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Game on May 31, 2024 at 02:10, 1 player
1. 230 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. afiiors   H4    24    24   faros
 2. cdeegln   5E    44    68   encaged
 3. adelopv   7E    70   138   levodopa
 4. acdeino   G7    70   208   voidance
 5. ?ehmnru  11D    98   306   unharmed
 6. aeegkls  14A    84   390   keelages
 7. abentwz  12A    54   444   zante
 8. ablmnos   8K    47   491   ambos
 9. ahiloou  A11    54   545   azuki
10. ?eeinnw   O1    92   637   entwines
11. afhoort   8A    49   686   haftoros
12. deiortx   6H    57   743   rex
13. aillqsy  15G    45   788   silly
14. iijoprw   4C    31   819   jow
15. eioptuy   9K    35   854   puy
16. deiiiot   2I    24   878   edition
17. agiotuv   1E    29   907   gavot
18. biqrrtu   2B    43   950   qubit

Remaining tiles: iirrrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7476 Filesunshine12  0  3:46  -720  230     1.7476 sunshine12  0  3:46  -720  230 

On 1st draw, FAROS H4 24 --- FARO a card game [n]
Other tops: FAIRS H4 24, FIARS H4 24
Other moves: AFROS H4 18, AFROS H8 18, FAIRS H8 18, FAROS H8 18, FIARS H8 18

On 2nd draw, ENCAGED 5E 44 --- ENCAGE to confine in a cage [v]
Other moves: CLEANED 5E 40, ENLACED 5E 40, GELANDE 5E 36, GLEANED 5E 36, FENCED 4H 24

On 3rd draw, LEVODOPA 7E 70 --- LEVODOPA a type of drug to treat Parkinson's disease [n]
Other tops: LEVODOPA 7C 70
Other moves: PAVED 4A 31, PAVED 4J 29, VOLED 4A 29, DEVELOP J4 27, PAVED G7 27

On 4th draw, VOIDANCE G7 70 --- VOIDANCE the act or process of voiding [n]
Other moves: DEACON 8A 40, DEACON 8J 40, CANDIE 8A 37, CANED 6J 37, CANID 6J 37

On 5th draw, UNHARME(D) 11D 98 --- HARM to injure [adj] --- UNHARMED not harmed [adj]
Other moves: ENRHEUM(S) 14G 90, PREHUM(A)N K7 78, (P)REHUMAN 11A 74, ENRHEUM(S) 14C 70, (T)RUCHMEN 13D 67
HERM 8L 48 sunshine12

On 6th draw, KEELAGES 14A 84 --- KEELAGE the amount paid to keep a boat in a harbor [n]
Other moves: KEELAGES 14F 75, KEELAGES 14E 69, SKAG 15G 42, SKEG 15G 42, SLAKE 15G 42
ASK 15F 36 sunshine12

On 7th draw, ZANTE 12A 54 --- ZANTE satinwood [n]
Other moves: ZANTE 4A 50, BEZ 13C 49, NAZE 8L 45, WAKE A12 45, WEKA A12 45
BEZ 4J 35 sunshine12

On 8th draw, AMBOS 8K 47 --- AMBO a pulpit in an early Christian church [n]
Other moves: SOMAN 15G 42, ALSO 15A 40, BALM 8L 40, BAMS 8L 40, BLAM 8L 40
SOMAN 15G 42 sunshine12

On 9th draw, AZUKI A11 54 --- AZUKI (Japanese) a kind of bean [n]
Other moves: AH 15A 38, OH 15A 38, HAIL 15H 36, HALO 15H 36, HAUL 15H 36
AH 15A 38 sunshine12

On 10th draw, EN(T)WINES O1 92 --- ENTWINE to weave together [v]
Other moves: ENEWIN(G) 12I 75, ENEWIN(G) 10I 72, ENSEWIN(G) O6 61, WENNIES(T) O2 61, (S)INEW 15G 41
WEI(S)E 10J 31 sunshine12

On 11th draw, HAFTOROS 8A 49 --- HAFTORAH a biblical selection [n]
Other moves: HAFT 15H 45, HOOF 15H 45, TORAH 15H 42, FORTH 10J 41, FORHOW 4J 38

On 12th draw, REX 6H 57 --- REX a king [n] --- REX an animal with a single wavy layer of hair [n]
Other moves: OXIDE 15H 48, OXTER 15H 45, OXID 15H 42, DETOX 10J 41, OXIDE 12I 40

On 13th draw, SILLY 15G 45 --- SILLY a silly person [n] --- SILLY showing a lack of common sense [adj]
Other moves: LAYS 9K 34, SIAL 15G 33, SILL 15G 33, SLAY 9J 32, YILLS 10J 32

On 14th draw, JOW 4C 31 --- JOW to ring or toll (a bell) [v]
Other moves: OW 10I 30, W*P 10J 30, J*W J10 29, JOR 10B 29, JOW 9I 29

On 15th draw, PUY 9K 35 --- PUY a small volcanic cone [n]
Other tops: PIETY 10J 35, POUTY 10J 35
Other moves: EYOT 10I 33, OYE 10I 32, PIOY 9K 32, PYE 9L 32, YEP 9C 31

On 16th draw, EDITION 2I 24 --- EDITION the number of copies printed at the one time [n] --- EDITION to produce multiple copies of an art work [v]
Other moves: IDIOT 12I 20, TOED 10D 20, IDE 9A 19, ODE 7A 19, ODE 9A 19

On 17th draw, GAVOT 1E 29 --- GAVOT a French dance [n]
Other moves: AGOUTI 1E 26, VIGA 1F 26, VITA 1G 26, GAJO C2 24, OUIJA C1 24

On 18th draw, QUBIT 2B 43 --- QUBIT in computing, a quantum bit [n]
Other moves: QUAIR B6 36, QUART B6 36, QUAI B6 33, QUAT B6 33, QUA B6 32

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