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Game on June 14, 2024 at 06:59, 10 players
1. 164 pts LongJump22
2. 160 pts vendanges
3. 54 pts Zuincunx

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abegrtt   H4    22    22   batter
 2. ?aeinoz   5E   114   136   zabaione
 3. cehinos   J4    73   209   cohesion
 4. abehnty   6C    42   251   yeah
 5. adoorrs   M2    33   284   doosra
 6. aeloprx   7D    40   324   exalt
 7. adejmpw   L1    51   375   wampee
 8. ?ejprtu  12H    53   428   juster
 9. egiknot   8A    54   482   gonk
10. adiirrs  H12    36   518   jird
11. aegimuy   N6    33   551   gamey
12. abcefos   O7    46   597   safe
13. aegiisu   N2    24   621   sui
14. eilnopv   1H    33   654   vinew
15. einortt   A1    80   734   ottering
16. ddlopuv   C1    26   760   puddly
17. aeinrtw  14A    88   848   interwar
18. bflooqu  A11    54   902   quoif
19. cgiilov  B10    29   931   vig

Remaining tiles: bcillo

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8707 FileLongJump22  2  2:52  -767  164     1.8707 LongJump22  2  2:52  -767  164 
  2.6170 Filevendanges   2  7:46  -771  160     2.8750 Zuincunx    1  0:28  -877   54 
  3.8750 FileZuincunx    1  0:28  -877   54     3.8805 Quincunx    0  1:02  -893   38 
  4.8805 FileQuincunx    0  1:02  -893   38     4.8649 Vuincunx    0  1:26  -893   38 
  5.8649 FileVuincunx    0  1:26  -893   38     5.8616 Wuincunx    0  1:49  -893   38 
  6.8616 FileWuincunx    0  1:49  -893   38            Group: intermediate
  7.6385 FileHammer22    1  0:18  -902   29     1.6170 vendanges   2  7:46  -771  160 
  8.6760 FileDiscus22    1  0:37  -902   29     2.6385 Hammer22    1  0:18  -902   29 
  9.6232 FileJavelin22   1  0:56  -902   29     3.6760 Discus22    1  0:37  -902   29 
 10.6710 FileShotPut22   1  1:13  -902   29     4.6232 Javelin22   1  0:56  -902   29 
                                             5.6710 ShotPut22   1  1:13  -902   29 

On 1st draw, BATTER H4 22 --- BATTER to beat repeatedly [v]
Other tops: BARGE H4 22, BEGAR H4 22, BEGAT H4 22
Other moves: BETTA H4 20, GARBE H4 20, BARGE H8 18, BATTER H3 18, BATTER H7 18

On 2nd draw, ZA(B)AIONE 5E 114 --- ZABAIONE a dessert resembling custard [n]
Other moves: AZIONE(S) 10E 96, BEZO(N)IAN 4H 88, BO(T)ANIZE 4H 88, BEZONIA(N) 4H 86, ZAB(A)IONE 4F 86

On 3rd draw, COHESION J4 73 --- COHESION the act of sticking together [n]
Other moves: CHORINES 9E 65, CHINONES K2 63, ZECHINS E5 42, CHOSEN M2 41, NOH 6D 38

On 4th draw, YEAH 6C 42 --- YEAH an affirmative reply [n] --- YEAH yes [adv]
Other moves: HAY 6D 41, YAH 6D 41, BAH 6D 40, BAY 6D 40, SHANTY 8J 39

On 5th draw, DOOSRA M2 33 --- DOOSRA a certain bowling action in cricket [n]
Other tops: DORSA 7B 33
Other moves: DOOSRA 12G 30, SORDOR 12J 30, DOORS M1 29, DORRS M1 29, DORSA M2 29

On 6th draw, EXALT 7D 40 --- EXALT to place in a high position [v]
Other moves: PAX N1 39, POX N1 39, EXPLORE D6 38, EXPO 10E 38, POLEAX K10 38

On 7th draw, WAMPEE L1 51 --- WAMPEE edible Asiatic fruit [n]
Other moves: JEEP L4 50, JEED L4 47, JEE L4 40, JAPE N1 38, JAW N1 37

On 8th draw, JU(S)TER 12H 53 --- JUSTER one who jousts [n]
Other moves: J(A)PERY C1 34, PE(A)NUT K2 34, JU(S) 10F 33, UPT(H)REW 1F 33, JER(K) 8A 32

On 9th draw, GONK 8A 54 --- GONK a soft toy [n]
Other tops: GINK 8A 54
Other moves: OINK 8A 51, TINK 8A 51, TONK 8A 51, JINK H12 45, JOKE H12 45

On 10th draw, JIRD H12 36 --- JIRD an African gerbil [n]
Other moves: JARS H12 33, DAS N2 28, DIS N2 28, SAD N2 27, ARDRIS N7 24

On 11th draw, GAMEY N6 33 --- GAMEY plucky [adj]
Other tops: GAUMY N6 33
Other moves: GAMEY 10D 29, MATEY K10 28, YEAN K2 27, GYM N6 26, MAGUEY 10C 26
RAY 14H 14 vendanges

On 12th draw, SAFE O7 46 --- SAFE a metal receptacle for storing valuables [n] --- SAFE free from danger [adj] --- SAFE to make secure [v]
Other tops: SOFA O7 46
Other moves: COSE O5 38, FOBS N1 38, COBS N1 36, BOARS M9 32, EF O8 32
SAFE O7 46 vendanges

On 13th draw, SUI N2 24 --- SUI himself, herself, itself [pron] --- SUI of himself, herself, itself [adj]
Other tops: SAI N2 24, SEA N2 24, SEI N2 24
Other moves: GEAN K2 23, SAGE N12 23, SAG N12 21, SEAN K2 21, SEG N12 21
SAGE N12 23 vendanges

On 14th draw, VINEW 1H 33 --- VINEW to become mouldy [v]
Other moves: PILOW 1H 30, VIOLONE 10F 27, PERV M10 26, LENVOY C1 24, LIONET K7 24
VINEW 1H 33 vendanges

On 15th draw, OTTERING A1 80 --- OTTER to fish with a board of baited lines [v]
Other tops: INTORTED 15A 80
Other moves: TORRENT M9 29, TERRIT M9 27, TORRET M9 27, RETRO M9 25, TETRI M9 25

On 16th draw, PUDDLY C1 26 --- PUDDLY full of puddles [adj]
Other moves: PODDY C2 24, PUDDY C2 24, DOUR M9 22, DUPLY C2 22, UPDO 10E 22
DOUR M9 22 LongJump22
DORP M10 21 vendanges

On 17th draw, INTERWAR 14A 88 --- INTERWAR happening between wars [adj]
Other moves: INTERWAR 14D 65, TWIRE M9 34, RETRAIN M9 29, TERRAIN M9 29, WARIER M10 27
INTERWAR 14A 88 LongJump22
INTERWAR 14A 38 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
WART M10 23 vendanges

On 18th draw, QUOIF A11 54 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: FOOL 15A 46, FOIL A12 33, BOIL A12 27, FOLIO A11 27, FOOT K9 25
QUOIF A11 54 Zuincunx, LongJump22

On 19th draw, VIG B10 29 --- VIG short form of vigorish, a charge paid to a bookie on a bet [n]
Other moves: CIG B10 26, CIVIE D10 20, CLOVE D10 20, GIO D2 20, LIG B10 20
VIG B10 29 Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22, ShotPut22

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