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Game on May 31, 2024 at 12:43, 7 players
1. 324 pts Chelsea
2. 244 pts LongJump22
3. 67 pts Wuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eejorz   H4    48    48   zeroes
 2. ?abfhnu   5E    44    92   baneful
 3. aellnot   E5    70   162   ballonet
 4. aceghil  12E    82   244   teiglach
 5. aainost   K3    57   301   ailantos
 6. aegknov   L1    35   336   kago
 7. eglmost   1K    33   369   skelm
 8. aeeinnr   4F    22   391   nazi
 9. denorwy   8K    45   436   twyer
10. adhorrt   3C    37   473   torah
11. deijnru   G7    40   513   jeu
12. eiprstw   2B    47   560   wipers
13. denotuv   8A    27   587   novel
14. bceinrs   B5    66   653   bicornes
15. adgitxy   N1    48   701   laxity
16. defmptu  A11    44   745   fumed
17. gioortu   1A    21   766   tog
18. deiiprt   6J    27   793   pardy
19. deiiotu   4C    23   816   ed
20. diioquv  14A    30   846   equid

Remaining tiles: iiotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7156 FileChelsea     1  9:44  -522  324     1.8598 LongJump22  4  2:40  -602  244 
  2.8598 FileLongJump22  4  2:40  -602  244     2.8450 Wuincunx    1  2:35  -779   67 
  3.8450 FileWuincunx    1  2:35  -779   67     3.8440 Xuincunx    1  2:36  -779   67 
  4.8440 FileXuincunx    1  2:36  -779   67     4.8740 Quincunx    0  0:24  -812   34 
  5.  -  Fileuuuu2246    1  1:56  -802   44     5.8630 Vuincunx    0  0:44  -812   34 
  6.8740 FileQuincunx    0  0:24  -812   34            Group: advanced
  7.8630 FileVuincunx    0  0:44  -812   34     1.7156 Chelsea     1  9:44  -522  324 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  uuuu2246    1  1:56  -802   44 

On 1st draw, ZEROE(S) H4 48 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZEROE(D) H4 48
Other moves: ZERO(S) H4 46, ZOE(A)E H4 46, ZO(N)ER H4 46, JEEZ H5 40, JEEZ H6 40
ZEROE(D) H4 48 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, BANEFU(L) 5E 44 --- BANEFUL poisonous [adj]
Other moves: HAF(I)Z 4D 38, FAH I7 36, FAH(S) I7 36, F(A)H I7 34, F(E)H I7 34
BANEFU(L) 5E 44 LongJump22, uuuu2246

On 3rd draw, BALLONET E5 70 --- BALLONET a small balloon [n]
Other moves: ATENOLOL 7B 61, ATENOLOL 7D 60, ZONATE 4H 38, ZONAE 4H 36, ZONAL 4H 36
BALLONET E5 70 LongJump22

On 4th draw, TEIGLACH 12E 82 --- TEIGLACH a confection consisting of balls of dough boiled in honey [n]
Other moves: GALAH 6B 34, GALAH F2 34, CHIEL 8A 33, CHILL 8A 33, HELIAC F9 32
TEIGLACH 12E 82 LongJump22

On 5th draw, AI(L)ANTOS K3 57 --- AILANTO an Asiatic tree [n]
Other moves: INSOLATE 8A 27, SATI 13E 24, AZON 4G 22, NAZI 4F 22, ANOAS 13A 21

On 6th draw, KAGO L1 35 --- KAGO a Japanese basketwork passenger litter [n]
Other tops: AUK J4 35, OUK J4 35, UKE J5 35
Other moves: KNAVE 3I 34, KENO L1 32, KOAN L1 32, VEGO L1 31, GAVEL 8A 30
KNAVE 3I 34 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Xuincunx
TAKEN 8K 30 Chelsea

On 7th draw, SKELM 1K 33 --- SKELM a rascal [n]
Other moves: MESTO 13C 32, GOSLET M2 30, MESTO M2 29, MOLEST 13A 29, MOSTE M2 29
SKELM 1K 33 Xuincunx, Wuincunx
KEGS 1L 27 Chelsea

On 8th draw, NAZI 4F 22 --- NAZI a type of fascist [n]
Other tops: NAZE 4F 22, NEAFE I2 22
Other moves: FEERIN I5 20, AGENE H11 18, AGREE H11 18, AGRIN H11 18, ARENA 6G 18
TRAIN 8K 18 Chelsea

On 9th draw, TWYER 8K 45 --- TWYER a pipe through which air is forced into a blast furnace [n]
Other moves: LOWERY N1 40, TYNDE 8K 39, TYNED 8K 39, TYRED 8K 39, ENDOW M3 37
YAW 6D 31 Chelsea

On 10th draw, TORAH 3C 37 --- TORAH the body of Jewish law [n]
Other moves: DONAH F2 34, ARRAH 6B 32, TORAH 6B 32, HOARD 13K 30, ODAH 6C 30
DAH 6D 29 Chelsea

On 11th draw, JEU G7 40 --- JEU a game [n]
Other moves: JUREL 8A 39, JEON D1 38, DJIN 4A 34, JINNE 10B 30, DJINN 10A 29
JUREL 8A 39 Chelsea

On 12th draw, WIPERS 2B 47 --- WIPER one that wipes [n]
Other moves: SWIPER 2A 40, WIPER 2B 38, EWEST M1 32, SPEW 4A 32, WISER 2B 32
SPEW 4A 32 Chelsea

On 13th draw, NOVEL 8A 27 --- NOVEL a fictitious prose narrative [n]
Other moves: LOUNED N1 22, LOUTED N1 22, LUNTED N1 22, VAGUED 3J 22, ETEN M1 21

On 14th draw, BICORNES B5 66 --- BICORNE a hat with two corners [n]
Other moves: ESCRIBE N8 34, LESBIC N1 32, ORCEINS B8 30, ORCINES B8 30, BICES 13A 29
BICES 13A 29 Chelsea

On 15th draw, LAXITY N1 48 --- LAXITY the state of being lax [n]
Other moves: AX 4C 45, DIXY C11 35, ATAXY 6K 31, NIX 10E 30, TAXIED N4 30
AX 4C 45 Chelsea

On 16th draw, FUMED A11 44 --- FUME to give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) [v]
Other moves: FUMET A11 41, DEMPT A11 39, MUTED A11 34, EMPT A12 30, GUMP H12 27
FUMED A11 44 Chelsea

On 17th draw, TOG 1A 21 --- TOG to clothe [v]
Other moves: GOR 1A 20, GOT 1A 20, JOURNO 7G 19, GOGO H12 18, GOOG H12 18

On 18th draw, PARDY 6J 27 --- PARDY used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: PARTY 6J 26, REDIP C11 25, TEPID C11 25, EPEIRID 14A 24, EPEIRID N8 24

On 19th draw, ED 4C 23 --- ED education [n]
Other moves: IDE O3 22, UDO O3 22, DOIT 13G 21, DUIT 13G 21, TEIID C11 21

On 20th draw, EQUID 14A 30 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUOD A3 22, UDO O3 22, ID O3 19, DUI 13G 18, DUO 13G 18

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