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Game on June 7, 2024 at 15:59, 9 players
1. 324 pts JJJJJJ1112
2. 324 pts LLLLLL1112
3. 324 pts KKKKKK1112

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeghnw   H4    88    88   whanged
 2. ??aopty   4H    80   168   waypoint
 3. eiinost   I8    68   236   inosite
 4. illmops  15E    91   327   plimsol
 5. aehirtt   6A    65   392   hatteria
 6. aacenoo   A4    39   431   cohoe
 7. adilrsu   E5    86   517   residual
 8. aegnnrr  L11    27   544   range
 9. deijmrt   O1    39   583   jitter
10. abdefil   O1    48   631   jittered
11. abdginu   B8    79   710   daubing
12. acekrsv  A12    55   765   keas
13. aceentu   K7    76   841   cuneate
14. abeervy   N7    80   921   beavery
15. finowxz  J10    69   990   zo
16. finouvx   D6    44  1034   toxin
17. fimoqrw  H12    44  1078   qi
18. flmoruw   3J    39  1117   fowl

Remaining tiles: fmruv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.  -  FileJJJJJJ1112  1  9:45  -793  324     1.8594 LongJump22  3  3:03  -795  322 
  2.  -  FileLLLLLL1112  1 10:11  -793  324     2.8572 Zuincunx    0  0:49 -1079   38 
  3.  -  FileKKKKKK1112  1 10:12  -793  324     3.8636 Wuincunx    0  1:17 -1079   38 
  4.  -  FileMMMMMM1112  1 10:29  -793  324     4.8505 Vuincunx    0  1:45 -1079   38 
  5.8594 FileLongJump22  3  3:03  -795  322     5.8476 Quincunx    0  1:43 -1087   30 
  6.8572 FileZuincunx    0  0:49 -1079   38            Group: not rated
  7.8636 FileWuincunx    0  1:17 -1079   38     1.  -  JJJJJJ1112  1  9:45  -793  324 
  8.8505 FileVuincunx    0  1:45 -1079   38     2.  -  LLLLLL1112  1 10:11  -793  324 
  9.8476 FileQuincunx    0  1:43 -1087   30     3.  -  KKKKKK1112  1 10:12  -793  324 
                                             4.  -  MMMMMM1112  1 10:29  -793  324 

On 1st draw, WHANGED H4 88 --- WHANG to beat with a whip [v]
Other tops: WHANGED H3 88
Other moves: WHANGED H6 84, WHANGED H8 84, WHANGED H2 82, WHANGED H7 82, WHANGED H5 80
WHANGED H3 88 LongJump22
WHANGED H4 38 Zuincunx, Wuincunx, Vuincunx

On 2nd draw, WAYPO(I)(N)T 4H 80 --- WAYPOINT a point between major points on a route [n]
Other moves: T(E)APOY(S) G6 79, PHA(N)TO(M)Y 5G 78, PO(L)Y(M)ATH 5A 78, TOPA(R)(C)HY 5B 78, WAYPO(S)T(S) 4H 78
WAYPO(I)(N)T 4H 80 LongJump22
WAYPO(I)(N)T 4H 30 Quincunx

On 3rd draw, INOSITE I8 68 --- INOSITE an alcohol found in plant and animal tissue [n]
Other moves: EDITIONS 10G 63, SEDITION 10F 63, HIOIS 5H 33, HIOI 5H 29, EONS 5J 24
EDITIONS 10G 63 LongJump22

On 4th draw, PLIMSOL 15E 91 --- PLIMSOL a rubber-soled cloth shoe [n]
Other moves: PLIMSOLE 14B 78, MIPS H12 46, LIMP H12 36, SIMP H12 36, LIMPS 15E 35
PLIMSOL 15E 91 LongJump22

On 5th draw, HATTERIA 6A 65 --- HATTERIA a reptile [n]
Other tops: HATTERIA 6G 65
Other moves: HIT J10 33, EH J9 31, HATER J6 31, RATHE L11 31, THRAE 5G 31
HAE 3M 23 JJJJJJ1112, MMMMMM1112
HIE 3M 23 KKKKKK1112
THE 3L 23 LLLLLL1112

On 6th draw, COHOE A4 39 --- COHOE a type of salmon [n]
Other moves: CHOANAE A5 36, OCHONE A4 36, ACHOO A4 33, CHOANA A5 33, CONE J10 30

On 7th draw, RESIDUAL E5 86 --- RESIDUAL something left over [n]
Other moves: DEASIUL E5 32, DERAILS E5 32, REDIALS E5 32, RESIDUA E5 32, LAUDS 3I 31
DAIS L12 25 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112
RIDS L12 25 KKKKKK1112
LADS L12 25 JJJJJJ1112

On 8th draw, RANGE L11 27 --- RANGE to place in a particular order [v]
Other tops: GARRE L11 27
Other moves: GANE L12 25, GARE L12 25, NARRE L11 25, RAGE L12 25, RETAG D4 25

On 9th draw, JITTER O1 39 --- JITTER to fidget [v]
Other tops: TRIJET O4 39
Other moves: DEMIT J8 38, JEDI D11 37, JIMPER K1 34, IDEM J7 33, JEDI K10 33
JEDI K10 33 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112, KKKKKK1112, JJJJJJ1112

On 10th draw, JITTERED O1 48 --- JITTER to fidget [v]
Other moves: DEFI J8 41, DEF J8 38, FLATBED C3 36, FID J10 35, FIATED D3 33
FAB K10 24 JJJJJJ1112, KKKKKK1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 11th draw, DAUBING B8 79 --- DAUB to smear [v] --- DAUBING the act of daubing [n]
Other moves: DAUBING N7 73, AGUED 14F 31, BUND 3J 31, BUNG 3J 31, BUDA 3J 30
DAB K10 20 MMMMMM1112
GAB K10 20 LLLLLL1112
DUB K10 20 KKKKKK1112
GUB K10 20 JJJJJJ1112

On 12th draw, KEAS A12 55 --- KEA a parrot [n]
Other moves: SEEK 14G 40, EEK 14H 37, CRAKE K9 34, SCREAK K7 34, ASK 15A 33

On 13th draw, CUNEATE K7 76 --- CUNEATE wedge-shaped; triangular [adj]
Other moves: ENATE C9 34, TEC J8 30, CENTAI 2J 28, CTENE M9 28, CUNEATE D1 28
CANE K10 20 JJJJJJ1112
CUTE K10 20 KKKKKK1112, LLLLLL1112
CATE K10 20 MMMMMM1112

On 14th draw, BEAVERY N7 80 --- BEAVERY a place where beavers are kept [n]
Other moves: BREVE M9 41, ABYE M10 35, YEVE M10 35, BYE M11 33, BYRE M10 33

On 15th draw, ZO J10 69 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO 3I 47, TOXIN D6 44, TIX D6 37, XI D8 37, OX 3L 36
ZO 3I 47 JJJJJJ1112, KKKKKK1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 16th draw, TOXIN D6 44 --- TOXIN a poisonous substance [n]
Other moves: TIX D6 37, TUX D6 37, XI D8 37, OX 3L 36, XI H12 36
TIX D6 37 MMMMMM1112, LLLLLL1112, KKKKKK1112, JJJJJJ1112

On 17th draw, QI H12 44 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MEW 14H 35, FORM M6 30, ORF M7 30, WORM M6 30, ORF 5K 26
QI H12 44 JJJJJJ1112, KKKKKK1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 18th draw, FOWL 3J 39 --- FOWL to hunt birds [v]
Other moves: WOLF M6 34, FOUL 3I 31, ROLF M6 31, FORM M6 30, ORF M7 30

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