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Game on June 14, 2024 at 13:52, 12 players
1. 356 pts Chelsea
2. 277 pts vendanges
3. 275 pts LongJump22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?ilorst   H7    64    64   oralist
 2. cdeoprt  11E   102   166   depictor
 3. afglotw   G7    36   202   wof
 4. adgiors  13C    74   276   gorditas
 5. enorsuw   M9    86   362   unswore
 6. aadgint  15F    83   445   indagate
 7. ?bghiin   C6    69   514   bighting
 8. eemnnrt   I5    25   539   meter
 9. aafilov   J3    32   571   alif
10. eelnooy  12K    36   607   newly
11. abiikps   2G    43   650   paiks
12. aehotuv   8A    45   695   vugh
13. deoqrxy   O8    48   743   deoxy
14. aaenoqy   1D    78   821   yaqona
15. abeeiot   K2    30   851   stab
16. aijlruz   F8    43   894   laze
17. ceimnou   3I    34   928   matico
18. eeenruv   3A    78  1006   revenue
19. eeeijtu   A1    36  1042   jure

Remaining tiles: eeit

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7183 FileChelsea     1  9:51  -686  356     1.8707 LongJump22  3  3:10  -767  275 
  2.6202 Filevendanges   2 12:13  -765  277     2.8659 Quincunx    0  0:47 -1008   34 
  3.8707 FileLongJump22  3  3:10  -767  275     3.8649 Vuincunx    0  1:15 -1008   34 
  4.6232 FileJavelin22   2  3:16  -921  121     4.8635 Wuincunx    0  1:41 -1008   34 
  5.6385 FileHammer22    1  0:35  -994   48     5.8391 Xuincunx    0  1:27 -1019   23 
  6.6760 FileDiscus22    1  1:15  -994   48            Group: advanced
  7.6710 FileShotPut22   1  1:39  -994   48     1.7183 Chelsea     1  9:51  -686  356 
  8.8659 FileQuincunx    0  0:47 -1008   34            Group: intermediate
  9.8649 FileVuincunx    0  1:15 -1008   34     1.6202 vendanges   2 12:13  -765  277 
 10.8635 FileWuincunx    0  1:41 -1008   34     2.6232 Javelin22   2  3:16  -921  121 
 11.  -  FileZuincunx    0  1:11 -1009   33     3.6385 Hammer22    1  0:35  -994   48 
 12.8391 FileXuincunx    0  1:27 -1019   23     4.6760 Discus22    1  1:15  -994   48 
                                             5.6710 ShotPut22   1  1:39  -994   48 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  Zuincunx    0  1:11 -1009   33 

On 1st draw, OR(A)LIST H7 64 --- ORALIST an advocate of oralism [n]
Other tops: LI(C)TORS H3 64, LI(C)TORS H4 64, LI(C)TORS H6 64, LI(C)TORS H7 64, LI(C)TORS H8 64, LOIT(E)RS H2 64, LOIT(E)RS H3 64, LOIT(E)RS H4 64, LOIT(E)RS H6 64, LOIT(E)RS H7 64, LORI(O)TS H2 64, LORI(O)TS H3 64, LORI(O)TS H4 64, LORI(O)TS H6 64, LORI(O)TS H7 64, L(O)RIOTS H2 64, L(O)RIOTS H4 64, L(O)RIOTS H6 64, L(O)RIOTS H7 64, L(O)RIOTS H8 64, OR(A)LIST H3 64, OR(A)LIST H4 64, OR(A)LIST H6 64, OR(A)LIST H8 64, RI(A)LTOS H3 64, RI(A)LTOS H4 64, RI(A)LTOS H6 64, RI(A)LTOS H7 64, RI(A)LTOS H8 64, SLIOT(A)R H2 64, SLIOT(A)R H3 64, SLIOT(A)R H4 64, SLIOT(A)R H6 64, SLIOT(A)R H8 64, STRO(B)IL H2 64, STRO(B)IL H3 64, STRO(B)IL H4 64, STRO(B)IL H6 64, STRO(B)IL H7 64, TOIL(E)RS H2 64, TOIL(E)RS H3 64, TOIL(E)RS H4 64, TOIL(E)RS H6 64, TOIL(E)RS H7 64, TROIL(U)S H2 64, TROIL(U)S H3 64, TROIL(U)S H4 64, TROIL(U)S H6 64, TROIL(U)S H8 64, T(A)ILORS H2 64, T(A)ILORS H4 64, T(A)ILORS H6 64, T(A)ILORS H7 64, T(A)ILORS H8 64, (B)RISTOL H2 64, (B)RISTOL H3 64, (B)RISTOL H6 64, (B)RISTOL H7 64, (B)RISTOL H8 64, (E)STRIOL H2 64, (E)STRIOL H3 64, (E)STRIOL H6 64, (E)STRIOL H7 64, (E)STRIOL H8 64, (F)IRLOTS H2 64, (F)IRLOTS H3 64, (F)IRLOTS H6 64, (F)IRLOTS H7 64, (F)IRLOTS H8 64, (F)LORIST H2 64, (F)LORIST H3 64, (F)LORIST H6 64, (F)LORIST H7 64, (F)LORIST H8 64, (N)OSTRIL H2 64, (N)OSTRIL H3 64, (N)OSTRIL H6 64, (N)OSTRIL H7 64, (N)OSTRIL H8 64
Other moves: LI(C)TORS H2 62, LI(C)TORS H5 62, LOIT(E)RS H5 62, LOIT(E)RS H8 62, LORI(O)TS H5 62
TOIL(E)RS H4 64 LongJump22

On 2nd draw, DEPICTOR 11E 102 --- DEPICTOR one that depicts [n]
Other moves: PERIDOT 11E 40, COPED G5 28, COPED I5 28, POTED G7 28, PROTECT 13B 28
DEPICTOR 11E 102 LongJump22

On 3rd draw, WOF G7 36 --- WOF a nobody,a fool (a waste of flesh) [n]
Other moves: AGLOW 10B 35, AWOL 10E 35, FLAW 10C 34, FLOW 10C 34, FAW 10D 33
AGLOW 10B 35 LongJump22
WAT 12D 17 vendanges

On 4th draw, GORDITAS 13C 74 --- GORDITA a stuffed and fried pocket of cornmeal dough [n]
Other moves: GORDITAS J6 66, IGAD I6 30, SODAIC I6 30, GAD I7 29, GOAD I6 27
GORDITAS 13C 74 LongJump22

On 5th draw, UNSWORE M9 86 --- UNSWEAR to retract something sworn [v]
Other moves: UNSWORE I1 69, ROWEN I5 35, SOWER I5 35, UNSEW I5 35, OWER I6 34
WORSEN M8 34 Quincunx, Vuincunx, Wuincunx
SWORE M11 30 Chelsea
WOS M9 24 vendanges

On 6th draw, INDAGATE 15F 83 --- INDAGATE to investigate [v]
Other moves: AGNATIC I5 30, IGAD I6 30, GAD I7 29, RATAN L11 29, GAN I7 25
INDAGATE 15F 33 Zuincunx
DENT 15L 21 vendanges, Chelsea

On 7th draw, BIGH(T)ING C6 69 --- BIGHT to fasten with a loop of rope [v]
Other moves: BINGHI(S) I1 68, BINGHI(S) N3 67, N(E)IGHBOR 8A 45, IN(C)H I6 32, G(A)B I7 31
B(A)H 10D 30 Chelsea
B(O)N 12D 23 Xuincunx
(O)B I7 13 vendanges

On 8th draw, METER I5 25 --- METER to measure by mechanical means [v]
Other moves: MEER I6 24, MEET I6 24, METE I6 24, METER 14I 24, MEW 12K 24
EM 10E 23 Chelsea

On 9th draw, ALIF J3 32 --- ALIF an Arabic letter [n]
Other tops: LOAF J3 32
Other moves: FAVE F8 31, FOLIA H1 31, OAF J4 31, VIOLA H1 31, VOILA H1 31
LOAF J3 32 Chelsea
VIOLA H1 31 vendanges

On 10th draw, NEWLY 12K 36 --- NEWLY recently [adv]
Other tops: LOGY 8A 36
Other moves: LOONY N6 33, YEWEN 12K 33, ONERY 14J 30, YOGEE 8A 30, (T)OEY 10C 30
LOGY 8A 36 vendanges
LOONY N6 33 Chelsea

On 11th draw, PAIKS 2G 43 --- PAIK to beat or strike [v]
Other tops: PIKAS 2H 43, PIKIS 2H 43
Other moves: BASK 2G 42, BISK 2G 42, KABS 2J 42, KIPS 2J 42, PAIK 2G 42
SPIKY O8 42 Chelsea
YAKS O12 33 vendanges

On 12th draw, VUGH 8A 45 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: HEAVY O8 42, AUGHT 8A 39, OUGHT 8A 39, OVATE 1K 38, EUGH 8A 36
HEAVY O8 42 Chelsea

On 13th draw, DEOXY O8 48 --- DEOXY having less oxygen than the compound from which it is derived [adj]
Other moves: DEOXY E4 47, DEXY E5 45, DOXY E5 45, OX K4 44, EX 1H 42
DEOXY O8 48 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22, Javelin22
OX K4 44 vendanges, Chelsea

On 14th draw, YAQONA 1D 78 --- YAQONA the Fijian name for kava [n]
Other moves: YAQONA D1 48, YAQONA B1 46, AQUAE B6 43, YAQONA 3B 43, AQUA B6 37
NOY 1F 37 Javelin22, Chelsea

On 15th draw, STAB K2 30 --- STAB to pierce with a pointed weapon [v]
Other tops: STOB K2 30
Other moves: BENTO 12A 28, BAITH D4 26, BEATH D4 26, AB K4 24, BIOTA B2 24
BANT 12A 22 Chelsea

On 16th draw, LAZE F8 43 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other tops: RAZE F8 43
Other moves: JARUL 14K 35, JURAL 14K 35, IZAR 2B 33, JAIL N6 33, JARL 14K 33
ZIN 12A 22 vendanges

On 17th draw, MATICO 3I 34 --- MATICO a Peruvian pepper shrub [n]
Other moves: INCOME 3B 28, MATIN 3I 28, MINCE 3C 26, ENATIC 3H 25, MONER 14I 24

On 18th draw, REVENUE 3A 78 --- REVENUE the income of a government [n]
Other tops: UNREEVE 3A 78
Other moves: VENERER 14I 40, ENERVE 14J 32, ENERVE 3B 26, ENURE 14J 24, NERVE 3C 24

On 19th draw, JURE A1 36 --- JURE by law [adv]
Other moves: JURE 14K 33, JEE N6 29, JETE B2 22, EEJIT N5 20, JEE B1 20
JURE A1 36 vendanges, Javelin22

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