, HONED 5G 31, DONAH 5G 29, HOAED 13A 29

On 12th draw, HARO 13C 28 --- HARO a cry claiming legal redress [interj]
Other moves: HAIRDO 5I 27, HAIRDO 7I 27, HOARD 12K 27, HOARD 7I 26, ODAH 5H 26
HAIRDO 7I 27 LongJump22, Quincunx

On 13th draw, JETE 14B 39 --- JETE a ballet leap [n]
Other tops: J(A)DE 14B 39
Other moves: JEE(L)ED 5I 37, JEE(P)ED 5I 37, JEE(R)ED 5I 37, JET(T)ED 5I 37, JE(R)EED 5I 37
JEE(R)ED 5I 37 LongJump22

On 14th draw, E(L)ECTOR 15D 91 --- ELECTOR one that elects [n]
Other tops: E(L)ECTRO 15D 91
Other moves: ELECTROE(D) L1 72, ELECTRO(D)E L1 70, NEOTER(I)C 4E 70, CORE(S) 15A 50, COTE(S) 15A 50
E(L)ECTOR 15D 91 LongJump22
E(L)ECTOR 15D 41 Vuincunx, queen66

On 15th draw, ZO 15A 42 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other tops: FEZ 3M 42, FIZ 3M 42
Other moves: ZED 5I 39, FEZ 5I 37, DOZE 5G 34, SIZED M1 30, ZED 14I 30
ZO 15A 42 LongJump22, Vuincunx, queen66

On 16th draw, WAFER 5G 38 --- WAFER to fasten with an adhesive strip [v]
Other moves: WADDER 14I 35, WARDED 14I 35, FADED 5G 34, WADED 5G 34, FADER 5G 32
WADDER 14I 35 queen66, Vuincunx

On 17th draw, GOURDE 14I 27 --- GOURDE a monetary unit of Haiti [n]
Other moves: GOURDE 4J 24, DREG 3L 22, DRUG 3L 22, EDGER 14J 22, URGED 14J 22
GOURDE 14I 27 Vuincunx, queen66

On 18th draw, IVIED 12K 24 --- IVIED covered with ivy [adj]
Other tops: DERV L12 24, WIVED M10 24
Other moves: IWI 13M 23, DIVIDE M10 22, NIED 4E 21, VIEWED N10 21, DEV 4J 20

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