Game on June 11, 2024 at 06:32, 16 players
1. 479 pts fatcat
2. 365 pts Chelsea
3. 126 pts LongJump22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 26 26
2. 3C 30 56
3. 5B 80 136
4. 8H 80 216
5. 6A 34 250
6. A6 27 277
7. K5 28 305
8. O8 74 379
9. J10 55 434
10. 14F 51 485
11. 15E 36 521
12. L5 28 549
13. 13I 40 589
14. M2 38 627
15. 2J 42 669
16. 1H 32 701
17. 14N 22 723
18. M10 21 744
19. 2A 20 764
20. A1 39 803
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: expert
1.6424 fatcat 2 13:32 -324 479 1.8632 LongJump22 1 2:50 -677 126
2.7065 Chelsea 2 11:09 -438 365 2.8542 Quincunx 0 0:49 -769 34
3.8632 LongJump22 1 2:50 -677 126 3.8628 Vuincunx 0 1:12 -769 34
4.6385 Hammer22 1 1:05 -765 38 4.8710 Wuincunx 0 1:35 -769 34
5.6760 Discus22 1 1:29 -765 38 5.8694 Zuincunx 0 1:55 -769 34
6.6728 ShotPut22 1 1:46 -765 38 Group: advanced
7.8542 Quincunx 0 0:49 -769 34 1.7065 Chelsea 2 11:09 -438 365
8.8628 Vuincunx 0 1:12 -769 34 2.7726 queen66 0 1:01 -772 31
9.8710 Wuincunx 0 1:35 -769 34 3.7591 moonmonkey 0 1:16 -772 31
10.8694 Zuincunx 0 1:55 -769 34 4.7473 Mycophot 0 1:31 -772 31
11.7726 queen66 0 1:01 -772 31 5.7855 sicilianc5 0 1:46 -772 31
12.7591 moonmonkey 0 1:16 -772 31 Group: intermediate
13.7473 Mycophot 0 1:31 -772 31 1.6424 fatcat 2 13:32 -324 479
14.7855 sicilianc5 0 1:46 -772 31 2.6385 Hammer22 1 1:05 -765 38
15.6194 Javelin22 0 0:08 -779 24 3.6760 Discus22 1 1:29 -765 38
16. - Moxie622 0 2:34 -789 14 4.6728 ShotPut22 1 1:46 -765 38
5.6194 Javelin22 0 0:08 -779 24
Group: not rated
1. - Moxie622 0 2:34 -789 14
On 1st draw, WELTER H4 26 --- WELTER to roll about [v]
Other moves: WRITE H4 24, WELTER H3 20, WELTER H7 20, WELTER H8 20, REWET H4 18
WRITE H4 24 fatcat
On 2nd draw, OWLETS 3C 30 --- OWLET a young nocturnal bird [n]
Other tops: TEWELS 3C 30, TOWELS 3C 30, TWEELS 3C 30
Other moves: LOWEST G3 28, LOWEST 10D 27, EWEST 10E 26, LOWES 10D 26, LOWTS 10D 26
WEST 10F 25 fatcat
On 3rd draw, KIMONOED 5B 80 --- KIMONO a loose robe [adj] --- KIMONOED wearing a kimono [adj]
Other moves: KIMONOED 8B 68, KINO 4A 38, DOOM 4C 33, MOOD 4C 33, NOMOI 4A 32
MOKO 2A 31 Chelsea
MI 2F 22 fatcat
On 4th draw, EBONI(S)ES 8H 80 --- EBONISE to stain black in imitation of ebony [v]
Other tops: EBION(I)SE 8A 80, EBION(I)SE 8H 80, EBONISE(D) 8H 80, EBONISE(S) 8H 80, EBONI(T)ES 8H 80, EBONI(Z)ES 8H 80, EB(I)ONISE 8A 80, EB(I)ONISE 8H 80
Other moves: WIS(H)BONE 4H 79, BESOIN(S) 10F 77, BE(S)OINS 10B 77, BIN(G)OES 10B 77, BIO(G)ENS 10B 77
BE 4C 29 Chelsea
BI 2F 22 fatcat
On 5th draw, CODEIA 6A 34 --- CODEIA a narcotic alkaloid [n]
Other moves: CADIE 6A 27, AIDOI 6A 25, CADE 6A 24, CADI 6A 24, CIDE 6A 24
CODE 6A 24 Chelsea
COINED K5 18 fatcat
On 6th draw, CAPOT A6 27 --- CAPOT to win all the tricks [v]
Other tops: CAPUT A6 27, COAPT A6 27
Other moves: OUTGAVE N2 26, CAGOT A6 24, CAPO A6 24, CAUP A6 24, COUP A6 24
PA 2F 22 fatcat
CAP A6 21 Chelsea
On 7th draw, AEONIAN K5 28 --- AEONIAN eternal [adj]
Other moves: WOMERA D3 24, WANIER 4H 21, WOMEN D3 20, ATONIA 7G 19, ANEAR B10 18
WOMEN D3 20 fatcat
WAME D3 18 Chelsea
On 8th draw, SA(R)TORII O8 74 --- SARTORII flat, narrow thigh muscles [n] --- SARTORIUS a flat thigh muscle, pl SARTORIUSES or SARTORII [n]
Other tops: AORTI(T)IS O1 74, O(V)ARITIS O1 74, SARTO(R)II O8 74
Other moves: AOR(T)ITIS O1 71, AORTI(T)I(S) M1 64, AOR(T)ITI(S) M1 64, O(V)ARITI(S) M1 64, RI(G)ATONI 11E 64
WOME(N) D3 18 fatcat
(B)OAR 2C 17 Chelsea
On 9th draw, JADE J10 55 --- JADE to weary [v]
Other tops: JAM J10 55, JEED J10 55
Other moves: JEEL J10 54, JEE J10 53, JA J10 52, JAM N12 43, EDEMA N11 33
JAM J10 55 Chelsea
JEED J10 55 fatcat
On 10th draw, ZETAS 14F 51 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZETAS L1 50, HAZES 10D 48, ZETAS 13I 48, ZEAS N12 45, ZEST N12 45
ZEST N12 45 Chelsea
HAZES L1 44 fatcat
On 11th draw, NARIS 15E 36 --- NARIS a nostril [n]
Other tops: LARIS 15E 36, RANIS 15E 36, SARIN 15E 36
Other moves: ANIL 15F 33, ANIS 15F 33, ARIL 15F 33, ARIS 15F 33, LARI 15E 31
SARIN 15E 36 Chelsea
RAILS L1 14 fatcat
On 12th draw, GLUING L5 28 --- GLUE to fasten with glue (an adhesive substance) [v]
Other tops: LADING L5 28
Other moves: LA 4C 27, GANG L10 26, GAUD L10 26, DUING L6 25, GUGA N12 25
UNGLAD L1 23 LongJump22
WAMED D3 22 Chelsea
GLAND L1 21 fatcat
On 13th draw, VEERY 13I 40 --- VEERY a song bird [n]
Other moves: MAUVER B9 34, AYE 2E 31, AYU 2E 31, MAYAS I11 31, YAM N12 31
MAUVER B9 34 LongJump22, Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx, Zuincunx
MAYAS I11 31 Chelsea
MAUVE M1 24 fatcat
IDEA C5 6 Moxie622
On 14th draw, MIXED M2 38 --- MIX to put together into one mass [v]
Other moves: INDEX B10 34, NIXED M2 34, MINDER B9 30, DEXIE N4 29, REMIND B9 28
MIXED M2 38 LongJump22, Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
REMIXED N3 22 fatcat
MINER 9D 8 Moxie622
On 15th draw, HAEMIC 2J 42 --- HAEMIC pertaining to the blood [adj]
Other moves: HAEMIN 2J 38, CHIME 2J 36, AHI 2E 31, ACH B1 29, ECH B1 29
CHIME 2J 36 fatcat, Chelsea
AHI 2E 31 LongJump22, queen66, moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, HYE 1H 32 --- HYE to hasten [v]
Other moves: FEH B1 31, YEH B1 31, BYE 1H 29, EF 2E 28, EH 2E 28
FE 2F 28 fatcat
ECH O1 24 Javelin22
On 17th draw, QI 14N 22 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: VELDT 6J 19, BUD 12H 16, VELD 6J 16, LITU N1 15, BRUT L12 14
QI 14N 22 fatcat
On 18th draw, GULY M10 21 --- GULY in heraldry, shown by vertical lines representing red [adj]
Other moves: GU M10 16, GUP 2A 16, PUD 12H 16, UR N4 16, LITU N1 15
PUG 2A 15 fatcat
On 19th draw, FUB 2A 20 --- FUB to cheat [v]
Other moves: FUD 12H 18, PUB 2A 18, BUD 12H 16, PUD 12H 16, TURNUP 10A 16
FUN 2A 14 fatcat
On 20th draw, PFFT A1 39 --- PFFT used to express a sudden ending [interj]
Other moves: VELDT 6J 19, FUD 12H 18, VERNANT F2 18, PUD 12H 16, UN N4 16
FE F2 13 fatcat
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