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Game on June 9, 2024 at 14:19, 15 players
1. 354 pts vendanges
2. 350 pts LongJump22
3. 290 pts Chelsea

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aginort   H6    70    70   roating
 2. ehlmors   8H    92   162   armholes
 3. aefklst   O1    98   260   flaskets
 4. ?bdeior  11D    90   350   debonair
 5. eejntwx  10G    69   419   jinx
 6. eosttuy   6B    71   490   tutoyers
 7. aadellt   L7    25   515   tolled
 8. aceegnn   B6    63   578   tangence
 9. aopruvw   C3    39   617   vrouw
10. aeimosy  14B    60   677   samey
11. ?inpqru   N8    70   747   enquire
12. eehiopu  15E    37   784   hope
13. aeeinuv   A7    41   825   viae
14. aginotu   4H    70   895   outgains
15. acefpru  15L    52   947   curf
16. abdeiii   5E    28   975   bad
17. deiiowz   4A    46  1021   zori
18. adeeiip   A1    48  1069   peize

Remaining tiles: aadiiw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.5813 Filevendanges   3 11:46  -715  354     1.8562 LongJump22  4  3:13  -719  350 
  2.8562 FileLongJump22  4  3:13  -719  350     2.8383 Vuincunx    1  2:53  -907  162 
  3.7067 FileChelsea     1 10:25  -779  290     3.8604 Quincunx    0  0:49 -1021   48 
  4.8383 FileVuincunx    1  2:53  -907  162     4.8510 Wuincunx    0  1:35 -1021   48 
  5.5500 FileKKKKKK1112  1  1:03 -1017   52     5.8717 Zuincunx    0  1:57 -1021   48 
  6.5500 FileLLLLLL1112  1  1:27 -1017   52            Group: advanced
  7.5469 FileMMMMMM1112  1  1:51 -1017   52     1.7067 Chelsea     1 10:25  -779  290 
  8.8604 FileQuincunx    0  0:49 -1021   48     2.7609 Mycophot    0  0:36 -1033   36 
  9.8510 FileWuincunx    0  1:35 -1021   48     3.7768 sicilianc5  0  1:05 -1033   36 
 10.8717 FileZuincunx    0  1:57 -1021   48     4.7753 HollyIvy    0  1:24 -1033   36 
 11.7609 FileMycophot    0  0:36 -1033   36     5.7732 queen66     0  1:51 -1034   35 
 12.7768 Filesicilianc5  0  1:05 -1033   36            Group: novice
 13.7753 FileHollyIvy    0  1:24 -1033   36     1.5813 vendanges   3 11:46  -715  354 
 14.7732 Filequeen66     0  1:51 -1034   35     2.5500 KKKKKK1112  1  1:03 -1017   52 
 15.5502 FileJJJJJJ1112  0  1:09 -1049   20     3.5500 LLLLLL1112  1  1:27 -1017   52 
                                             4.5469 MMMMMM1112  1  1:51 -1017   52 
                                             5.5502 JJJJJJ1112  0  1:09 -1049   20 

On 1st draw, ROATING H6 70 --- ROATE to learn by repetition [v]
Other tops: ORATING H6 70
Other moves: ORATING H2 68, ORATING H3 68, ORATING H4 68, ORATING H7 68, ORATING H8 68
ORATING H6 70 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, ARMHOLES 8H 92 --- ARMHOLE an opening for the arm in a garment [n]
Other moves: OHMS G6 32, MESH G7 30, MHOS I7 30, HOMES G5 28, MHO I7 27
ARMHOLES 8H 92 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, FLASKETS O1 98 --- FLASKET a small flask [n]
Other moves: FLASKET 5B 87, FARTLEKS 6F 75, FLASKET G1 71, FLAKIEST 10D 69, TALKFEST 9A 67
FLASKETS O1 98 LongJump22
FLASKETS O1 48 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx

On 4th draw, DEBON(A)IR 11D 90 --- DEBONAIR suave [adj]
Other tops: O(V)ENBIRD 11E 90
Other moves: E(M)BODIER N8 82, BLO(O)DIER M7 78, (E)RODIBLE M2 78, BL(O)ODIER M7 76, BROIDE(R)S 4H 76
O(V)ENBIRD 11E 90 LongJump22

On 5th draw, JINX 10G 69 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: WEXE 12C 47, JETE 12A 44, WEXE 12A 42, WEX 12C 41, WEXE L10 39
XI J10 25 vendanges

On 6th draw, TUTOYERS 6B 71 --- TUTOYER to address familiarly [v]
Other moves: SUETY 12B 31, STOUTLY M3 30, EYOTS L11 29, TOEY 12C 29, SUETTY 5D 27
YET L10 23 vendanges

On 7th draw, TOLLED L7 25 --- TOLL to collect or impose a toll (a fixed charge for a service or privilege) [v]
Other moves: DATAL 12A 24, DEALT L10 23, DELTA L10 23, JINXED 10G 23, LADE 12C 23
JINXED 10G 23 vendanges
LATED 12A 23 Chelsea

On 8th draw, TANGENCE B6 63 --- TANGENCE the state of being in immediate physical contact [n]
Other moves: CANNEL 2J 28, CAGE 12A 26, AGENE 12B 24, AGENE 7B 24, CANE 12A 24
CAGE 12A 26 vendanges, Chelsea

On 9th draw, VROUW C3 39 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: VORPAL 2J 38, UNWRAP 8A 36, WAP 5E 35, W*P 5E 35, PAW 5E 34
POW 5E 34 Chelsea
WAP A13 29 vendanges

On 10th draw, SAMEY 14B 60 --- SAMEY monotonous [adj]
Other tops: SEAMY 14B 60
Other moves: YSAME 14A 44, SOMY 14B 42, INSEAM 8A 39, SOYA 14B 38, SEAM A7 37
YEA A7 36 Chelsea
YAM A13 29 vendanges

On 11th draw, ENQUIR(E) N8 70 --- ENQUIRE to inquire [v]
Other tops: ENQUIR(Y) N8 70
Other moves: QUIN(O)L 2J 68, (E)QUIP 15F 49, QUID(S) D8 48, R(E)QUIN 15E 48, (S)QUINY F1 37
QUIN(O)L 2J 68 Vuincunx
(E)QUIP 15F 49 Chelsea, vendanges

On 12th draw, HOPE 15E 37 --- HOPE to have a desire or expectation [v]
Other moves: HOP 5E 35, OUPHE 15F 35, POH 5E 34, OUPH 15F 32, PIU A7 32
HOPE 15E 37 vendanges, Chelsea
OUPHE 15F 35 queen66

On 13th draw, VIAE A7 41 --- VIA a way [n]
Other moves: VAU A7 36, VIA A7 36, VEINAL 2J 34, VENIAL 2J 34, VINEAL 2J 34
VAU A7 36 Mycophot, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
VIA A7 36 Chelsea

On 14th draw, OUTGAINS 4H 70 --- OUTGAIN to gain more than [v]
Other moves: GANT 5E 32, GNAT 5E 32, GOAT 5E 32, COATI 12B 26, ACTIN 12A 24

On 15th draw, CURF 15L 52 --- CURF an incision made by a cutting tool [n]
Other moves: CARP 15L 49, FARE 15L 49, FEAR O12 45, CARE 15L 43, CURE 15L 43
CURF 15L 52 KKKKKK1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112
CARP 15L 49 Chelsea

On 16th draw, BAD 5E 28 --- BAD something that is bad [n] --- BAD very good [adj] --- BAD not good in any way [adj]
Other moves: DAB 5E 27, DEBE 13A 26, BARDIE 4A 24, BEDE 13A 24, BIRDIE 4A 24
BAD 5E 28 vendanges

On 17th draw, ZORI 4A 46 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other tops: ZERO 4A 46
Other moves: ZOEA 3L 43, WIZ 14H 40, DOZE 14H 37, ZO 3L 37, ZED I13 34
ZORI 4A 46 Vuincunx
ZO 3L 37 vendanges

On 18th draw, PEIZE A1 48 --- PEIZE to weigh [v]
Other tops: PEAZE A1 48
Other moves: PAID 5I 30, CAID 12B 23, AIL 9J 21, IDE 12D 21, ADDEEM D9 20
PEIZE A1 48 vendanges

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