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Game on June 12, 2024 at 04:41, 2 players
1. 178 pts Chelsea
2. 122 pts Moxie622

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adeegor   H4    20    20   dragee
 2. finoort   I7    27    47   info
 3. efijnqu  J10    40    87   fique
 4. ?aoorst  15G    89   176   outsoar
 5. ?akosux  12J    38   214   quakes
 6. adeinty  13I    40   254   aunty
 7. aeorsvz   O8    42   296   razes
 8. aeeghrt   4A    80   376   gathered
 9. iilnnst  11J    27   403   inns
10. deeilmr   B1    76   479   remailed
11. eiimsuw   A7    41   520   wems
12. abcejov   1A    42   562   bravo
13. bdlooty  14B    37   599   bloody
14. ceehiln   2E    74   673   elenchi
15. eginptu   5G    74   747   erupting
16. aiioptw   1K    28   775   patio
17. ailtuvx   5D    41   816   ax
18. cdiilor  15A    32   848   loid
19. ciirtuv   3B    26   874   mic
20. ijrtuvw   N5    27   901   gju

Remaining tiles: irtvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7101 FileChelsea     2  6:18  -723  178     1.7101 Chelsea     2  6:18  -723  178 
  2.  -  FileMoxie622    0  8:45  -779  122            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Moxie622    0  8:45  -779  122 

On 1st draw, DRAGEE H4 20 --- DRAGEE a sugarcoated candy [n]
Other tops: AGREED H3 20, AGREED H7 20, DOGEAR H4 20, GEARED H4 20, GEARED H7 20
Other moves: AGREED H4 18, AGREED H8 18, DOGEAR H3 18, DOGEAR H7 18, DOGEAR H8 18

On 2nd draw, INFO I7 27 --- INFO information [n]
Other moves: ORF I7 26, FORINT G9 23, FORINT I9 23, RIFT I6 23, FRONT G9 22

On 3rd draw, FIQUE J10 40 --- FIQUE a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: FUJI J10 35, FIQUE J9 32, QUA 6F 32, EQUID 4D 30, REQUIN 5H 30

On 4th draw, O(U)TSOAR 15G 89 --- OUTSOAR to soar beyond [v]
Other tops: ORATO(R)S 15D 89, O(R)ATORS 15D 89, O(V)ATORS 15D 89, RATOO(N)S 15D 89, TOOAR(T)S 15D 89
Other moves: (F)OOTRAS 15D 86, (T)OOARTS 15D 86, (T)OOARTS K5 84, TOOAR(T)S K5 83, O(U)TROARS 5E 78
DOORS 4H 12 Moxie622

On 5th draw, QUAK(E)S 12J 38 --- QUAKE to shake or vibrate [v]
Other tops: QUA(C)KS 12J 38, QUA(R)KS 12J 38, QUOK(K)A 12J 38, QUO(K)KA 12J 38, QUO(N)KS 12J 38
Other moves: SQUA(R)K 12I 36, SQUA(W)K 12I 36, SQU(E)AK 12I 36, (M)USKOX 14C 36, QUAK(E) 12J 34

On 6th draw, AUNTY 13I 40 --- AUNTY an aunt [n]
Other moves: UNDY 13J 39, DYE 13L 36, AYE 13L 33, DENSITY O9 33, NYE 13L 33
DAINTY 4H 20 Moxie622

On 7th draw, RAZES O8 42 --- RAZE to tear down or demolish [v]
Other tops: ASSEZ O11 42, SAZES O8 42, ZEROS O8 42, ZOEAS O8 42
Other moves: RAZES J4 41, ZOS J6 39, RAZE J4 37, AZO J5 36, AZO 14M 35

On 8th draw, GATHERED 4A 80 --- GATHER to bring together into one place or group [v]

On 9th draw, INNS 11J 27 --- INN to put up at an inn (a public lodging house) [v]
Other moves: LIGNINS A2 24, ISIT 11H 22, GLINTS A4 21, LIST 3B 21, SIN 11I 20

On 10th draw, REMAILED B1 76 --- REMAIL to post again [v]
Other moves: LIEDER 3B 35, DEEM 5B 32, MEED 5B 31, DEEM 3B 30, DEME 5B 30

On 11th draw, WEMS A7 41 --- WEM a womb [n]
Other moves: MEWS A7 40, WEM A7 38, MEW A7 37, WISE A7 35, SMEW 3D 33

On 12th draw, BRAVO 1A 42 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n] --- BRAVO to applaud by shouting "bravo" [v]
Other tops: BRAVE 1A 42, CRAVE 1A 42
Other moves: JAB 7M 37, JOB 7M 37, BRACE 1A 36, CRAB 1A 33, JERBOA F2 33

On 13th draw, BLOODY 14B 37 --- BLOODY stained with blood [adj] --- BLOODY to make blood-stained [v]
Other moves: YOB 7M 29, BOY 3E 27, BLOODY 2E 26, DOB 7M 25, DOOB 7L 25

On 14th draw, ELENCHI 2E 74 --- ELENCHUS a logical refutation [n]
Other moves: LICHENED F7 72, MICHE 3B 42, MICH 3B 38, HIC 7M 29, HIC B10 29
EH 5D 25 Chelsea
ELENCHI E4 24 Moxie622

On 15th draw, ERUPTING 5G 74 --- ERUPT to break out or through [v]
Other moves: REPUTING 5H 72, REPUTING F4 69, ETTIN C3 31, GENIP 1K 30, GETUP 1K 30
PEIN 15A 30 Chelsea
PIGNUT K1 18 Moxie622

On 16th draw, PATIO 1K 28 --- PATIO an outdoor paved area adjoining a house [n]
Other moves: WO 1G 26, WAI 15A 24, IWI 15C 23, PIA 4L 23, POA 4L 23
WO 1G 26 Chelsea
PITA L4 12 Moxie622

On 17th draw, AX 5D 41 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: AX C6 40, LINUX M3 40, AXIL 3J 39, AX 4K 38, XI 4L 38
AX 5D 41 Chelsea
VITAL L4 18 Moxie622

On 18th draw, LOID 15A 32 --- LOID to open a spring lock by using a piece of celluloid [v]
Other moves: COIR 15A 30, DOC 6D 29, IODIC 7K 27, DORIC 7K 26, MIC 3B 26
COIR 15A 30 Chelsea

On 19th draw, MIC 3B 26 --- MIC short for microphone [n]
Other tops: VINIC M3 26
Other moves: URIC 7L 24, VITRIC L4 24, RUC 7M 23, TIC 7M 23, IRITIC L3 22
MIC 3B 26 Chelsea

On 20th draw, GJU N5 27 --- GJU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: WRIT G8 21, JIN M3 20, JUN M3 20, LUV 6B 18, VIRTU L4 18
VIRTU L4 18 Moxie622

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