Game on June 8, 2024 at 13:56, 5 players
1. 470 pts sunshine12
2. 346 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 213 pts Chelsea
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 22 22
2. 11E 106 128
3. L8 28 156
4. 15G 81 237
5. 14J 45 282
6. 8C 71 353
7. C2 86 439
8. 2B 62 501
9. O10 42 543
10. 3E 71 614
11. H1 42 656
12. 4A 40 696
13. A4 30 726
14. 9F 29 755
15. O8 42 797
16. 12A 30 827
17. M7 47 874
18. B9 41 915
19. 13B 29 944
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7426 sunshine12 2 14:22 -474 470 1.7426 sunshine12 2 14:22 -474 470
2.6960 Papa_Sloth 0 12:23 -598 346 2.7096 Chelsea 0 4:17 -731 213
3.7096 Chelsea 0 4:17 -731 213 Group: intermediate
4. - chunk88 0 1:44 -931 13 1.6960 Papa_Sloth 0 12:23 -598 346
5. - BadBoyBen 0 0:32 -932 12 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:44 -931 13
2. - BadBoyBen 0 0:32 -932 12
On 1st draw, AUTISM H7 22 --- AUTISM an abnormality affecting social behaviour [n]
Other tops: MIAOUS H4 22, OSTIUM H7 22
Other moves: MAIST H4 20, MAUTS H4 20, MIAOU H4 20, MOATS H4 20, MOIST H4 20
On 2nd draw, PRESOAKS 11E 106 --- PRESOAK to soak beforehand [v]
Other moves: PRESOAK G1 80, PRESOAKS 11A 78, PRESOAK 13E 74, PRESOAK 11E 52, SPARKE 13H 39
KOAP G7 36 Papa_Sloth
On 3rd draw, WARSLER L8 28 --- WARSLER one who takes part in hand to hand contests [n]
Other tops: WARRE 12A 28
Other moves: WARSLE L8 26, WEASEL L8 26, ALEW I4 20, AREW I4 20, AWEE 12C 20
On 4th draw, GENOI(S)E 15G 81 --- GENOISE a rich sponge cake [n]
Other moves: GENOI(S)E 13C 76, (S)OIGNEE M3 76, E(R)IGERON 14G 74, E(P)IGONE M2 71, (S)OIGNEE M2 71
OWING 8K 27 Papa_Sloth
On 5th draw, BORDER 14J 45 --- BORDER to put a border (an edge) on [v]
Other tops: BORDEL 14J 45
Other moves: BORDE 14J 43, BORED 14J 42, BORREL 14J 42, PORED 14J 42, BOREL 14J 40
PORED 14J 42 sunshine12
WORD 8L 24 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, ANTIQUEY 8C 71 --- ANTIQUEY resembling an antique [adj]
Other moves: QAT 14F 37, QINTAR F6 37, TAWNEY 8J 36, TRANQ F10 36, TWINY 8K 33
QINTAR F6 37 sunshine12
QAT 14F 37 Chelsea
QAT J10 32 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, ACANTHAE C2 86 --- ACANTHA a sharp spiny part [n]
Other moves: ACANTHAE C6 84, ACANTHAE C8 82, CHARA O11 42, CHARE O11 42, CHART O11 42
CHART O11 42 Papa_Sloth, Chelsea, sunshine12
On 8th draw, FALAJ 2B 62 --- FALAJ water channel [n]
Other moves: JARL O12 57, WAFERY O10 57, WARY O12 42, J*WJEW M7 39, WILY 10G 38
JARL O12 57 sunshine12, Chelsea
JAW 14F 37 Papa_Sloth
On 9th draw, FACERS O10 42 --- FACER one that faces [n]
Other moves: DECAFS 13C 41, SCARF O11 39, SIDECAR O8 39, AFIRE O11 36, DICERS O10 36
FACERS O10 42 sunshine12
SCARF O11 39 Chelsea
FIRE O12 33 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, GOUTIL(Y) 3E 71 --- GOUTILY in a gouty manner [adv] --- GOUTY affected with gout [adv]
Other moves: LOUTI(N)G 3E 70, NO(N)GUILT 5C 66, (N)ONGUILT 5A 66, GULO(S)ITY J1 65, TITL(E) 9F 27
TIT(E) 9F 19 sunshine12
On 11th draw, ZATI H1 42 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: BONZA 12A 42
Other moves: BONZA 14C 39, ZO 1A 38, ZIT H1 36, AZON B9 35, BONZA 2K 35
ZO 1A 38 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth, sunshine12
On 12th draw, BLAMER 4A 40 --- BLAMER one that blames [n]
Other moves: EMBOW 2J 35, BEWORM B9 34, EMBOW 4K 33, EMBOW M5 33, WEMB 8L 33
BLAMER 4A 40 sunshine12
On 13th draw, BIPOD A4 30 --- BIPOD a two-legged support [n]
Other moves: NITRO 9F 29, BOUDIN A4 27, DUPION B9 25, BIDON A4 24, BOUND A4 24
BROND A4 24 Papa_Sloth
DIT 9F 20 sunshine12
On 14th draw, NITRO 9F 29 --- NITRO a nitrated product [n]
Other moves: DRONGO M3 25, NID 5C 24, NOD 5C 24, WIND 8L 24, WING 8L 24
DINGO 12A 22 sunshine12
ZIG 1H 13 chunk88
On 15th draw, DEFACERS O8 42 --- DEFACER one that defaces [n]
Other moves: VOGUEY N6 35, VOGUEY M4 32, VOGUED N6 31, DOGEY M5 30, VOGUE 12A 30
YODE 12B 20 sunshine12
YE B9 12 BadBoyBen
On 16th draw, VOGIE 12A 30 --- VOGIE vain [adj]
Other moves: ENVOI 2J 25, OGIVE 12A 24, OVINE N6 24, VIVE 12B 24, VIVO 12B 24
OGIVE 12A 24 sunshine12
On 17th draw, WEX M7 47 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: HEX M7 47
Other moves: THEOWS B9 42, VEXT A12 42, SEX M7 41, TEX M7 41, HEXER I5 40
HEXER I5 40 sunshine12
XU 13B 33 Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, DHOOTIS B9 41 --- DHOOTI a loincloth worn by Indian men [n]
Other moves: DHOOTI B9 39, DOVISH A10 39, NIDS 5C 37, NODS 5C 37, DISH 13B 35
HOI N6 27 sunshine12
SHUT 14E 20 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, TUNNY 13B 29 --- TUNNY a tuna fish [n]
Other moves: TUYER I5 21, NUN 5C 20, TYER I6 20, VLY J2 17, YU 14F 16
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