Game on June 9, 2024 at 12:47, 12 players
1. 426 pts Chelsea
2. 231 pts LongJump22
3. 178 pts Pacific
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 46 46 


8G 65 111 


11E 40 151 


N1 84 235 


1J 48 283 


E5 82 365 


12A 46 411 


C6 86 497 


4H 74 571 


B1 49 620 


A1 41 661 


H7 57 718 


A12 33 751 


10J 33 784 


B9 34 818 


D1 53 871 


14G 76 947 


13G 42 989 


1D 45 1034 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: master
Chelsea 4 8:42 -608 426 1.9802 Pacific 2 3:44 -856 178
LongJump22 3 4:31 -803 231 Group: expert
Pacific 2 3:44 -856 178 1.8562 LongJump22 3 4:31 -803 231
ArcticFox 2 2:32 -867 167 2.8510 Wuincunx 1 2:00 -943 91
5. -
alpha2246 2 3:56 -935 99 3.8717 Zuincunx 1 2:01 -943 91
Wuincunx 1 2:00 -943 91 4.8383 Vuincunx 1 2:02 -943 91
Zuincunx 1 2:01 -943 91 5.8640 Quincunx 1 2:04 -943 91
Vuincunx 1 2:02 -943 91 Group: advanced
Quincunx 1 2:04 -943 91 1.7081 Chelsea 4 8:42 -608 426
sicilianc5 1 2:17 -949 85 2.7083 ArcticFox 2 2:32 -867 167
queen66 0 0:24 -1002 32 3.7768 sicilianc5 1 2:17 -949 85
moonmonkey 0 0:43 -1002 32 4.7732 queen66 0 0:24 -1002 32
5.7620 moonmonkey 0 0:43 -1002 32
Group: not rated
1. - alpha2246 2 3:56 -935 99
On 1st draw, (C)ONVEX H7 46 --- CONVEX a surface or body that is convex (curving outward) [n]
Other moves: EXO(G)EN H3 40, XENO(N) H4 38, XE(N)ON H4 38, VEXE(D) H4 36, VEXE(R) H4 36
(C)ONVEX H7 46 LongJump22
On 2nd draw, MOATLIKE 8G 65 --- MOATLIKE suggestive of a moat [adj]
Other moves: AXLIKE 12G 34, LIMAX 12D 28, MAKE G11 28, MAKI G11 28, MIKE I11 28
MOATLIKE 8G 65 LongJump22
On 3rd draw, GRIECES 11E 40 --- GRIECE a step [n]
Other moves: COILERS K5 36, XERIC 12H 28, CRINGE 9E 24, GRECISE N2 24, SCORING 9C 24
COILERS K5 36 LongJump22
On 4th draw, ATREMB(L)E N1 84 --- ATREMBLE trembling [adj]
Other moves: BRE(G)MATE N1 76, MARBL(I)EST K4 74, BRE(G)MATE N6 73, AMBERIT(E) L3 72, AMBER(I)TE N1 72
ATREMB(L)E N1 84 LongJump22
On 5th draw, FOVEAS 1J 48 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other moves: FAUVES 10J 37, FAVOSE 10J 37, FAVOUS 10J 37, FOVEAS 10J 37, FAUVE 10J 36
FOVEAS 1J 48 Wuincunx, Zuincunx, Vuincunx, Quincunx
On 6th draw, EARWIGGY E5 82 --- EARWIGGY resembling an earwig [adj]
Other moves: WEARYING 9B 79, EARWIGGY E6 66, WEARY 2F 43, WEARY 10J 42, WYE 2I 35
WEARY 2F 43 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Zuincunx, Wuincunx
WEARY 10J 42 Pacific
On 7th draw, JENNY 12A 46 --- JENNY a female donkey [n]
Other tops: JANNY 12A 46, JANTY 12A 46
Other moves: HAJ D4 37, HAJ 10J 36, HENNA 10J 33, NEATH F2 33, HAJ 12K 31
JENNY 12A 46 Pacific, Chelsea, alpha2246
On 8th draw, ACUPOINT C6 86 --- ACUPOINT an acupuncture site [n]
Other moves: JAUP A12 39, JUCO A12 39, JATO A12 33, JIAO A12 33, JOTA A12 33
JUCO A12 39 Chelsea
On 9th draw, TAILORED 4H 74 --- TAILOR to fit with clothes [v]
Other moves: IDOLATER 4H 72, TOLARJI A7 42, JIRD A12 36, JAIL A12 33, JARL A12 33
JAIL A12 33 Chelsea, Pacific, ArcticFox
On 10th draw, EADISH B1 49 --- EADISH pasturage [n]
Other moves: DEASH B2 47, DEATH B2 47, SAITH B2 45, SIETH B2 45, TAISH B2 45
JADE A12 36 ArcticFox, Chelsea
On 11th draw, BEAT A1 41 --- BEAT to strike repeatedly [v]
Other moves: BOATER 3I 39, JOBE A12 39, ABET A1 37, JATO A12 33, JEAT A12 33
BEAT A1 41 ArcticFox, Chelsea
On 12th draw, (C)ONVEXING H7 57 --- CONVEXING
Other moves: JEHU A12 42, HELING 10J 35, HINGE 10J 34, HING 10J 31, HUGE 10J 31
(C)ONVEXING H7 57 ArcticFox, Pacific
JEHU A12 42 Chelsea
On 13th draw, JOUR A12 33 --- JOUR a day [n]
Other tops: JAIL A12 33, JARL A12 33, JIAO A12 33, JOLE A12 33, JURA A12 33, JURE A12 33
Other moves: ALURE 3K 21, ALURE A6 21, ARIEL A6 21, AULOI A6 21, AUREI A6 21
JAIL A12 33 Chelsea
On 14th draw, HAUF 10J 33 --- HAUF (Scots) half [n]
Other tops: HAAF 10J 33, HEFTE H1 33
Other moves: FAH 10J 32, FAH 5J 32, FAH F4 32, FEH 10J 32, FEH F4 32
FAH F4 32 queen66, sicilianc5
FEH F4 32 moonmonkey
On 15th draw, OWSE B9 34 --- OWSE an ox [n]
Other moves: RESEW F2 33, SEROW N10 33, SEWER N10 33, SOWER N10 33, SWEER N10 33
SWEER N10 33 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ZONED D1 53 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: ZONER D1 50, ZONED F2 48, L*ZLEZ 3G 46, REZ 3G 46, ZED A7 45
ZONED D1 53 sicilianc5, alpha2246
ZONED 14F 39 Chelsea
On 17th draw, INTERLAY 14G 76 --- INTERLAY to place between [v]
Other moves: REGALITY 15F 63, ZAIRE 1D 42, TAILYE F2 38, TAILYE 2F 37, AERILY F1 36
ZAIRE 1D 42 Chelsea
On 18th draw, QI 13G 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI G13 42
Other moves: PERI 3L 23, PLU 8A 23, POI 13M 23, POL 13M 23, PORE 3L 23
QI G13 42 Chelsea
On 19th draw, ZONED 1D 45 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other moves: IDOL 15L 29, NOULDE F2 26, ELDIN 5H 25, OLDIE 5H 25, LOUNED F1 24
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