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Game on June 10, 2024 at 06:58, 11 players
1. 285 pts Chelsea
2. 259 pts LongJump22
3. 148 pts vendanges

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeegly   H7    30    30   agedly
 2. ?aeioqx   I5    43    73   doxie
 3. aamnors   5D    86   159   monardas
 4. aeilnty   F3    71   230   innately
 5. ilnorsu   K5    66   296   surloins
 6. aefikoo  J10    41   337   kaif
 7. ?ghnoot  12A    80   417   theogony
 8. deelost  L10    34   451   stoled
 9. aceinop   2F    89   540   paeonic
10. aegnprs   1G    41   581   pages
11. beeirtt  15E    83   664   bittered
12. aaeqrtv  F14    31   695   qi
13. adeeirv   A6    86   781   derivate
14. adehjuz   4A    52   833   jehu
15. abertww   3B    43   876   rebait
16. fiorvww   2A    33   909   wof
17. dimnruv   C9    26   935   vimen
18. cdiruuw   8K    27   962   ludic

Remaining tiles: ruwz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7066 FileChelsea     1  6:29  -677  285     1.8562 LongJump22  3  4:02  -703  259 
  2.8562 FileLongJump22  3  4:02  -703  259     2.8440 Quincunx    0  1:12  -929   33 
  3.5844 Filevendanges   2  6:33  -814  148     3.8383 Vuincunx    0  1:40  -929   33 
  4.8440 FileQuincunx    0  1:12  -929   33     4.8613 Wuincunx    1  1:03  -931   31 
  5.8383 FileVuincunx    0  1:40  -929   33     5.8717 Zuincunx    1  1:18  -931   31 
  6.8613 FileWuincunx    1  1:03  -931   31            Group: advanced
  7.8717 FileZuincunx    1  1:18  -931   31     1.7066 Chelsea     1  6:29  -677  285 
  8.5502 FileJJJJJJ1112  0  1:46  -934   28            Group: novice
  9.5500 FileKKKKKK1112  0  0:12  -940   22     1.5844 vendanges   2  6:33  -814  148 
 10.5500 FileLLLLLL1112  0  0:38  -940   22     2.5502 JJJJJJ1112  0  1:46  -934   28 
 11.5469 FileMMMMMM1112  0  1:01  -940   22     3.5500 KKKKKK1112  0  0:12  -940   22 
                                             4.5500 LLLLLL1112  0  0:38  -940   22 
                                             5.5469 MMMMMM1112  0  1:01  -940   22 

On 1st draw, AGEDLY H7 30 --- AGEDLY oldly [adv]
Other moves: GLADY H8 28, LEDGY H8 28, AGEDLY H3 26, AGLEY H8 26, DEELY H8 26

On 2nd draw, (D)OXIE I5 43 --- DOXIE a doctrine [n]
Other tops: AXI(L)E I6 43, AXI(T)E I6 43, AXO(N)E I6 43, IXO(R)A I6 43, OXI(D)E I6 43, OXI(M)E I6 43, O(R)IXA I6 43, (F)OXIE I5 43, (J)AXIE I5 43, (M)OXIE I5 43
Other moves: IX(I)A I8 42, (F)AIX I6 42, (I)XIA I6 42, (I)XIA I8 42, (M)OXA I7 42

On 3rd draw, MONAR(D)AS 5D 86 --- MONARDA an aromatic herb [n]
Other moves: ROADSMAN 10E 81, RAMONAS G1 74, MAN(D)ORAS 5F 68, MA(D)RONAS 5G 68, ROA(D)SMAN 5F 68
MADS 10F 25 Chelsea

On 4th draw, INNATELY F3 71 --- INNATE inborn [adv] --- INNATELY in an innate manner [adv]
Other moves: INNATELY F4 65, LITANY 6A 38, AYE J5 37, LEANY 6B 37, LINY 6C 34
AYE J5 37 Chelsea

On 5th draw, SURLOINS K5 66 --- SURLOIN the upper part of a loin of beef [n]
Other moves: INSOLE 8A 21, INSURE 8A 21, LOURIE 8A 21, NOUSLE 8A 21, NURSLE 8A 21

On 6th draw, KAIF J10 41 --- KAIF hemp smoked to produce euphoria [n]
Other tops: KIEF J10 41
Other moves: FAKER H1 39, FAKIR H1 39, KAFIR H1 39, KEFIR H1 39, FAKE 4A 38
FAKE 4A 38 Chelsea

On 7th draw, TH(E)OGONY 12A 80 --- THEOGONY an account of the origin of the gods [n]
Other moves: TOO(T)HING 3A 74, (P)HOTOING 3A 74, (S)HOOTING 3A 74, (S)OOTHING 3A 74, (T)OOTHING 3A 74
GOTH 4A 34 Chelsea

On 8th draw, STOLED L10 34 --- STOLE a long, wide scarf [adj] --- STOLED wearing a stole [adj]
Other moves: STEELD 14J 32, STOLED 14J 32, SEELD 14J 30, SOLDE 14J 30, SOLED 14J 30
SOLED 14J 30 Chelsea

On 9th draw, PAEONIC 2F 89 --- PAEONIC a rhythm pattern in verse [n]
Other tops: APNOEIC 2E 89, CANOPIED 15E 89
Other moves: APNEIC 2E 42, PANIC 2F 41, PANCE 2F 37, PECAN 2F 37, PONCE 2F 37
CAPE 2D 34 vendanges
PONCED 15G 33 Chelsea

On 10th draw, PAGES 1G 41 --- PAGE to summon by calling out the name of [v]
Other moves: ASPERGE 14I 38, NAPES 1G 37, PANES 1G 37, APSE 1G 36, PAGE 1G 36
PRANGED 15F 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, BITTERED 15E 83 --- BITTER to make resentful [v]
Other moves: TRIBE 13C 30, BETIDE 15H 27, BETTED 15G 27, BITTED 15G 27, REBITE 8A 27
BITTERED 15E 83 LongJump22
BITTERED 15E 33 Quincunx, Vuincunx
BREED 15H 24 Chelsea

On 12th draw, QI F14 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VARA 4A 30, VARE 4A 30, VERA 4A 30, LARVA 8K 27, LAVER 8K 27
QI F14 31 Wuincunx, Zuincunx, vendanges, Chelsea

On 13th draw, DERIVATE A6 86 --- DERIVATE something derived [n]
Other tops: EVIRATED A7 86
Other moves: DEVEIN 4A 34, AVERTED A8 33, DERIVE 8A 33, DEVIATE A7 33, RIVETED A8 33
DERIVATE A6 86 LongJump22
DERIVE 8A 33 vendanges

On 14th draw, JEHU 4A 52 --- JEHU a fast driver [n]
Other moves: HAZE 4A 48, JADE 4A 48, LAZED 8K 48, HAZ(E)D C9 42, DAZE 4A 40
JEHU 4A 52 LongJump22
JAM D3 24 vendanges

On 15th draw, REBAIT 3B 43 --- BAIT to set a trap [v] --- REBAIT to bait again [v]
Other moves: WAB 3B 38, WEB 3B 38, WHEW B11 33, WAR 3B 32, WAT 3B 32
WEB 3B 38 LongJump22

On 16th draw, WOF 2A 33 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: WOWF(E)R C8 30, FIV(E)R C9 28, VOW(E)R C9 28, WIV(E)R C9 28, LIVOR 8K 27
VOW(E)R C9 28 JJJJJJ1112

On 17th draw, VIM(E)N C9 26 --- VIMEN a long, flexible branch of a plant [n]
Other moves: LINUM 8K 24, MIRV(E)D C8 24, VIN(E)D C9 24, VIR(E)D C9 24, QUIM 14F 23
VIM(E)N C9 26 vendanges
VIN(E)R C9 22 KKKKKK1112, LLLLLL1112, MMMMMM1112

On 18th draw, LUDIC 8K 27 --- LUDIC aimlessly playful [adj]
Other tops: LUCID 8K 27
Other moves: WEIRD 14K 23, LURID 8K 21, QUID 14F 21, WEID 14K 21, WEIR 14K 19

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